
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar. (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: Today we have lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 5.
Oscar: Do You Need a Pharmacy in China? 你使唔使幫手? (nei5 sai2 m4 sai2 bong1 sau2?)
Echo: Right. Our lesson today is about finding stuff in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 我都經常搵唔到路。 (ngo5 dou1 ging1 soeng4 wan2 m4 dou2 lou6.)
Echo: But after this lesson, you won’t.
Oscar: 唔, 冇錯。 (m4, mou5 co3.)
Echo: Our dialogue takes place in Central. It’s between two strangers.
Oscar: 其中一個喺度問路。 (kei4 zung1 jat1 go3 hai2 dou6 man6 lou6.)
Echo: And it’s in casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁我哋而家去聽下。 (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5.)
A: 彌敦道⋯⋯嘉連威老道⋯⋯ (A: nei4 deon1 dou6... gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6...)
B: 先生,需唔需要幫手? (B: sin1 saang1, seoi1 m4 seoi1 jiu3 bong1 sau2?)
A: 請問呢條係咩街? (A: cing2 man6 ni1 tiu4 hai6 me1 gaai1?)
B: 你要去邊度? (B: nei5 jiu3 heoi3 bin1 dou6?)
A: 我揾緊藥房。(A: ngo5 wan2 gan2 joek6 fong4.)
B: 前面街口轉左就有間。(B: cin4 min6 gaai1 hau2 zyun3 zo2 zau6 jau5 gaan1.)
A: 唔該晒!(A: m4 goi1 saai3!)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 彌敦道⋯⋯嘉連威老道⋯⋯ (A: nei4 deon1 dou6... gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6...)
B: 先生,需唔需要幫手? (B: sin1 saang1, seoi1 m4 seoi1 jiu3 bong1 sau2?)
A: 請問呢條係咩街? (A: cing2 man6 ni1 tiu4 hai6 me1 gaai1?)
B: 你要去邊度? (B: nei5 jiu3 heoi3 bin1 dou6?)
A: 我揾緊藥房。 (A: ngo5 wan2 gan2 joek6 fong4.)
B: 前面街口轉左就有間。 (B: cin4 min6 gaai1 hau2 zyun3 zo2 zau6 jau5 gaan1.)
A: 唔該晒!(A: m4 goi1 saai3!)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 彌敦道⋯⋯嘉連威老道⋯⋯ (A: nei4 deon1 dou6... gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6...)
A: Nathan Road...Granville Road...
B: 先生,需唔需要幫手? (B: sin1 saang1, seoi1 m4 seoi1 jiu3 bong1 sau2?)
B: Sir, do you need any help?
A: 請問呢條係咩街? (A: cing2 man6 ni1 tiu4 hai6 me1 gaai1?)
A: Could you tell me the name of this street?
B: 你要去邊度? (B: nei5 jiu3 heoi3 bin1 dou6?)
B: Where are you going?
A: 我揾緊藥房。 (A: ngo5 wan2 gan2 joek6 fong4.)
A: I'm looking for a pharmacy.
B: 前面街口轉左就有間。 (B: cin4 min6 gaai1 hau2 zyun3 zo2 zau6 jau5 gaan1.)
B: There's one on the left corner up ahead.
A: 唔該晒!(A: m4 goi1 saai3!)
A: Thanks!
Echo: You know Oscar, I always get lost in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 咁水皮㗎!(gam3 seoi2 pei4 gaa3!)
Echo: Well, not in Kowloon because there is water on two sides.
Oscar: 其實都唔係好難㗎。(kei4 sat6 dou1 m4 hai6 hou2 naan4 gaa3.)
Echo: Yeah, but you are from Hong Kong.
Oscar: 哈! 咁又係, 我教你個方法。 (haa1 ! gam2 jau6 hai6, ngo5 gaau3 nei5 go3 fong1 faat3.)
Echo: Okay.
Oscar: 只要認住最高嗰座樓就得喇!(zi2 jiu3 jing6 zyu6 zeoi3 gou1 go2 zo6 lau2 zau6 dak1 laa3!)
Echo: Hmm that sounds good. Anyway, our vocabulary is all about asking for directions. Let’s start.
Oscar: 彌敦道 (nei4 deon1 dou6)
Echo: Nathan Road.
