
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 10. Finding A Gym in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 喺香港做 (hai2 hoeng1 gong2 zou6) gym.
David: Yeah.
Nicole: 佢係咁講嘅。 (keoi5 hai6 gam2 gong2 ge3 。)
David: Yeah and this is not hard because gyms are everywhere here.
Nicole: 唔,好多健身房,但係你會見到啲人嘅健身房係喺樓入面嘅。(m4 ,hou2 do1 gin6 san1 fong4 ,daan6 hai6 nei5 wui2 gin3 dou2 di1 jan4 ge3 gin6 san1 fong4 hai6 hai2 lau2 jap6 min6 ge3 。)
David: Yeah. So Nicole, we’ve got a dialogue which is between two friends. One of them is looking for a gym and the other is going to give some advice.
Nicole: 唔,兩個朋友講嘅係 (m4 ,loeng5 go3 pang4 jau5 gong2 ge3 hai6) casual Cantonese.
David: Yeah let’s get to the dialogue. Especially in the gyms downtown
A: 你知唔知附近有冇健身房啊?我想去做運動。 (A: nei5 zi1 m4 zi1 fu6 gan6 jau5 mou5 gin6 san1 fong4 aa3? ngo5 soeng2 heoi3 zou6 wan6 dung6.)
B: 五金舖隔離有間。設施一流,有舉重機,划船機,健身單車,乜都有。 (B: ng5 gam1 pou2 gaak3 lei4 jau5 gaan1. cit3 si1 jat1 lau4, jau5 geoi2 cung5 gei1, waat6 syun4 gei1, gin6 san1 daan1 ce1, mat1 dou1 jau5.)
A: 嗰度有冇健身教練㗎? (A: go2 dou6 jau5 mou5 gin6 san1 gaau3 lin6 gaa3?)
B: 梗有啦。仲可以上堂添。嗰度有瑜珈房同舞蹈房。 (B: gang2 jau5 laa1! zung6 ho2 ji5 soeng5 tong4 tim1. go2 dou6 jau5 jyu4 gaa1 fong2 tung4 mou5 dou6 fung2.)
A: 成個氣氛係點㗎? (A: seng4 go3 hei3 fan1 hai6 dim2 gaa3?)
B: 好多學生同白領去㗎,特別係落班之後。 (B: hou2 do1 hok6 saang1 tung4 baak6 leng5 heoi3 gaa3, dak6 bit6 hai6 lok6 baan1 zi1 hau6.)
A: 似乎幾熱鬧喎。 (A: ci5 fu4 gei2 jit6 naau6 wo3.)
B: 係㗎。十幾台跑步機,時時刻刻都有人用。 (B: hai6 gaa3. sap6 gei2 toi4 paau2 bou6 gei1, si4 si4 haak1 haak1 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6.)
A: Do you know where there's a gym nearby? I want to go workout.
B: There's one by the hardware store. It's got good equipment—weight-lifting machines, rowing machines, bikes and everything it should have.
A: Do they have personal trainers?
B: Sure, and regular classes too. They also have yoga and dance rooms.
A: What's the atmosphere like?
B: There are a lot of students and white-collar workers, who go especially after work.
A: Sounds busy.
B: Yeah. There are a dozen or so treadmills, but they're always in use.
Nicole: 冇錯喇!喺市中心嗰啲 gym 呢好多人去嘅,所以你成日都搵唔到位嘅。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !hai2 si5 zung1 sam1 go2 di1 gym ne1 hou2 do1 jan4 heoi3 ge3 ,so2 ji5 nei5 sing4 jat6 dou1 wan2 m4 dou2 wai2 ge3 。)
David: Yeah between like 6 and 8, 8:30, I mean the tread machines are all taken up, the weight-lifting machines are all taken up. So….
Nicole: 唔,冇錯喇!所以好多人就會去做 Yoga 呀,或者係去跳舞嘅。 (m4 ,mou5 co3 laak3 !so2 ji5 hou2 do1 jan4 zau6 wui2 heoi3 zou6 Yoga aa3, waak6 ze2 hai6 heoi3 tiu3 mou5 ge3 。)
David: Yeah but if you like exercising, they can actually be pretty inexpensive because there are so many people who use them. So the monthly cards and the yearly cards can be worthwhile. You may want to take a look.
Nicole: 唔,如果你辦會員卡嘅話呢,就可以有啲 discount 啦! (m4 ,jyu4 gwo2 nei5 baan6 wui2 jyun4 kaat1 ge3 waa2 ne1 ,zau6 ho2 ji5 jau5 di1 discount laa1 !)
David: Yeah. And with that, let’s get to the vocab section.
