
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole。
David: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 2. Nothing Less Than The Best in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 而內容呢係關於買鞋個噃。 (ji4 noi6 jung4 ne1 hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 maai5 haai4 go3 bo3 。)
David: Right. It’s about buying shoes. The dialogue here takes place in a shoe store. We have a customer who is trying to find shoes that are his or her size and that are the right color for what...
Nicole: 唔,好緊要,顏色同埋 size 都好緊要。 (m4 ,hou2 gan2 jiu3 ,ngaan4 sik1 tung4 maai4 size dou1 hou2 gan2 jiu3 。)
David: Right. The question is, do you buy the black shoes. So this is casual Cantonese as always. Let’s get to the dialogue. The secret is that whatever you find in the clothing store here is perfect.
A: 唔該,呢對白色嘅鞋有冇八碼? (A: m4 goi1, ni1 deoi3 baak6 sik1 haai4 jau5 mou5 baat3 maa5?)
B: 唔好意思,剩返七碼咋。不過黑色嘅有八碼,要唔要試下? (B: m4 hou2 ji3 si1, zing6 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3. bat1 gwo3 haak1 sik1 jau5 baat3 maa5, jiu3 m4 jiu3 si3 haa5?)
A: 好呀,唔該。 (A: hou2 aa3, m4 goi1.)
B: 黑色都幾啱你吖,襯得你皮膚白呀,又容易襯衫。 (B: haak1 sik1 dou1 gei2 aam1 nei5 aa1, can3 dak1 nei5 pei4 fu1 baak6 aa3, jau6 jung4 ji6 can3 saam1.)
A: 但係我屋企有好多黑色鞋喇。 (A: daan6 hai6 ngo5 uk1 kei2 jau5 hou2 do1 haak1 sik1 haai4 laa6.)
B: 呢對係真皮做嘅軟底鞋。鞋底又有透氣孔,著住好舒服。 (B: ni1 deoi3 hai6 zan1 pei2 zou6 ge3 jyun5 dai2 haai4. haai4 dai2 jau6 jau5 tau3 hei3 hung2, zoek3 zhu6 hou2 syu1 fuk6.)
A: 但係我都係比較鍾意白色嗰對喎。 (A: daan6 hai6 ngo5 dou1 hai6 bei2 gaau3 zung1 ji3 baak6 sik1 go2 deoi3 wo3.)
B: 咁... 我幫你查下其它鋪頭有冇貨吖,你稍等。 (B: gam2... ngo5 bong1 nei5 caa4 haa5 kei4 taa1 pou3 tau2 jau5 mou5 fo3 aa1, nei5 saau2 dang2.)
A: Excuse me. Do you have this pair of white shoes in size 8?
B: Sorry. We only have size 7 left. But for the black ones we have your size. Would you like to try?
A: Yes, please.
B: Black suits you. Your skin looks perfect. Plus, black goes with everything.
A: But I have many black shoes at home already.
B: The shoes are made of genuine leather. The soles are soft, and have air holes. They are really comfortable.
A: But I still prefer the white ones.
B: Then I'll help you check if the other stores have anything in stock. Please wait.
Nicole: Hmm, 或者係啩! (waak6 ze2 hai6 gwaa3 !)
David: And that looks so good on you Nicole. Anyway, our vocab is useful for buying shoes. So let’s get to it.
Nicole: 碼。 ( maa5 。)
David: Measure word for sizes.
Nicole: 碼, 碼, 剩返。 (maa5, maa5, zing6 faan1.)
David: To have left.
Nicole: 剩 返, 剩返, 襯。 (zing6 faan1, zing6 faan1, can3. )
David: To suit.
Nicole: 襯, 襯, 真皮。 (can3, can3, zan1 pei2.)
David: Genuine leather.
Nicole: 真 皮, 真皮, 鞋底。 (zan1 pei2, zan1 pei2, haai4 dai2.)
