
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: And we are here today with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 19. An Economic Crisis in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 唔,我哋開始講啲正經嘢啦! (m4 ,ngo5 dei6 hoi1 ci2 gong2 di1 zing3 ging1 je5 laa1 !)
David: Yeah. And Nicole knows the most important crisis is what is happening to our Christmas bonus.
Nicole: 啊!太重要啦!實在係。 (aa1 !taai3 zung6 jiu3 laa3 !sat6 zoi6 hai6 。)
David: So Nicole, we’ve got a dialogue here. Who is it between and what are they talking about. Give us an intro.
Nicole: 唔,兩個朋友講緊而家經濟危機對佢哋做成嘅影響吖! (m4 ,loeng5 go3 pang4 jau5 gong2 gan2 ji4 gaa1 ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 deoi3 keoi5 dei6 zou6 sing4 ge3 jing2 hoeng2 aa1 !)
David: Yeah and they are talking about how the situation is affecting their company. Okay so this is casual Cantonese as always. Let’s take a listen.
A:第四季度嘅GDP下滑咗喎。 (A: dai6 sei3 gwai3 dou6 ge3 GDP haa6 waat6 zo2 wo3.)
B:係呀,經濟危機搞到一鑊泡。 (B: hai6 aa3, ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 gaau2 dou3 jat1 wok6 pou5.)
A:失業率又升,通脹率又降,總之好弊。 (A: sat1 jip6 leot2 jau6 sing1, tung1 zoeng3 leot2 jau6 gong3, zung2 zi1 hou2 bai6.)
B:唔使驚!我哋個市場好樂觀,今年銷售額仲升緊。 (B: m4 sai2 geng1! ngo5 dei6 go3 si5 coeng4 hou2 lok6 gun1, gam1 nin4 siu1 sau6 ngaak2 zung6 sing1 gan2.B: m4 sai2 geng1! ngo5 dei6 go3 si5 coeng4 hou2 lok6 gun1, gam1 nin4 siu1 sau6 ngaak2 zung6 sing1 gan2.)
A:你唔知㗎喇,我老細根據市場經濟表現嚟定我哋嘅獎金呀! (A: nei5 m4 zi1 gaa3 laa6, ngo5 lou5 sai3 gan1 geoi3 si5 coeng4 ging1 zai3 biu2 jin6 lei4 ding6 ngo5 dei6 ge3 zoeng2 gam1 aa6!)
B:即係點呀? (B: zik1 hai6 dim2 aa6?)
A:即係如果市場通縮,我哋唔單止冇冬至獎金,仲要扣錢添! (A: zik1 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 si5 coeng4 tung1 suk1, ngo5 dei6 m4 daan1 zi2 mou5 dung1 zi3 zoeng2 gam1, zung6 jiu3 kau3 cin2 tim1!)
B:咁都得?犯法嗰喎! (B: gam2 dou1 dak1? faan6 faat3 go3 wo3!)
A:宏觀經濟規律喎... 冇人明。 (A: wang4 gun1 ging1 zai3 kwai1 leot wo2... mou5 jan4 ming4.)
A: GDP growth slipped in the fourth quarter.
B: Yeah, the financial crisis has really caused a mess.
A: Unemployment is up, and inflation is down. This is bad news.
B: Don't worry! Our market is doing well, and sales are going up this year.
A: You don't understand. The boss pegs our bonus to overall economic performance!
B: What does that mean?
A: If the economy deflates, not only isn't there any Christmas bonus, but we also have to pay money back!
B: What? That's illegal!
A: (He said) it's macroeconomics... No one understands.
Nicole: Alright.
David: This is not true. They will not actually take money back from you. They just don’t give you any.
Nicole: 冇錯,希望係假嘅。 (mou5 co3 ,hei1 mong6 hai6 gaa3 ge3 。)
David: Yeah. Anyway, our vocab today is all about economics. So let’s get to it.
Nicole: 經濟。 (ging1 zai3.)
