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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 10 - Feeling Disappointed.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about being disappointed. 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1) feels disappointed about today's weather, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: Meaning - "I'm so sick of the hot and humid weather! When will autumn arrive?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
(clicking sound)
Maggie: 我日日都開行冷氣。 (ngo5 jat6 jat6 dou1 hoi1 hang4 laang5 hei3.)
Lisa姐: 小心喺冷氣房一出一入好易凍親。 (siu2 sam1 hai2 laang5 hei3 fong1 jat1 ceot1 jat1 jap6 hou2 ji6 dung3 can1.)
陳業生: 我哋要著西裝咪仲熱。 (ngo5 dei6 jiu3 zoek3 sai1 zong1 mai6 zung6 jit6.)
威仔: 新聞話香港仲熱過非洲呀! (san1 man2 waa6 hoeng1 gong2 zung6 jit6 gwo3 fei1 zau1 aa3!)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: "I'm so sick of the hot and humid weather! When will autumn arrive?"
(clicking sound)
Maggie: 我日日都開行冷氣。 (ngo5 jat6 jat6 dou1 hoi1 hang4 laang5 hei3.)
Eric: "I turn on the air-conditioner every day."
Lisa姐: 小心喺冷氣房一出一入好易凍親。 (siu2 sam1 hai2 laang5 hei3 fong1 jat1 ceot1 jat1 jap6 hou2 ji6 dung3 can1.)
Eric: "Be careful, it's easy to catch a cold when you go in and out of air-conditioned rooms."
陳業生: 我哋要著西裝咪仲熱。 (ngo5 dei6 jiu3 zoek3 sai1 zong1 mai6 zung6 jit6.)
Eric: "It's even worse for those of us who have to wear suits."
威仔: 新聞話香港仲熱過非洲呀! (san1 man2 waa6 hoeng1 gong2 zung6 jit6 gwo3 fei1 zau1 aa3!)
Eric: "The news said Hong Kong is even hotter than Africa!"
Eric: Listen again to 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1)'s post.
Siuling: 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: "I'm so sick of the hot and humid weather! When will autumn arrive?"
Siuling: (SLOW) 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?) (Regular) 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression literally meaning "hot and humid, so tough!"
Siuling: 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦! (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! )
Eric: Weather in Hong Kong is hot and humid from May to September. Temperatures can peak as high as 95°F or 35°C, and humidity levels can make it feel even hotter than it already is. Listen again "hot and humid, so tough!" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦! (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! ) (REGULAR) 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦! (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! )
Eric: Then comes the phrase "When will autumn arrive?"
Siuling: 幾時先到秋天? (gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: Autumn has become shorter over the last few years due to global warming. Generally speaking, October and November are the autumn months in Hong Kong, and that’s also the best season to visit. Listen again- "When will autumn arrive?" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 幾時先到秋天? (gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?) (REGULAR) 幾時先到秋天? (gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: All together, "I'm so sick of the hot and humid weather! When will autumn arrive?"
Siuling: 又熱又潮濕,好辛苦!幾時先到秋天? (jau6 jit6 jau6 ciu4 sap1, hou2 san1 fu2! gei2 si4 sin1 dou3 cau1 tin1?)
Eric: In response, 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her high school friend, Maggie, uses an expression meaning "I turn on the air-conditioner every day."
Siuling: (SLOW) 我日日都開行冷氣。 (ngo5 jat6 jat6 dou1 hoi1 hang4 laang5 hei3.) (REGULAR) 我日日都開行冷氣。 (ngo5 jat6 jat6 dou1 hoi1 hang4 laang5 hei3.)
Siuling: 我日日都開行冷氣。 (ngo5 jat6 jat6 dou1 hoi1 hang4 laang5 hei3.)
Eric: Use this expression to describe something turning into the daily routine.
Eric: Her neighbor, Lisa姐 (LISA ze2), uses an expression meaning "Be careful, it's easy to catch a cold when you go in and out of air-conditioned rooms."
Siuling: (SLOW) 小心喺冷氣房一出一入好易凍親。 (siu2 sam1 hai2 laang5 hei3 fong1 jat1 ceot1 jat1 jap6 hou2 ji6 dung3 can1.) (REGULAR) 小心喺冷氣房一出一入好易凍親。 (siu2 sam1 hai2 laang5 hei3 fong1 jat1 ceot1 jat1 jap6 hou2 ji6 dung3 can1.)
Siuling: 小心喺冷氣房一出一入好易凍親。 (siu2 sam1 hai2 laang5 hei3 fong1 jat1 ceot1 jat1 jap6 hou2 ji6 dung3 can1.)
Eric: Use this expression to show concern.
Eric: Her supervisor, 陳業生 (can4 jip6 sang1), uses an expression meaning "It's even worse for those of us who have to wear suits."
Siuling: (SLOW) 我哋要著西裝咪仲熱。 (ngo5 dei6 jiu3 zoek3 sai1 zong1 mai6 zung6 jit6.) (REGULAR) 我哋要著西裝咪仲熱。 (ngo5 dei6 jiu3 zoek3 sai1 zong1 mai6 zung6 jit6.)
Siuling: 我哋要著西裝咪仲熱。 (ngo5 dei6 jiu3 zoek3 sai1 zong1 mai6 zung6 jit6.)
Eric: Use this expression to describe an even more unpleasant or severe condition.
Eric: Her college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning "The news said Hong Kong is even hotter than Africa!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 新聞話香港仲熱過非洲呀! (san1 man2 waa6 hoeng1 gong2 zung6 jit6 gwo3 fei1 zau1 aa3!) (REGULAR) 新聞話香港仲熱過非洲呀! (san1 man2 waa6 hoeng1 gong2 zung6 jit6 gwo3 fei1 zau1 aa3!)
Siuling: 新聞話香港仲熱過非洲呀! (san1 man2 waa6 hoeng1 gong2 zung6 jit6 gwo3 fei1 zau1 aa3!)
Eric: Use this expression to describe an even more intense condition.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being disappointed, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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