
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 1 - Out at Dinner.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about having dinner with friends. 阿偉 (aa3 wai5) eats at a restaurant with his friends, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到腍腍脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
Eric: Meaning "Trying a new restaurant with friends, it's finger-licking delicious." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到腍腍脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 呢度真係又靚又好味。 (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 jau6 leng3 jau6 hou2 mei6.)
威仔: 果然好介紹! (gwo2 jin4 hou2 gaai3 siu6!)
Maggie: 做乜唔叫埋我 (ಠ_ಠ) (zou6 mat1 m4 giu3 maai4 ngo5)
Tommy: 好似好貴喎。 (hou2 ci3 hou2 gwai3 wo3.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到腍腍脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
Eric: "Trying a new restaurant with friends, it's finger-licking delicious."
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 呢度真係又靚又好味。 (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 jau6 leng3 jau6 hou2 mei6.)
Eric: "It's really charming and delicious."
威仔: 果然好介紹! (gwo2 jin4 hou2 gaai3 siu6!)
Eric: "A very good recommendation indeed!"
Maggie: 做乜唔叫埋我 (ಠ_ಠ) (zou6 mat1 m4 giu3 maai4 ngo5)
Eric: "Why didn't you invite me? (ಠ_ಠ)"
Tommy: 好似好貴喎。 (hou2 ci3 hou2 gwai3 wo3.)
Eric: "It looks expensive."
Eric: Listen again to 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s post.
Siuling: 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到lam lam脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 LAM LAM lei6.)
Eric: "Trying a new restaurant with friends, it's finger-licking delicious."
Siuling: (SLOW) 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到腍腍脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.) (Regular) 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到腍腍脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "A whole group of friends try a new restaurant together."
Siuling: 成班friend一齊試新餐廳, (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, )
Eric: In Hong Kong, new restaurants open up frequently. Eating together at new venues is one of the most common things to post about on social media. Listen again- "A whole group of friends try a new restaurant together" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 成班friend一齊試新餐廳, (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, ) (REGULAR) 成班friend一齊試新餐廳, (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, )
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "finger-licking delicious.."
Siuling: 食到腍腍脷! (sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
Eric: Here, we have the phrase…
Siuling:腍腍脷!(lam2 lam2 lei6)
Eric: Which indicates the action of "licking one's lips" after eating delicious food. Listen again- "finger-licking delicious" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 食到腍腍脷! (sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.) (REGULAR) 食到腍腍脷! (sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
Eric: All together, "Trying a new restaurant with friends, it's finger-licking delicious."
Siuling: 成班friend一齊試新餐廳,食到腍腍脷! (seng4 baan1 FRIEND jat1 cai4 si3 san1 caan1 teng1, sik6 dou3 lam2 lam2 lei6.)
Eric: In response, 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His girlfriend, 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1), uses an expression meaning "It's really charming and delicious."
Siuling: (SLOW) 呢度真係又靚又好味。 (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 jau6 leng3 jau6 hou2 mei6.) (REGULAR) 呢度真係又靚又好味。 (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 jau6 leng3 jau6 hou2 mei6.)
Siuling: 呢度真係又靚又好味。 (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 jau6 leng3 jau6 hou2 mei6.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling positive.
Eric: His college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning "A very good recommendation indeed!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 果然好介紹! (gwo2 jin4 hou2 gaai3 siu6!) (REGULAR) 果然好介紹! (gwo2 jin4 hou2 gaai3 siu6!)
Siuling: 果然好介紹! (gwo2 jin4 hou2 gaai3 siu6!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling agreeable.
Eric: His girlfriend's high school friend, Maggie (MAGGIE), uses an expression meaning "Why didn't you invite me? (ಠ_ಠ)"
Siuling: (SLOW) 做乜唔叫埋我 (ಠ_ಠ) (zou6 mat1 m4 giu3 maai4 ngo5) (REGULAR) 做乜唔叫埋我 (ಠ_ಠ) (zou6 mat1 m4 giu3 maai4 ngo5)
Siuling: 做乜唔叫埋我 (ಠ_ಠ) (zou6 mat1 m4 giu3 maai4 ngo5)
Eric: Use this expression to show disappointment.
Eric: His nephew, Tommy, uses an expression meaning "It looks expensive."
Siuling: (SLOW) 好似好貴喎。 (hou2 ci3 hou2 gwai3 wo3.) (REGULAR) 好似好貴喎。 (hou2 ci3 hou2 gwai3 wo3.)
Siuling: 好似好貴喎。 (hou2 ci3 hou2 gwai3 wo3.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are curious about how much something cost.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about having dinner with friends, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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