Oscar: 彌 敦 道, 彌敦道。加連威老道 (nei4 deon1 dou6, nei4 deon1 dou6. gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6)
Echo: Granville Road.
Oscar: 加 連 威 老 道, 加連威老道。幫手 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6, gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6. bong1 sau2)
Echo: To help.
Oscar: 幫 手, 幫手。街名/路名 (bong1 sau2, bong1 sau2. gaai1 ming4 / lou6 ming4)
Echo: Street name.
Oscar: 街 名/路 名, 街名/路名。藥房 (gaai1 ming4 / lou6 ming4, gaai1 ming4 / lou6 ming4. joek6 fong4)
Echo: Pharmacy.
Oscar: 藥 房, 藥房。街口 (joek6 fong4, joek6 fong4. gaai1 hau2)
Echo: Corner.
Oscar: 街 口, 街口。搵 (gaai1 hau2, gaai1 hau2. wan2)
Echo: To look for.
Oscar: 搵, 搵 (wan2, wan2)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is Nathan Road.
Oscar: 彌 敦 道 (nei4 deon1 dou6)
Echo: Nathan Road.
Oscar: 彌 敦 道 (nei4 deon1 dou6)
Echo: Nathan Road is right near
Oscar: 尖沙咀 (zim1 saa1 zeoi2)
Echo: Right it’s one of the most famous streets in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 係呀! 彌敦道係香港最著名嘅街道之一。 (hai6 aa3! nei4 deon1 dou6 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 zyu3 ming4 ge3 gaai1 dou6 zi1 jat1.)
Echo: Nathan Road is also one of the longest streets in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 彌敦道係香港最長嘅街道。 (nei4 deon1 dou6 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 coeng4 ge3 gaai1 dou6.)
Echo: Another important street to know is Granville road.
Oscar: 加連威老道。 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6.)
Echo: Granville road.
Oscar: 加連威老道。 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6.)
Echo: Yeah it’s actually like Granville old road.
Oscar: 加連威老道。 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6.)
Echo: Granville road is near Nathan road.
Oscar: 加連威老道 就喺 彌敦道隔離。 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6 zau6 hai2 nei4 deon1 dou6 gaak3 lei4.)
Echo: Granville road is near Nathan road.
Oscar: 加連威老道 就喺 彌敦道隔離。 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6 zau6 hai2 nei4 deon1 dou6 gaak3 lei4.)
Echo: Now some words for asking directions. The first is the verb to help.
Oscar: 幫手 (bong1 sau2)
Echo: To help.
Oscar: 幫手 (bong1 sau2)
Echo: As in the sentence
Oscar: 你使唔使幫手? (nei5 sai2 m4 sai2 bong1 sau2?)
Echo: Do you need help?
Oscar: 你使唔使幫手? (nei5 sai2 m4 sai2 bong1 sau2?)
Echo: Do you need help. To tell people what you are looking for, use the verb
Oscar: 揾 (wan2)
Echo: To look for.
Oscar: 揾 (wan2)
Echo: I am looking for HSBC.
Oscar: 我揾緊滙豐銀行。 (ngo5 wan2 gan2 wui6 fung1 ngan4 hong4.)
Echo: I am looking for HSBC.
Oscar: 我揾緊滙豐銀行。 (ngo5 wan2 gan2 wui6 fung1 ngan4 hong4.)
Echo: I am looking for a pharmacy.
Oscar: 我揾緊間藥房。 (ngo5 wan2 gan2 gaan1 joek6 fong4.)
Echo: I am looking for a pharmacy.
Oscar: 我揾緊間藥房。 (ngo5 wan2 gan2 gaan1 joek6 fong4.)
Echo: So we have two famous streets.
Oscar: 彌敦道 (nei4 deon1 dou6)
Echo: And
Oscar: 加連威老道 (gaa1 lin4 wai1 lou5 dou6)
Echo: And two key verbs.
Oscar: 幫手, 揾。 (bong1 sau2, wan2.)
Echo: Right. That’s our vocabulary today. In our grammar point, we are going to learn how to ask for help by telling people what we need.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Our grammar focus today is on asking for things we need. In Cantonese, we use three verbs to say this.
Oscar: 使唔使? 要唔要? 愛唔愛? (sai2 m4 sai2 ? jiu3 m4 jiu3 ? oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: Let’s hear those again.
