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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 4 - Sharing a Song.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about sharing music or videos. 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1) shares a song she just heard at a party, posts a video, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: Meaning - "I highly recommend Eason's new song, it's so good!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!)
(clicking sound)
Maggie: 都唔知原來你鍾意E神。 (dou1 m4 zi1 jyun4 loi4 nei5 zugn1 ji3 E san4.)
小儀: Agree! 我都買咗佢隻新碟。 (AGREE! ngo5 dou1 maai5 zo2 keoi5 zek3 san1 dip2.)
Lisa姐: 將首舊歌重新演繹,又幾好聽喎。 (zoeng1 sau2 gau6 go1 cung4 san1 jin2 jik6, jau6 gei1 hou2 teng1 wo3.)
陳業生: 我後生嗰陣都係聽呢首歌。 (ngo5 hau6 saang1 go2 zan6 dou1 hai6 teng1 ni1 sau2 go1.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: "I highly recommend Eason's new song, it's so good!"
(clicking sound)
Maggie: 都唔知原來你鍾意E神。 (dou1 m4 zi1 jyun4 loi4 nei5 zugn1 ji3 E san4.)
Eric: "I didn't know you liked Eason."
小儀: Agree! 我都買咗佢隻新碟。 (AGREE! ngo5 dou1 maai5 zo2 keoi5 zek3 san1 dip2.)
Eric: "Agreed! I also bought his new album."
Lisa姐: 將首舊歌重新演繹,又幾好聽喎。 (zoeng1 sau2 gau6 go1 cung4 san1 jin2 jik6, jau6 gei1 hou2 teng1 wo3.)
Eric: "He's covering an old song, it's pretty good."
陳業生: 我後生嗰陣都係聽呢首歌。 (ngo5 hau6 saang1 go2 zan6 dou1 hai6 teng1 ni1 sau2 go1.)
Eric: "I used to listen to this song back in the day."
Eric: Listen again to 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1)'s post.
Siuling: 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: "I highly recommend Eason's new song, it's so good!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!) (REGULAR) 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Sincerely recommend Eason's new song."
Siuling: 誠意推介E神新歌, (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, )
Eric: This sentence begins with…
Siuling: 誠意推介 (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3)
Eric: Which literally means "sincerely recommending.” It’s currently used a lot in social media when sharing something you think people would like. Listen again. "I highly recommend Eason's new song" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 誠意推介E神新歌, (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, ) (REGULAR) 誠意推介E神新歌, (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, )
Eric: Then comes the phrase "It's really good!"
Siuling: 好好聽! (hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: The sentence starts with the duplication of the word...
Siuling: 好 (hou2)
Eric: This is for emphasis, and it only works when it's followed by a verb. For example,
Siuling: 好食 (hou2 sik6)
Eric: Which literally means "good to eat," or "yummy.” Listen again "It's really good!" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 好好聽! (hou2 hou2 teng1!) (REGULAR) 好好聽! (hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: Altogether, "I highly recommend Eason's new song, it's so good!"
Siuling: 誠意推介E神新歌,好好聽! (sing4 ji3 teoi1 gaai3 E san4 san1 go1, hou2 hou2 teng1!)
Eric: In response, 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her high school friend, Maggie (MAGGIE), uses an expression meaning - "I didn't know you liked Eason."
Siuling: (SLOW) 都唔知原來你鍾意E神。 (dou1 m4 zi1 jyun4 loi4 nei5 zugn1 ji3 E san4.) (REGULAR) 都唔知原來你鍾意E神。 (dou1 m4 zi1 jyun4 loi4 nei5 zugn1 ji3 E san4.)
Siuling: 都唔知原來你鍾意E神。 (dou1 m4 zi1 jyun4 loi4 nei5 zugn1 ji3 E san4.)
Eric: Use this expression to express surprise.
Eric: Her boyfriend's high school friend, 小儀 (siu2 ji4), uses an expression meaning "Agreed! I also bought his new album."
Siuling: (SLOW) Agree! 我都買咗佢隻新碟。 (AGREE! ngo5 dou1 maai5 zo2 keoi5 zek3 san1 dip2.) (REGULAR) Agree! 我都買咗佢隻新碟。 (AGREE! ngo5 dou1 maai5 zo2 keoi5 zek3 san1 dip2.)
Siuling: Agree! 我都買咗佢隻新碟。 (AGREE! ngo5 dou1 maai5 zo2 keoi5 zek3 san1 dip2.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you agree with a statement.
Eric: Her neighbor, Lisa姐 (LISA ze2), uses an expression meaning - "He's covering an old song, it's pretty good."
Siuling: (SLOW) 將首舊歌重新演繹,又幾好聽喎。 (zoeng1 sau2 gau6 go1 cung4 san1 jin2 jik6, jau6 gei1 hou2 teng1 wo3.) (REGULAR) 將首舊歌重新演繹,又幾好聽喎。 (zoeng1 sau2 gau6 go1 cung4 san1 jin2 jik6, jau6 gei1 hou2 teng1 wo3.)
Siuling: 將首舊歌重新演繹,又幾好聽喎。 (zoeng1 sau2 gau6 go1 cung4 san1 jin2 jik6, jau6 gei1 hou2 teng1 wo3.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling agreeable.
Eric: Her supervisor, 陳業生 (can4 jip6 sang1), uses an expression meaning - "I used to listen to this song back in the day."
Siuling: (SLOW) 我後生嗰陣都係聽呢首歌。 (ngo5 hau6 saang1 go2 zan6 dou1 hai6 teng1 ni1 sau2 go1.) (REGULAR) 我後生嗰陣都係聽呢首歌。 (ngo5 hau6 saang1 go2 zan6 dou1 hai6 teng1 ni1 sau2 go1.)
Siuling: 我後生嗰陣都係聽呢首歌。 (ngo5 hau6 saang1 go2 zan6 dou1 hai6 teng1 ni1 sau2 go1.)
Eric: Use this expression to express nostalgia.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about sharing music or videos, which phrase would you use? Leave a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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