David: Shoe sole.
Nicole: 鞋 底, 鞋底, 鞋帶。 (haai4 dai2, haai4 dai2, haai4 daai2.)
David: Shoelaces.
Nicole: 鞋 帶, 鞋帶, 波鞋。 (haai4 daai2, haai4 daai2, bo1 haai4.)
David: Sports shoes.
Nicole: 波 鞋, 波鞋, 高踭鞋。 (bo1 haai4, bo1 haai4, gou1 zaang1 haai4. )
David: High heels.
Nicole: 高 踭 鞋, 高踭鞋, 透氣孔。 (gou1 zaang1 haai4, gou1 zaang1 haai4, tau3 hei3 hung2.)
David: Air holes.
Nicole: 透 氣 孔, 透氣孔, 貨。 (tau3 hei3 hung2, tau3 hei3 hung2, fo3. )
David: Stock.
Nicole: 貨, 貨。 (fo3, fo3.)
David: Okay. So our lesson is about shoe vocab. Nicole, there are two words here that sound very, very close.
Nicole: 唔, 鞋底, 鞋帶。 (m4 , haai4 dai2 , haai4 daai2 。)
David: Let’s hear those again.
Nicole: 鞋底, 鞋帶。 (haai4 dai2 , haai4 daai2 。)
David: Right. Apparently, this is very clear to native Cantonese speakers. I have trouble with it. Nicole, what’s the difference?
Nicole: 鞋底 (haai4 dai2 ), Your mouth is smaller. 鞋帶, 你個咀大啲 。 (haai4 daai2 , nei5 go3 zeoi2 daai6 di1 。)
David: What about tones?
Nicole: They are the same. 一樣嘅 (jat1 joeng6 ge3) tone.
David: Yeah. So let’s hear them again. The first is the sole of the shoe.
Nicole: 鞋底。 (haai4 dai2 。)
David: And the second is the shoelaces.
Nicole: 鞋帶。 (haai4 daai2 。)
David: And if you have problems with this, you should write Nicole and complain to Nicole. In addition to that, we taught you the words for sports shoes.
Nicole: 波鞋。 (bo1 haai4 。)
David: And high heel shoes.
Nicole: 高踭鞋。 (gou1 zaang1 haai4 。)
David: We have other kinds of shoes here. We’ve got sports shoes.
Nicole: 波鞋。 (bo1 haai4 。)
David: And these are generic exercise shoes. They are kind of like running shoes and cross trainers.
Nicole: 唔, 冇錯。 (m4 , mou5 co3 。)
David: Where does the name come from? It’s the 波 ( bo1 ) here is it’s ball.
Nicole: Yes football, basketball. That’s why it’s called 波鞋 (bo1 haai4 )。
David: Yeah. So it’s literally ball shoes right?
Nicole: Umm 波鞋。 (bo1 haai4 。)
David: The second, we’ve got high heeled shoes.
Nicole: 高踭鞋。 (gou1 zaang1 haai4 。)
David: Which is a bit clearer.
Nicole: 冇錯, 高踭鞋 (mou5 co3 , gou1 zaang1 haai4 ) And the character “踭”嘅意思呢就係 heel, 個“踭”, 所以係高嘅踭, 高踭鞋。 (“zaang1 ”ge3 ji3 si1 ne1 zau6 hai6 heel , go3 “zaang1 ”, so2 ji5 hai6 gou1 ge3 zaang1 , gou1 zaang1 haai4 。 )
David: Yeah literally high heeled shoes and other than that, shoe names are really pretty literal in Cantonese.
Nicole: 冇錯。 (mou5 co3 。)
David: For instance, you could have dance shoes.
Nicole: 舞鞋。 (mou5 haai4 。)
David: Right or Ballet shoes.
Nicole: 芭蕾舞鞋。 (baa1 leoi4 mou5 haai4 。)
David: Right. So just put the word in front of the word for shoes and we are set. Okay we also have an interesting word here which is our measure word if we are talking about sizes.
