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Cantonese Survival phrases, lesson 43. Buying a Mobile Phone. In today’s lesson, we will cover buying a cell phone.
In Cantonese, I would like to buy a cell phone is 我要買一部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6 sau2 gei1).
Let’s break it down by syllable. 我要買一部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6 sau2 gei1)
Let’s hear it one more time. 我要買一部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6 sau2 gei1)
The first word 我要(ngo5 jiu3) means I would like. 我要(ngo5 jiu3) I would like.
Let’s break them down by syllable and hear them one more time 我要(ngo5 jiu3), 我要(ngo5 jiu3).
Next we have the verb 買(maai) which means to buy 買(maai) to buy.
我要買(ngo5 jiu3 maai5) I would like to buy.
Next you have 一部(jat1 bou6), 一部(jat1 bou6) which means a piece of 一部(jat1 bou6).
一(jat1) it’s a number one 一(jat1) one and 部(bou6) is the measure word for telephones or cards or computers, 部(bou6), 部(bou6), 一部(jat1 bou6). 一部電話(jat1 bou6 din6 waa2) One telephone 兩部電話(loeng5 bou6 din6 waa2) two telephones 三部電腦(saam1 bou6 din6 nou5) three computers. To recap here, we have 我要買一部(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6).
Literally this means, I would like to buy one. 我要買一部(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6) I would like to buy one. Let’s look at the last important word 手機(sau2 gei1) which means cell phone 手機(sau2 gei1) cell phone.
Let’s break it down by syllable and hear it one more time 手機(sau2 gei1), 手機(sau2 gei1) Cell phone. There is another way to say cell phone 手提電話(sau2 dai2 din6 waa2), 手提電話(sau2 dai2 din6 waa2) which literally means hand carried telephone 手提電話(sau2 dai2 din6 waa2). Now to recap we have 我要買一部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6 sau2 gei1) I would like to buy one cell phone. 我要買一部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6 sau2 gei1) I would like to buy a cell phone. In case you want to buy more than one phone, you only need to change the number of the phones. I would like to buy two phones is 我要買兩部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 loeng5 bou6 sau2 gei1) I would like to buy two phones. 我要買兩部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 loeng5 bou6 sau2 gei1) I would like to buy three phones is 我要買三部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 saam1 bou6 sau2 gei1). I would like to buy three phones. 我要買三部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 saam1 bou6 sau2 gei1) or you can say 我要買三部手提電話(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 saam1 bou6 sau2 dai2 din6 waa2). That also means I would like to buy three cell phones. 我要買三部手提電話(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 saam1 bou6 sau2 dai2 din6 waa2). Now two important questions related to your plan are, are incoming calls free and how much are calls to the US. Are incoming calls free is 接聽係唔係免費(zip3 teng1 hai6 m4 hai6 min3 fei3). let’s hear it again 接聽係唔係免費(zip3 teng1 hai6 m4 hai6 min3 fei3). Now let’s break it down by syllable. 接聽係唔係免費(zip3 teng1 hai6 m4 hai6 min3 fei3) Now let’s hear it once again. 接聽係唔係免費(zip3 teng1 hai6 m4 hai6 min3 fei3) Are incoming calls free? 接聽(zip3 teng1) is a verb and it means to answer the call or to answer the phone 接聽(zip3 teng1), 接聽(zip3 teng1). Next you have 係唔係(hai6 m4 hai6) which means is or is not 係唔係(hai6 m4 hai6). To recap here, 接聽係唔係(zip3 teng1 hai6 m4 hai6) to answer is or is not.
And finally we have 免費(min3 fei3) which in Cantonese means free. 免費(min3 fei3), 免費(min3 fei3) So the whole sentence is 接聽係唔係免費(zip3 teng1 hai6 m4 hai6 min3 fei3) Are incoming calls free? Now the next question is, how much are calls to the US. In Cantonese, it’s 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2) Let’s break it down by syllable 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2) Now let’s hear it again. 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2) How much are calls to the US. The word for United States is 美國(mei5 gwok3). Let’s break it down and hear it one more time 美國(mei5 gwok3), 美國(mei5 gwok3) United States and the entire sentence is 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2). The first word 打(daa2) means to call 打(daa2) to call. Next you have 去(heoi3) which means to in Cantonese. 去(heoi3) to, 打去(daa2 heoi3) call to and then you have the United States 美國(mei5 gwok3), 美國(mei5 gwok3), 打去美國(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3) Literally translated as call to United States and finally we have 幾錢?(gei2 cin2) how much 幾錢?(gei2 cin2) how much. So the entire sentence is 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2) How much are calls to the United States? 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2) Now to ask about another country or destination, simply substitute the word for the US. In the case of England, the phrase will be 打去英國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 jing1 gwok3 gei2 cin2) How much are calls to England? 打去英國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 jing1 gwok3 gei2 cin2) How much are calls to England. All right, that’s it for today. We’ve learned sentences to buy a cell phone and to ask for how much are the calls. Now let’s move to our regular test and see how much you can remember.
I would like to buy a cell phone. 我要買一部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 jat1 bou6 sau2 gei1) I would like to buy two phones. 我要買兩部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 loeng5 bou6 sau2 gei1) I would like to buy three phones. 我要買三部手機(ngo5 jiu3 maai5 saam1 bou6 sau2 gei1) How much are calls for the US 打去美國幾錢?(daa2 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 gei2 cin2) All right, that’s about does it for today. Remember to stop by cantoneseclass101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF. And if you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Bye bye.