Nicole: 健身房。 (gin6 san1 fong4.)
David: Gym.
Nicole: 健 身 房, 健身房, 設施。(gin6 san1 fong4, gin6 san1 fong4, cit6 si1.)
David: Equipment.
Nicole: 設 施, 設施, 一流。 (cit6 si1, cit6 si1, jat1 lau4.)
David: First-rate.
Nicole: 一 流, 一流, 舉重機。 (jat1 lau4, jat1 lau4, geoi2 cung5 gei1.)
David: Weightlifting machine.
Nicole: 舉 重 機, 舉重機, 划船機。 (geoi2 cung5 gei1, geoi2 cung5 gei1, waak6 syun4 gei1.)
David: Rowing machine.
Nicole: 劃 船 機, 划船機, 跑步機。 (waak6 syun4 gei1, waak6 syun4 gei1, paau2 bou6 gei1.)
David: Treadmill.
Nicole: 跑 步 機, 跑步機, 健身單車。 (paau2 bou6 gei1, paau2 bou6 gei1, gin6 san1 daan1 ce1.)
David: Bike machine.
Nicole: 健 身 單 車, 健身單車, 健身教練。 (gin6 san1 daan1 ce1, gin6 san1 daan1 ce1, gin6 san1 gaau3 lin6.)
David: Personal trainer.
Nicole: 健 身 教 練, 健身教練, 瑜珈。 (gin6 san1 gaau3 lin6, gin6 san1 gaau3 lin6, jyu4 gaa1.)
David: Yoga.
Nicole: 瑜 珈, 瑜珈, 舞蹈。 (jyu4 gaa1, jyu4 gaa1, mou5 dou6.)
David: Dance.
Nicole: 舞 蹈, 舞蹈。 (mou5 dou6, mou5 dou6.)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. We really have a noun intensive lesson today.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!好多都係名詞。 ( mou5 co3 laak3 !hou2 do1 dou1 hai6 ming4 ci4 。)
David: Right yeah, a lot of these are the names of equipment.
Nicole: 係!好多設施嘅名。 (hai6 !hou2 do1 cit3 si1 ge3 ming4 。)
David: Equipment.
Nicole: 設施。 (cit3 si1 。)
David: And specifically we’d say it’s gym equipment.
Nicole: 健身房嘅設施。 (gin6 san1 fong4 ge3 cit3 si1 。)
David: Right. So these words are pretty specific. The first one is obviously a weightlifting machine.
Nicole: 舉重機。 (geoi2 cung4 gei1 。)
David: And these are really popular in Hong Kong. So if you go to the gym, you might find out that all of the weightlifting machines are taken.
Nicole: 冇錯喇!所以你經常會睇到呢,所有嘅舉重機都有人用。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !so2 ji5 nei5 ging1 soeng4 wui2 tai2 dou2 ne1 ,so2 jau5 ge3 geoi2 cung4 gei1 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。)
David: All of the weightlifting machines are taken.
Nicole: 唔,而且都係男性喺度使用緊嘅,因為佢哋要練肌肉。 ( m4 ,ji4 ce2 dou1 hai6 naam4 sing3 hai2 dou6 si2 jung6 gan2 ge3 ,jan1 wai6 keoi5 dei6 jiu3 lin6 gei1 juk6 。)
David: Yes. The next really popular machine is the treadmill.
Nicole: 跑步機。 (paau2 bou6 gei1 。)
David: Right and the treadmills are always taken too.
Nicole: 跑步機都成日有人用㗎!因為係好容易訓練跑步嘅一種方法。 ( paau2 bou6 gei1 dou1 sing4 jat6 jau5 jan4 jung6 gaa3 !jan1 wai6 hai6 hou2 jung4 ji6 fan3 lin6 paau2 bou6 ge3 jat1 zung2 fong1 faat3 。)
David: Yeah unlike the rowing machines which never have anyone on them.
Nicole: 划船機,基本冇人用嘅,因為比較難玩。 (waak6 syun4 gei1 ,gei1 bun2 mou5 jan4 jung6 ge3 ,jan1 wai6 bei2 gaau3 naan4 waan2 。)
David: Yeah. And literally that is row boat machine.
Nicole: 划住部船嘅機, 划船機, 冇錯。 (waak6 zyu6 bou6 syun4 ge3 gei1 , waak6 syun4 gei1 , mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. So all of these words are really, really literal. We’ve got you know the running machine; we’ve got the rowing machine. The next one is a bit more interesting. It’s a gym bike.
Nicole: 健身單車, 其實呢個單詞都好 literal, 因為單車就係 bicycle. (gin6 san1 daan1 ce1 , kei4 sat6 ni1 go3 daan1 ci4 dou1 hou2 literal , jan1 wai6 daan1 ce1 zau6 hai6 bicycle .)