Oscar: 使唔使? 要唔要? (sai2 m4 sai2 ? jiu3 m4 jiu3?)
Echo: And
Oscar: 愛唔愛? (oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: Let’s look at the first case.
Oscar: 使唔使? (sai2 m4 sai2?)
Echo: To need or not to need.
Oscar: 使唔使? (sai2 m4 sai2?)
Echo: In our dialogue, we hear someone ask, do you need help?
Oscar: 你使唔使幫手? (nei5 sai2 m4 sai2 bong1 sau2?)
Echo: Do you need help?
Oscar: 你使唔使幫手? (nei5 sai2 m4 sai2 bong1 sau2?)
Echo: Right.
Oscar: 使唔使? (sai2 m4 sai2?)
Echo: Is really strong but there are weaker ways to say you need something too like
Oscar: 要唔要? (jiu3 m4 jiu3?)
Echo: It’s a weaker way to ask if you need something or not.
Oscar: 要唔要? (jiu3 m4 jiu3?)
Echo: As in, do you need to go to Nathan Road.
Oscar: 你要唔要去彌敦道? (nei5 jiu3 m4 jiu3 heoi3 nei4 deon1 dou6?)
Echo: Do you need to go to Nathan Road.
Oscar: 你要唔要去彌敦道? (nei5 jiu3 m4 jiu3 heoi3 nei4 deon1 dou6?)
Echo: So
Oscar: 要唔要? (jiu3 m4 jiu3?)
Echo: Is similar to
Oscar: 使唔使? (sai2 m4 sai2?)
Echo: It’s maybe a bit softer, less objective.
Oscar: 仲有一種係 愛唔愛? (zung6 jau5 jat1 zung2 hai6 oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: Right. There is another one
Oscar: 愛唔愛? (oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: Let’s hear that again.
Oscar: 愛唔愛? (oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: This is usually used when you order food. For example, do you need anything to drink?
Oscar: 你 愛唔愛 嘢飲? (nei5 oi3 m4 oi3 je5 jam2?)
Echo: Do you need anything to drink?
Oscar: 你 愛唔愛 嘢飲? (nei5 oi3 m4 oi3 je5 jam2?)
Echo: Or do you need a coffee?
Oscar: 你 愛唔愛 杯咖啡? (nei5 oi3 m4 oi3 bui1 gaa3 fe1?)
Echo: Do you need a coffee?
Oscar: 你 愛唔愛 杯咖啡? (nei5 oi3 m4 oi3 bui1 gaa3 fe1?)
不過 冇人會話 你使唔使 杯咖啡? (bat1 gwo3 mou5 jan4 wui5 waa6 nei5 sai2 m4 sai2 bui1 gaa3 fe1?)
Echo: So when you are talking about food, use
Oscar: 愛唔愛 ? (oi3 m4 oi3 ?)
Echo: Not
Oscar: 使唔使? (sai2 m4 sai2?)
Echo: And that’s right. To review, in this lesson, we learned three ways of asking about things you need.
Oscar: 使唔使? 要唔要? (sai2 m4 sai2 ? jiu3 m4 jiu3?)
Echo: And
Oscar: 愛唔愛? (oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: Right.
Oscar: 使唔使? (sai2 m4 sai2?)
Echo: Is stronger than
Oscar: 要唔要? (jiu3 m4 jiu3?)
Echo: And we usually use
Oscar: 愛唔愛? (oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: For food.
Oscar: 啱哂! (aam1 saai3 !)
Echo: And that’s our lesson for today. Today we learned how to ask for directions with two key verbs.
Oscar: 幫手, 搵. (bong1 sau2, wan2 . )
Echo: We also learned three ways to ask people what they need.
Oscar: 使唔使? 要唔要? 愛唔愛? (sai2 m4 sai2 ? jiu3 m4 jiu3 ? oi3 m4 oi3?)
Echo: Before we go, we like to remind you. If you have any questions
Oscar: 去我哋網站留言啦! (heoi3 ngo5 dei6 mong5 zaam6 lau4 jin4 laa1 !)


Echo: Right and our email address is contactus@cantoneseclass101.com
Oscar: 我哋網上見! (ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 !)
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見! (haa6 ci3 gin3 !)


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