Nicole: 碼。 ( maa5 。)
David: So size 7.
Nicole: 七碼。 (cat1 maa5 。)
David: Size 10.
Nicole: 十碼。 (sap6 maa5 。)
David: Right or size 36.
Nicole: 36 碼, 而且佢仲可以表示係衣服嘅尺碼, 譬如 XL 碼。 (saam1 sap6 luk6 maa5 , ji4 ce2 keoi5 zung6 ho2 ji5 biu2 si6 hai6 ji1 fuk6 ge3 cek3 maa5 , pei3 jyu4 XL maa5 。)
David: Yes or medium.
Nicole: M 碼 (maa5 ) or in my case XS 碼。(maa5 。)
David: Right. Nicole is very, very proud of that.
Nicole: I am really proud.

Lesson focus

David: Okay. So that’s our vocab for today. Our grammar point is about a sentence pattern that is really useful. So let’s move on to that. It’s grammar time. Okay in our grammar section for today, we want to talk about a specific sentence pattern we hear in the dialogue.
Nicole: 剩返 ... 咋。 (zing6 faan1 ... zaa3 。)
David: Let’s hear that again.
Nicole: 剩返 ... 咋。 (zing6 faan1 ... zaa3 。)
David: And that means to have only something left.
Nicole: 剩返 ... 咋, 咁喺個 dialogue 入面呢我哋聽到, “唔好意思,剩返七碼咋。” ( zing6 faan1 ... zaa3 , gam2 hai2 go3 dialogue jap6 min6 ne1 ngo5 dei6 teng1 dou2 , “m4 hou2 ji3 si1 ,zing6 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3 。”)
David: I am sorry. We only have size 7 left.
Nicole: 唔好意思,剩返七碼咋, 剩返乜嘢咋, 係非常之 common 嘅一個 structure 嚟嘅。 (m4 hou2 ji3 si1 ,zing6 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3 , zing6 faan1 mat1 je5 zaa3 , hai6 fei1 soeng4 zi1 common ge3 jat1 go3 structure lai4 ge3 。)
David: Yeah.
Nicole: 譬如你去餐廳食飯, 咁個 waiter 可能會講, “今日人好多呀! 剩返兩人枱咋!” (pei3 jyu4 nei5 heoi3 caan1 teng1 sik6 faan6 , gam2 go3 waiter ho2 nang4 wui2 gong2 , “gam1 jat6 jan4 hou2 do1 aa3 ! zing6 faan1 loeng5 jan4 toi2 zaa3 !”)
David: Right. So that’s something you might hear if you go to a restaurant and it is packed on Friday night or Thursday night and they don’t have space for your party floor. They are going to tell you …..
Nicole: 剩返兩人枱咋! ( zing6 faan1 loeng5 jan4 toi2 zaa3 !)
David: We only have a table for two.
Nicole: 剩返兩人枱咋! (zing6 faan1 loeng5 jan4 toi2 zaa3 !)
David: In our last lesson, we talked about going to the movies and buying tickets. Now if you are going to go and see a new show, sometimes tickets can be hard to buy and in that case, you might hear someone say
Nicole: 七點半冇飛囉喎! 九點半剩返三張咋! (cat1 dim2 bun3 mou5 fei1 lo3 wo3 ! gau2 dim2 bun3 zing6 faan1 saam1 zoeng1 zaa3!)
David: Right. You are buying tickets at 6 o’ clock. There are two showings in the evenings. The person who is selling the ticket says, they are almost sold out.
Nicole: 七點半冇飛囉喎! 九點半有三張飛。 (cat1 dim2 bun3 mou5 fei1 lo3 wo3 ! gau2 dim2 bun3 jau5 saam1 zoeng1 fei1 。)
David: There are no tickets for the 7:30 showing. There are only three left for the 9:30 showing and that’s where we hear this pattern.