David: Yeah. So this is a gym bike.
Nicole: 健身單車, 同埋你會見到好多人喺屋企都會有健身單車嘅。 (gin6 san1 daan1 ce1 , tung4 maai4 nei5 wui2 gin3 dou2 hou2 do1 jan4 hai2 nguk1 kei5 dou1 wui2 jau5 gin6 san1 daan1 ce1 ge3 。)
David: Yeah. They have gym classes here which are really popular which is kind of surprising because you don’t really see people biking around Hong Kong.
Nicole: 其實係有㗎!香港人騎單車呢一般係夜晚先至踩嘅,因為夜晚呢汽車會少啲。 (kei4 sat6 hai6 jau5 gaa3 !hoeng1 gong2 jan4 ke4 daan1 ce1 ne1 jat1 bun1 hai6 je6 maan5 sin1 zi3 caai2 ge3 ,jan1 wai6 je6 maan5 ne1 hei3 ce1 wui2 siu2 di1 。)
David: Okay. So let’s review these words one more time. First, we have equipment.
Nicole: 設施。 (cit3 si1 。)
David: Weightlifting machine.
Nicole: 舉重機。 (geoi2 cung4 gei1 。)
David: Rowing machine.
Nicole: 划船機。 (waak6 syun4 gei1 。)
David: Bike machine.
Nicole: 健身單車。 (gin6 san1 daan1 ce1 。)
David: And treadmill.
Nicole: 跑步機。 (paau2 bou6 gei1 。)

Lesson focus

David: And with that, let’s move on to our grammar section. It’s grammar time. Okay Nicole, our grammar point today is talking about time.
Nicole: 冇錯喇!係講時間,係唔同嘅頻率嘅時間。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !hai6 gong2 si4 gaan3 ,hai6 m4 tung4 ge3 pan4 leot2 ge3 si4 gaan3 。)
David: Yeah. So we are going to talk about how to describe things that happen frequently and infrequently. So this is, it’s both grammatical but it’s also a review of vocab that we’ve covered in different places.
Nicole: 之前我哋都教過關於頻率嘅單詞,今次喺 dialogue入面我哋就聽到,”十幾台跑步機,時時刻刻都有人用。” (zi1 cin4 ngo5 dei6 dou1 gaau3 gwo3 gwaan1 jyu1 pan4 leot2 ge3 daan1 ci4 ,gam1 ci3 hai2 dialogue jap6 min6 ngo5 dei6 zau6 teng1 dou3 ,”sap6 gei2 toi4 paau2 bou6 gei1 ,si4 si4 hak1 hak1 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。”)
David: We translate that as, they are always in use.
Nicole: 時時刻刻都有人用。 ( si4 si4 hak1 hak1 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。)
David: Yeah literally of course we are saying, at every moment.
Nicole: 係啦!意思即係 每時每刻。 (hai6 laak3 !ji3 si1 zik1 hai6 mui5 si4 mui5 hak1 。)
David: So our focus today is just reviewing words that are like this that we can use to describe things that are happening frequently or less frequently. If things are happening at every moment of course, we can say
Nicole: 時時刻刻。 (si4 si4 hak1 hak1 。)
David: But what if it’s only 80% of the time 75%?
Nicole: 你可以話大部份時間。 ( nei5 ho2 ji5 waa6 daai6 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 。)
David: Most of the time.
Nicole: 大部份時間, 譬如話 部舉重機大部份時間都有人用。 (daai6 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 bou6 geoi2 cung4 gei1 daai6 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。)
David: There are people using the weightlifting machines most of the time.
Nicole: 舉重機大部份時間都有人用。 (geoi2 cung4 gei1 daai6 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。)
David: Right. A step down from that if we are going to maybe 50% of the time and there is another word that’s used to describe more or less the same. You know 60%, 75%. In English it’s, it’s often.
Nicole: 成日,成日,佢字面嘅意思即係 差唔多一日,所以佢嘅時間都係非常之高嘅。 (sing4 jat6 ,sing4 jat6 ,keoi5 zi6 min6 ge3 ji3 si1 zik1 hai6 caa1 m4 do1 jat1 jat6 ,so2 ji5 keoi5 ge3 si4 gaan3 dou1 hai6 fei1 soeng4 zi1 gou1 ge3 。)
David: Yeah. For instance
Nicole: 健身單車成日都有人用。 ( gin6 san1 daan1 ce1 sing4 jat6 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。)
David: There are often people on the bike machines.
