
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 25. Who Hit Whom in Hong Kong? Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Gabriella.
Olivia: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Olivia.
Gabriella: And we are here with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 25. Who Hit Whom in Hong Kong?
Olivia: 係一個關於撞車嘅故事。 (hai6 jat1 go3 gwaan1 jyu1 zong6 ce1 ge3 gu3 si6 。)
Gabriella: That’s right. It’s about a small accident on the road and in this lesson, you will learn how to combine interrogative words with
Olivia: 都。 (dou1 。)
Gabriella: To say everyone or everything. So Olivia, where does this dialogue take place?
Olivia: 呢兩個人嘅車呢啱啱撞咗,不過應該就唔係好嚴重,但係呢 就唔知係邊個錯啦! (ni1 loeng5 go3 jan4 ge3 ce1 ne1 ngaam1 ngaam1 zong6 zo2 ,bat1 gwo3 jing1 goi1 zau6 m4 hai6 hou2 jim4 zung6 ,daan6 hai6 ne1 zau6 m4 zi1 hai6 bin1 go3 co3 laa3 !)
Gabriella: We will find out about the details in the dialogue and as always, they speak in casual Cantonese. So who do you think was wrong?
A:你盲咗呀?你小路出大路喎! (A: nei5 maang4 zo2 aa4? nei5 siu2 lou6 ceot1 daai6 lou6 wo3!)
B:明明係你突然衝出嚟撞到我,你仲大聲夾惡?(B: ming4 ming4 hai6 nei5 dat6 jin4 cung1 ceot1 lei4 zong6 dou2 ngo5, nei5 zung6 daai6 seng1 gaap3 ok3?)
A:刮花咋嘛,我哋私了啦! (A: gwaat3 faa1 zaa1 maa3, ngo5 dei6 si1 liu5 laa1!)
B:冇得傾,警察嚟之前你唔好諗住走,你要負全責。 (B: mou5 dak1 king1, ging2 caat3 lei4 zi1 cin4 nei5 m4 hou2 lam2 zyu6 zau2, nei5 jiu3 fu6 cyun4 zaak3.)
A:你玩嘢呀?呢度有cam㗎,邊個都走唔甩。(A: nei5 waan2 je5 aa4? ni1 dou6 jau5 CAM gaa3, bin1 go3 dou1 zau2 m4 lat1.)
B:你都幾麻煩嗰喎。 (B: nei5 dou1 gei2 maa4 faan4 go3 wo3.)
A:我今日同你死過,揸寶馬大晒咩! (A: ngo5 gam1 jat6 tung4 nei5 sei2 gwo3, zaa1 bou2 maa5 daai6 saai3 me1!)
A: Are you blind? You came out from the small path!
B: Obviously you sprang out suddenly and hit me, you're full of nonsense!
A: It's just a scratch? Let's settle it privately.
B: No way, don't go anywhere before the police arrive, it's your full responsibility.
A: Are you kidding me? There's a camera, nobody can get away with it.
B: You're such a troublemaker.
A: I'm all in! You think you're better because you drive a BMW?
Olivia: 唔.... 應該就係小路出嚟嗰個啦!因為佢應該睇清楚路面情況先出嚟家嘛! (m4 .... jing1 goi1 zau6 hai6 siu2 lou6 ceot1 lai4 go2 go3 laa1 !jan1 wai6 keoi5 jing1 goi1 tai2 cing1 co2 lou6 min2 cing4 fong3 sin1 ceot1 lai4 gaa1 maa3 !)
Gabriella: Right. I hope the police will come solve it soon or else it will become a traffic jam.
Olivia: 係啦!不過通常都好快搞掂嘅。 (hai6 laa1 !bat1 gwo3 tung1 soeng4 dou1 hou2 faai3 gaau2 dim6 ge3 。)
Gabriella: Okay. Now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Olivia: 盲。 (maang4.)
Gabriella: Blind.
Olivia: 盲, 盲。 (maang4, maang4.)
Gabriella: Next
Olivia: 衝。 (cung1.)
Gabriella: Dash.
Olivia: 衝, 衝。 (cung1, cung1.)
Gabriella: And next
Olivia: 刮 花。 (gwaat3 faa1.)
Gabriella: Scratched.
Olivia: 刮 花, 刮花。 (gwaat3 faa1, gwaat3 faa1.)
Gabriella: Then we have
Olivia: 私了。 (si1 liu5.)