Nicole: 九點半剩返三張飛咋! (gau2 dim2 bun3 zing6 faan1 saam1 zoeng1 zaa3!)
David: Right. So the pattern here is
Nicole: 剩返 ... 咋。 (zing6 faan1 ... zaa3 。)
David: But this isn’t the only way of saying this.
Nicole: 冇錯, 我哋仲可以講, 得返... 咋。 (mou5 co3 , ngo5 dei6 zung6 ho2 ji5 gong2 , dak1 faan1 ... zaa3 。)
David: For instance, there are only three tickets left at 9:30.
Nicole: 九點半得返三張飛咋! (gau2 dim2 bun3 dak1 faan1 saam1 zoeng1 fei1 zaa3 !
David: There is only space for two.
Nicole: 得返兩人枱咋! (dak1 faan1 loeng5 jan4 toi2 zaa3 !)
David: Or from our dialogue, we only have size 7 left.
Nicole: 得返七碼咋。 ( dak1 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3 。)
David: Right. And if you want, you can combine those two patterns into one super pattern.
Nicole: 淨係得返 …….. 咋! (zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 …….. zaa3 !)
David: Which means exactly the same thing. There is only X left.
Nicole: 淨係得返 …….. 咋! 譬如話 淨係得返 七碼咋。 (zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 …….. zaa3 ! pei3 jyu4 waa6 zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3 。 )
David: We only have size 7 left.
Nicole: 淨係得返兩人枱咋! ( zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 loeng5 jan4 toi2 zaa3 !)
David: We only have a table for two.
Nicole: 淨係得返三張飛咋! (zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 saam1 zoeng1 fei1 zaa3 !)
David: We only have three tickets left and it’s a bit longer. It puts a bit more emphasis on it.
Nicole: So that’s why you have to say quicker. 淨係得返, 淨係得返。 (zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 , zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 。)
David: Yes. So you can practice that and with that, that’s the end of our lesson. Oh and Nicole, there is one extra thing you wanted to point out too…
Nicole: 冇錯喇! 除咗 “咋” in the end, 你可以講 ……. ”咋喎”。 ( mou5 co3 laak3 ! ceoi4 zo2 “zaa3 ” in the end , nei5 ho2 ji5 gong2 ……. ”zaa3 wo3”。)
David: Right. So there is a – you can change endings too…
Nicole: 冇錯。 (mou5 co3 。)
David: The one we used in this lesson was
Nicole: 剩返 ... 咋。(zing6 faan1 ... zaa3 。)
David: But you can also say
Nicole: 剩返 ... 咋喎。(zing6 faan1 ... zaa3 wo3。)
David: So why don’t we hear this variant with our three examples just to close.
Nicole: 剩返七碼咋喎。(zing6 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3 wo3。)
David: We’ve only got seven left.
Nicole: 剩返七碼咋喎, 得返兩人枱咋喎, 淨係得返三張飛咋喎。 (zing6 faan1 cat1 maa5 zaa3 wo3, dak1 faan1 loeng5 jan4 toi2 zaa3 wo3, zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 3 zoeng1 fei1 zaa3 wo3。)


David: Okay and with that, that’s our show for today. As always, we want to remind you. We have an email address you can use to contact us.
Nicole: 冇錯, 就係 (mou5 co3 , zau6 hai6) Contactus@cantoneseclass101.com
David: Right. The email address wants you to contact us and of course, if you haven’t yet, you can use your own email address to sign up and get free stuff from our website including access to our shows and a couple of premium features too. Okay?
Nicole: 冇錯。 (mou5 co3 。)
David: So with that, we hope you had a good time and please let us know what you think. From Hong Kong, I am David.
Nicole: 我係 (ngo5 hai6) Nicole。
David: Thanks for listening. We will see you on the site.
Nicole: 下次見 (haa6 ci3 gin3), Bye bye.


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