David: Economy.
Nicole: 經 濟, 經濟, 季度。 (ging1 zai3, ging1 zai3, gwai3 dou6.)
David: Quarter.
Nicole: 季 度, 季度, 下滑。 (gwai3 dou6, gwai3 dou6, haa6 waat6.)
David: To fall.
Nicole: 下 滑, 下滑, 上升。 (haa6 waat6, haa6 waat6, soeng6 sing1.)
David: To rise.
Nicole: 上 升, 上升, 失業率。 (soeng6 sing1, soeng6 sing1, sat1 jip6 leot2.)
David: Unemployment rate.
Nicole: 失 業 率, 失業率, 通脹率。 (sat1 jip6 leot2, sat1 jip6 leot2, tung1 zoeng3 leot2.)
David: Inflation rate.
Nicole: 通 脹 率, 通脹率, 銷售額。 (tung1 zoeng3 leot2, tung1 zoeng3 leot2, siu1 sau6 ngaak2.)
David: Sales volume.
Nicole: 銷 售 額, 銷售額, 通縮。 (siu1 sau6 ngaak2, siu1 sau6 ngaak2, tung1 suk1.)
David: To deflate.
Nicole: 通 縮, 通縮, 一鑊泡。 (tung1 suk1, tung1 suk1, jat1 wok6 pou5.)
David: A big mess.
Nicole: 一 鑊 泡, 一鑊泡, 弊。 (jat1 wok6 pou5, jat1 wok6 pou5, bai6.)
David: Terrible.
Nicole: 弊, 弊。 (bai6, bai6.)
David: Okay let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Obviously we have the words for economy.
Nicole: 經濟。 (ging1 zai3 。)
David: Right. And economic performance is what?
Nicole: 經濟表現, 譬如話今年嘅經濟表現唔錯喎! (ging1 zai3 biu2 jin6 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 gam1 nin4 ge3 ging1 zai3 biu2 jin6 m4 co3 wo3!)
David: Right. The economic performance this year is good.
Nicole: 今年嘅經濟表現唔錯喎! (gam1 nin4 ge3 ging1 zai3 biu2 jin6 m4 co3 wo3!)
David: Yeah or the economy is doing well.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: Right. The economy is divided into four quarters or seasons.
Nicole: 四個季度。 (sei3 go3 gwai3 dou6 。)
David: Right four seasons. Our dialogue is taking place at the end of the last one.
Nicole: 第四季度。 (dai6 sei3 gwai3 dou6 。)
David: Right which is the most important season when it comes to the Christmas bonus.
Nicole: 唔,聖誕節嘅獎金。 (m4 ,sing3 daan3 zit3 ge3 zoeng2 gam1 。)
David: Yes. We did a bit of a loose translation here. In the dialogue, we didn’t actually say Christmas.
Nicole: 我哋話 冬至嘅獎金。 (ngo5 dei6 waa6 dung1 zi3 ge3 zoeng2 gam1 。)
David: Right because there is a Christmas bonus in Hong Kong but it’s not really Christmas. What is it again?
Nicole: 冬至。 (dung1 zi3 。)
David: The winter Salsitas.
Nicole: 冬至。 (dung1 zi3 。)
David: Which is I think December 21st, right?
Nicole: 唔,差唔多嗰...嗰日。 (m4 ,caa1 m4 do1 go2 ...go2 jat6 。)
David: Yeah. So it’s kind of the longest day of the year.
Nicole: 冇錯。 ( mou5 co3 。)
David: That’s when the Christmas bonus, the annual bonus comes down in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 香港人一般都會喺嗰日呢會放假嘅, 咁提前就慶祝冬天嘅到嚟。 (hoeng1 gong2 jan4 jat1 bun1 dou1 wui2 hai2 go2 jat6 ne1 wui2 fong3 gaa3 ge3 , gam2 tai4 cin4 zau6 hing3 zuk1 dung1 tin1 ge3 dou3 lai4 。)
David: Yeah. So it is a bit of a holiday.