Gabriella: To settle privately.
Olivia: 私 了, 私了。 (si1 liu5, si1 liu5.)
Gabriella: Next.
Olivia: 警察。 (ging2 caat3.)
Gabriella: Police.
Olivia: 警 察, 警察。 (ging2 caat3, ging2 caat3.)
Gabriella: The next word is
Olivia: 負全責。 (fu6 cyun4 zaak3.)
Gabriella: To take full responsibility.
Olivia: 負 全 責, 負全責。 (fu6 cyun4 zaak3, fu6 cyun4 zaak3.)
Gabriella: Next.
Olivia: 麻煩。 (maa4 faan4.)
Gabriella: Troublesome.
Olivia: 麻 煩, 麻煩。 (maa4 faan4, maa4 faan4.)
Gabriella: And the last word is
Olivia: 大晒。 (daai6 saai3.)
Gabriella: Big deal.
Olivia: 大 晒, 大晒。 (daai6 saai3, daai6 saai3.)
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is troublesome.
Olivia: 麻煩。 (maa4 faan4 。)
Gabriella: That’s the adjective right and what would be troublemaker?
Olivia: 咁就係 麻煩友。 (gam3 zau6 hai6 maa4 faan4 jau5 。)
Gabriella: Someone who is very annoying or causing trouble all the time.
Olivia: 係啦!佢正一麻煩友。 (hai6 laak3 !keoi5 zing3 jat1 maa4 faan4 jau5 。)
Gabriella: He or she is such a troublemaker. I hope you are not talking about anyone we know.
Olivia: 梗係唔係啦! ( gang2 hai6 m4 hai6 laa1 !)
Gabriella: So next is big deal. How do we use it exactly?
Olivia: 通常話呢 邊個大晒就即係邊個話晒事,其他人全部都要聽佢講㗎! ( tung1 soeng4 waa6 ne1 bin1 go3 daai6 saai3 zau6 zik1 hai6 bin1 go3 waa6 saai3 si6 ,kei4 taa1 jan4 cyun4 bou6 dou1 jiu3 teng1 keoi5 gong2 gaa3 !)
Gabriella: Someone who is superior to everyone else so that others have to obey him. So it’s like a boss.
Olivia: Ah …. 都可以咁講啦! 就好似喺唔同場合嘅波士咁,例如, “今日我生日 我大晒。” (dou1 ho2 ji5 gam3 gong2 laa1 ! zau6 hou2 ci5 hai2 m4 tung4 coeng4 hap6 ge3 bo1 si2 gam2 ,lai6 jyu4 , “gam1 jat6 ngo5 saang1 jat6 ngo5 daai6 saai3 。”)
Gabriella: It’s my birthday today, so I am in charge.
Olivia: 係啦!咁仲有一句成日聽到嘅 就係, “有錢大晒呀?” (hai6 laak3 !gam2 zung6 jau5 jat1 geoi3 sing4 jat6 teng1 dou2 ge3 zau6 hai6 , “jau5 cin2 daai6 saai3 aa4 ?”)
Gabriella: You think you are better than everyone just because you are rich. Very useful. So now let’s move on to the grammar. It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

Gabriella: In this lesson you will learn about the adverb…
Olivia: 都。 (dou1 。)
Gabriella: You are probably familiar with using it when you want to say to, also or as well but in this lesson, we will talk about another function to express all, everything without any exception and absolutely everyone. Before we get into the grammar point, let’s have a quick review of its simple use. For example
Olivia: 我都去。 (ngo5 dou1 heoi3 。)
Gabriella: This means, I am going to.
Olivia: 仲有就係 如果有人問你同你朋友一啲你哋都唔知嘅嘢,咁你個朋友就答,“我唔知。” 咁你就答, “我都唔知。” (zung6 jau5 zau6 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 jau5 jan4 man6 nei5 tung4 nei5 pang4 jau5 jat1 di1 nei5 dei6 dou1 m4 zi1 ge3 je5 ,gam2 nei5 go3 pang4 jau5 zau6 daap3 ,“ngo5 m4 zi1 。” gam2 nei5 zau6 daap3 , “ngo5 dou1 m4 zi1 。”)
Gabriella: Right. Suppose you and your friend are questioned about something that neither of you know, if your friend said, I don’t know, you could say, I also don’t know.