Nicole: 健身單車成日都有人用。 (gin6 san1 daan1 ce1 sing4 jat6 dou1 jau5 jan4 jung6 。)
David: Right. Let’s review these three we’ve already covered.
Nicole: 時時刻刻, 大部份時間, 成日。 (si4 si4 hak1 hak1 , daai6 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 , sing4 jat6 。)
David: If we take a step back, if something is happening 40% of the time or 50% of the time, in Cantonese, we use the word
Nicole: 一部份時間。 (jat1 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 。)
David: Which is literally a portion of the time.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!你係講緊一日入面嘅一部份嘅時間,譬如話 我一部份時間用健身教練,一部份時間自己上堂。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !nei5 hai6 gong2 gan2 jat1 jat6 jap6 min6 ge3 jat1 bou6 fan6 ge3 si4 gaan3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 ngo5 jat1 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 jung6 gin6 san1 gaau3 lin6 ,jat1 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 zi6 gei2 soeng5 tong4 。)
David: A portion of the time, I will use a personal trainer. A portion of the time, I will work out myself.
Nicole: 我一部份時間用健身教練,一部份時間自己上堂。 (ngo5 jat1 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 jung6 gin6 san1 gaau3 lin6 ,jat1 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 zi6 gei2 soeng5 tong4 。)
David: Now if we move from maybe 40% or 50% to something that happens rarely, we’ve got a couple of more words we can use to describe this. For instance
Nicole: 小部份時間。 (siu2 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 。)
David: A minority of the time.
Nicole: 小部份時間, 譬如話 呢個健身房小部份時間會好多人。 (siu2 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 ni1 go3 gin6 san1 fong4 siu2 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 wui2 hou2 do1 jan4 。)
David: This gym will rarely have a lot of people in it.
Nicole: 呢個健身房小部份時間會好多人。 (ni1 go3 gin6 san1 fong4 siu2 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 wui2 hou2 do1 jan4 。)
David: Stepping down from that, what if something happens very rarely?
Nicole: 你可以話 “唔多”,”唔多”,譬如話 佢唔多嚟做運動㗎! (nei5 ho2 ji5 waa6 “m4 do1 ”,”m4 do1 ”,pei3 jyu4 waa6 keoi5 m4 do1 lei4 zou6 wan6 dung6 gaa3 !)
David: He rarely exercises.
Nicole: 佢唔多嚟做運動㗎! (keoi5 m4 do1 lei4 zou6 wan6 dung6 gaa3 !)
David: And then finally if something never happens
Nicole: 從來都冇。 (cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 。)
David: For instance
Nicole: 我從來都冇跳過舞。 ( ngo5 cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 tiu3 gwo3 mou5 。)
David: I’ve never danced.
Nicole: 我從來都冇跳過舞。 (ngo5 cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 tiu3 gwo3 mou5 。)
David: Or if you are me, you might say, I’ve never done yoga.
Nicole: 我從來都冇練過瑜珈。 (ngo5 cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 lin6 gwo3 jyu4 gaa1 。)
David: Have you done yoga?
Nicole: Yes.
David: Okay.
Nicole: I wasn’t good. I wasn’t any good.
David: So you rarely do yoga.
Nicole: 我好少做瑜珈,冇錯。 (ngo5 hou2 siu2 zou6 jyu4 gaa1 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: Better than me. Let’s review these last four words.
Nicole: 一部份時間, 小部份時間, 唔多, 從來都冇。 (jat1 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 , siu2 bou6 fan6 si4 gaan3 , m4 do1 , cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 。)


David: And with that, we are out of time for today. Before we go though, as always we do want to remind you of some of the premium features that we’ve got. One you should pay attention to is our flashcards.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!只要去到我哋嘅高級會員中心,你就可以見到我哋呢堂課所有嘅單詞都喺啲單詞卡上面。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !zi2 jiu3 heoi3 dou3 ngo5 dei6 ge3 gou1 kap1 wui2 jyun4 zung1 sam1 ,nei5 zau6 ho2 ji5 gin3 dou2 ngo5 dei6 ni1 tong4 fo3 so2 jau5 ge3 daan1 ci4 dou1 hai2 di1 daan1 ci4 kaa1 soeng6 min6 。)
David: Yeah. It’s especially useful for lessons like this which are heavy on nouns because if you are not talking about the gym, it’s hard to remember them.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!你可以用flashcards 幫你記憶。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !nei5 ho2 ji5 jung6 flashcards bong1 nei5 gei3 jik1 。)
David: Yeah. So go check those out and if you have any questions, you can email us anytime. Contactus@cantoneseclass101.com with that, from Hong Kong, I am David.
Nicole: 我係 (ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you online.
Nicole: 下次見。 (haa6 ci3 gin3 。)