Nicole: 係呀! ( hai6 aa3 !)
David: The rest of our vocab is really more closely the financial news. We have verbs for to fall.
Nicole: 下滑。 (haa6 waat6 。)
David: To fall.
Nicole: 下滑。 (haa6 waat6 。)
David: And to rise.
Nicole: 上升。 (soeng6 sing1 。)
David: To rise.
Nicole: 上升。 (soeng6 sing1 。)
David: And we are talking about increases and decreases in value.
Nicole: 冇錯啦!譬如話 股市上升。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !pei3 jyu4 waa6 gu2 si5 soeng6 sing1 。)
David: Right. Stocks can go up.
Nicole: 或者價錢下滑。 (waak6 ze2 gaa3 cin2 haa6 waat6 。)
David: The price of gold can go down. We also have words like unemployment rate here.
Nicole: 失業率。 (sat1 jip6 leot2 。)
David: Unemployment rate.
Nicole: 失業率。 (sat1 jip6 leot2 。)
David: And inflation rate.
Nicole: 通脹率。 (tung1 zoeng3 leot2 。)
David: Inflation rate.
Nicole: 通脹率。 (tung1 zoeng3 leot2 。)
David: And we already know the word for rate. So the only new stuff here is these economic terms. In our dialogue, we also had the verb to deflate.
Nicole: 通縮。 (tung1 suk1 。)
David: So you should know how to say the rate of deflation as well.
Nicole: 通縮率。 (tung1 suk1 leot2 。)
David: For instance, after the financial crisis, the deflation rate rose.
Nicole: 譬如話 經濟危機之後,通縮率上升。 (pei3 jyu4 waa6 ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 zi1 hau6 ,tung1 suk1 leot2 soeng6 sing1 。)
David: After the financial crisis, the deflation rate rose.
Nicole: 經濟危機之後,通縮率上升。 (ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 zi1 hau6 ,tung1 suk1 leot2 soeng6 sing1 。)
David: Right or you could say exactly the same thing. After the financial crisis, the inflation rate fell.
Nicole: 經濟危機之後,通脹率下降。 (ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 zi1 hau6 ,tung1 zoeng3 leot2 haa6 gong3 。)
David: And that brings us to my favorite phrase in the lesson.
Nicole: 一鑊泡。 (jat1 wok6 pou5 。)
David: A big mess.
Nicole: 一鑊泡。 (jat1 wok6 pou5 。)
David: And what does this literally mean Nicole?
Nicole: 即係好麻煩, 好多泡, 你可以想像你喺度洗緊嘢, 然之後好多泡出嚟。 (zik1 hai6 hou2 maa4 faan4 , hou2 do1 pou5 , nei5 ho2 ji5 soeng2 zoeng6 nei5 hai2 dou6 sai2 gan2 je5 , jin4 zi1 hau6 hou2 do1 pou5 ceot1 lai4 。)
David: Yeah. It’s literally a big tub filled of bubbles and mess. So it’s something that’s really – it’s a real mess to clean up.
Nicole: 非常之難清理。 (fei1 soeng4 zi1 naan4 cing1 lei5 。)
David: Yeah and with that, let’s go to our grammar section for today. It’s grammar time. Okay Nicole, what are we looking at today?

Lesson focus

Nicole: 今日我哋想講 唔單止..... 仲.....。 (gam1 jat6 ngo5 dei6 soeng2 gong2 m4 daan1 zi2 ..... zung6 .....。)
David: So this is the pattern not only but also.
Nicole: 唔單止..... 仲.....。 (m4 daan1 zi2 ..... zung6 .....。)
David: Not only but also.
Nicole: 唔單止..... 仲.....。 (m4 daan1 zi2 ..... zung6 .....。)
David: As in this line from our dialogue
Nicole: 我哋唔單止冇冬至獎金,仲要扣錢添! (ngo5 dei6 m4 daan1 zi2 mou5 dung1 zi3 zoeng2 gam1 ,zung6 jiu3 kau3 cin2 tim1 !)