Olivia: 冇錯嘞!但係今堂我哋講嘅係 “都” 字嘅另一個用法。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !daan6 hai6 gam1 tong4 ngo5 dei6 gong2 ge3 hai6 “dou1 ” zi6 ge3 ling6 jat1 go3 jung6 faat3 。)
Gabriella: Yes. Now I will talk about another usage. In the dialogue, one of the drivers said,
Olivia: 邊個都走唔甩。 (bin1 go3 dou1 zau2 m4 lat1 。)
Gabriella: Literally nobody can escape. Let’s break it down.
Olivia: 係啦!”邊個”係個疑問代詞, 然之後喺後面加個 ”都” 字, 再加 “走唔甩”, 就係冇一個人走得甩咁解啦! ( hai6 laak3 !”bin1 go3 ”hai6 go3 ji4 man6 doi6 ci4 , jin4 zi1 hau6 hai2 hau6 min6 gaa1 go3 ”dou1 ” zi6 , zoi3 gaa1 “zau2 m4 lat1 ”, zau6 hai6 mou5 jat1 go3 jan4 zau2 dak1 lat1 gam2 gaai2 laak3 !)
Gabriella: Right. So when we add a magic word for this lesson
Olivia: 都。 (dou1 。)
Gabriella: After the interrogative pronoun who, it becomes anyone or everyone. It’s then followed by can’t escape. Everyone plus can’t escape equals nobody can escape.
Olivia: 係啦!再嚟多個例子 - 邊個都做到。 (hai6 laak3 !zoi3 lei4 do1 go3 lai6 zi2 - bin1 go3 dou1 zou6 dou2 。)
Gabriella: Well I know it’s everyone plus can do. So does it mean, everyone can do it?
Olivia: 完全正確呀! (jyun4 cyun4 zing3 kok3 aa3!)
Gabriella: Now I wonder, can the same pattern apply to other interrogative words?
Olivia: 咦!問得好喎!答案係可以嘅,例如 乜嘢都 ……. (ji2 !man6 dak1 hou2 wo3 !daap3 ngon3 hai6 ho2 ji5 ge3 ,lai6 jyu4 mat1 je5 dou1 …….)
Gabriella: Everything, anything or whatever.
Olivia: 幾時都 ……. (gei2 si4 dou1 …….)
Gabriella: Anytime, whenever or all the time.
Olivia: 邊度都……. (bin1 dou6 dou1 …….)
Gabriella: Everywhere, anywhere or wherever.
Olivia: 邊樣都……. (bin1 joeng6 dou1 …….)
Gabriella: Whichever or all.
Olivia: 點樣都……. (dim2 joeng2 dou1 …….)
Gabriella: Anyhow, anyway or however. Can you give us some examples using these phrases?
Olivia: 當然啦! 例如 佢乜嘢都唔識。 (dong1 jin4 laa1 ! lai6 jyu4 keoi5 mat1 je5 dou1 m4 sik1 。)
Gabriella: He or she doesn’t know anything.
Olivia: 我幾時都得閒。 (ngo5 gei2 si4 dou1 dak1 haan4 。)
Gabriella: I am free anytime.
Olivia: 我邊度都唔想去。(ngo5 bin1 dou6 dou1 m4 soeng2 heoi3 。)
Gabriella: I don’t want to go anywhere.
Olivia: 邊樣都得。 (bin1 joeng6 dou1 dak1 。)
Gabriella: Whichever is fine.
Olivia: 我點樣都就晒你。 (ngo5 dim2 joeng2 dou1 zau6 saai3 nei5 。)
Gabriella: I will accommodate anyway you like.


Gabriella: For more examples, please check out our lesson notes. Well that’s all for this lesson and for this series. We hope you enjoyed it and found it useful.
Olivia: Listeners, do you know the powerful secret behind rapid progress.
Gabriella: Using the entire system.
Olivia: Lesson notes are an important part of this system.
Gabriella: They include a transcript and translation of the conversation.
Olivia: Key lesson vocabulary.
Gabriella: And detailed grammar explanations.
Olivia: Lesson notes accompany every audio or video lesson.
Gabriella: Use them on the site or mobile device or print them out.
Olivia: Using the lesson notes with audio and video media will rapidly increase your learning speed.
Gabriella: Go to cantoneseclass101.com and download the lesson notes for this lesson right now. We will see you again in another series. Thanks for listening, bye everyone.
Olivia: 大家加油呀!(daai6 gaa1 gaa1 jau4 aa3 !) Bye bye.


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