David: Not only isn’t there any Christmas bonus, but we also have to pay money back.
Nicole: 我哋唔單止冇冬至獎金,仲要扣錢添! (ngo5 dei6 m4 daan1 zi2 mou5 dung1 zi3 zoeng2 gam1 ,zung6 jiu3 kau3 cin2 tim1 !)
David: Not only isn’t there any Christmas bonus, but we also have to pay money back.
Nicole: 呢個係一個好簡單直接嘅 pattern 。 (ni1 go3 hai6 jat1 go3 hou2 gaan2 daan1 zik6 zip3 ge3 pattern 。)
David: Yeah. It maps perfectly to the English expression not only but also.
Nicole: 我哋只需要練習吓就可以用㗎啦! ( ngo5 dei6 zi2 seoi1 jiu3 lin6 zaap6 haa5 zau6 ho2 ji5 jung6 gaa3 laa3 !)
David: Okay. First example.
Nicole: 經濟危機唔單止增加咗失業率, 仲搞到一鑊泡。 ( ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 m4 daan1 zi2 zang1 gaa1 zo2 sat1 jip6 leot2 , zung6 gaau2 dou3 jat1 wok6 pou5 。)
David: The economic crisis not only increased unemployed but also created a huge mess.
Nicole:經濟危機唔單止增加咗失業率, 仲搞到一鑊泡, 或者係股市唔單止升,仲升咗好多。 (ging1 zai3 ngai4 gei1 m4 daan1 zi2 zang1 gaa1 zo2 sat1 jip6 leot2 , zung6 gaau2 dou3 jat1 wok6 pou5 , waak6 ze2 hai6 gu2 si5 m4 daan1 zi2 sing1 ,zung6 sing1 zo2 hou2 do1 。)
David: Yeah. So our second example is about the stock market. Let’s hear that again Nicole.
Nicole: 股市唔單止升,仲升咗好多。 (gu2 si5 m4 daan1 zi2 sing1 ,zung6 sing1 zo2 hou2 do1 。)
David: The stock market not only rose but it rose by a lot.
Nicole: 所以你可以用呢個pattern 做好多句子。 (so2 ji5 nei5 ho2 ji5 jung6 ni1 go3 pattern zou6 hou2 do1 geoi3 zi2 。)
David: Yeah and we can use it when two things are happening simultaneously.
Nicole: 譬如話 唔單止通脹率高咗, 工資仲降咗。 (pei3 jyu4 waa6 m4 daan1 zi2 tung1 zoeng3 leot2 gou1 zo2 , gung1 zi1 zung6 gong3 zo2 。)
David: Yeah. This is a bad situation all round. Not only was inflation high but salaries went down.
Nicole: 唔單止通脹率高咗, 工資仲降咗。 ( m4 daan1 zi2 tung1 zoeng3 leot2 gou1 zo2 , gung1 zi1 zung6 gong3 zo2 。
David: Not only was inflation high, but salaries went down. So again, our pattern is
Nicole: 唔單止..... 仲.....。 ( m4 daan1 zi2 ..... zung6 .....。)
David: Not only but also.
Nicole: 練習多啲,你就會講得更加自然。 (lin6 zaap6 do1 di1 ,nei5 zau6 wui2 gong2 dak1 gang3 gaa1 zi6 jin4 。)


David: Yeah and this is an easy one to throw into conversation too and with that, we are done our lesson for today. Before we go, we do want to remind you that you can get a free account on our website.
Nicole: Cantoneseclass101.com
David: All you need to do is put in your email address and we will send you your password.
Nicole: 記得註冊啦! ( gei3 dak1 zyu3 caak3 laa3 !)
David: Yeah and you can comment on the site too. How good is that! So from Hong Kong, I am David.
Nicole: 我係 (ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you guys on the site.
Nicole: 下次見 。 (haa6 ci3 gin3 。)

