
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar。 (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 21. An Unexpected Chinese opportunity.
Oscar: 一個意想不到嘅機會。 (jat1 go3 ji3 soeng2 bat1 dou3 ge3 gei1 wui6.)
Echo: So Oscar, what is this lesson about?
Oscar: 係發生喺兩個好朋友之間嘅事。 (hai6 faat3 sang1 hai2 loeng5 go3 hou2 pang4 jau5 zi1 gaan1 ge3 si6.)
Echo: Right. We are talking about opportunities and our dialogue is between two friends who want to watch a concert and because they are friends, they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁事不宜遲, 我哋又去睇下啦! (gam2 si6 bat1 ji4 ci4, ngo5 dei6 jau6 heoi3 tai2 haa5 laa1!)
A: 我好想睇容祖兒演唱會呀! (A: ngo5 hou2 seong2 tai2 jung4 zou2 ji4 jin2 coeng3 wui2 aa3!)
B: 我夠想囉,但係好難買飛啊! (B: ngo5 gau3 seong2 lo3, daan6 hai6 hou2 naan4 maai5 fei1 aa3!)
A: 我朋友有飛讓出嚟。 (A: ngo5 pang4 jau5 jau5 fei1 joeng6 ceot1 lai4.)
B: 唔係已經賣晒喇咩! (B: m4 hai6 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3 me1?)
A: 佢臨時有事唔去得。 (A: keoi5 lam4 si4 jau5 si6 m4 heoi3 dak1.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 我好想睇容祖兒演唱會呀! (A: ngo5 hou2 seong2 tai2 jung4 zou2 ji4 jin2 coeng3 wui2 aa3!)
B: 我夠想囉,但係好難買飛啊! (B: ngo5 gau3 seong2 lo3, daan6 hai6 hou2 naan4 maai5 fei1 aa3!)
A: 我朋友有飛讓出嚟。 (A: ngo5 pang4 jau5 jau5 fei1 joeng6 ceot1 lai4.)
B: 唔係已經賣晒喇咩! (B: m4 hai6 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3 me1?)
A: 佢臨時有事唔去得。 (A: keoi5 lam4 si4 jau5 si6 m4 heoi3 dak1.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 我好想睇容祖兒演唱會呀! (A: ngo5 hou2 seong2 tai2 jung4 zou2 ji4 jin2 coeng3 wui2 aa3!)
A: I really want to watch the concert by Joey Yung!
B: 我夠想囉,但係好難買飛啊! (B: ngo5 gau3 seong2 lo3, daan6 hai6 hou2 naan4 maai5 fei1 aa3!)
B: I also want to watch it, but it's really difficult to get tickets!
A: 我朋友有飛讓出嚟。 (A: ngo5 pang4 jau5 jau5 fei1 joeng6 ceot1 lai4.)
A: My friend has tickets for sale.
B: 唔係已經賣晒喇咩! (B: m4 hai6 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3 me1?)
B: I thought they were sold out!
A: 佢臨時有事唔去得。 (A: keoi5 lam4 si4 jau5 si6 m4 heoi3 dak1.)
A: She can't go because of an emergency.
Echo: So Oscar, where is the best place to watch a Rock concert in Hong Kong?
Oscar: 咁肯定係紅館啦! (gam2 hang2 ding6 hai6 hung4 gun2 laa1!)
Echo: Right. If you want to catch a performance, try going to the Hong Kong Coliseum.
Oscar: 係呀! 不過記得要提前買票呀! (hai6 aa3! bat1 gwo3 gei3 dak1 jiu3 tai4 cin4 maai5 piu3 aa3! )
Echo: Yes. For now though, let’s move on to our vocabulary which is all about concerts and Rock shows.
Oscar: 明星。 (ming4 sing1.)
Echo: Star.
Oscar: 明 星, 明星, 粉絲。 (ming4 sing1, ming4 sing1, fan2 si1.)
Echo: Fans.
Oscar: 粉 絲, 粉絲, 黃牛黨。 (fan2 si1, fan2 si1, wong4 ngau4 dong2.)
Echo: Ticket scalper.
Oscar: 黃 牛 黨, 黃牛黨, 飛。 (wong4 ngau4 dong2, wong4 ngau4 dong2, fei1.)
Echo: Ticket.
Oscar: 飛, 飛, 樂隊。 (fei1, fei1, ngok6 deoi2.)
Echo: Band.
Oscar: 樂 隊, 樂隊, 演出。 (ngok6 deoi2, ngok6 deoi2, jin2 ceot1.)
Echo: Performance.
Oscar: 演 出, 演出, 讓。 (jin2 ceot1, jin2 ceot1, joeng6.)
Echo: To let.
Oscar: 讓, 讓, 臨時。 (joeng6, joeng6, lam4 si4.)
Echo: Temporary.
Oscar: 臨 時, 臨時。 (lam4 si4, lam4 si4.)
Echo: Let’s have closer look at some of the words from this lesson. Our first word is
Oscar: 明星。 (ming4 sing1.)
Echo: Star.
Oscar: 明星。 (ming4 sing1.)
Echo: If someone is a famous singer, we can call them a
Oscar: 歌星。 (go1 sing1.)
Echo: And movie stars are
Oscar: 影星, 係喇! (jing2 sing1, hai6 laa3 !) 不過香港有一個人, 既係出名嘅歌星, 又係好出名嘅影星。 (bat1 gwo3 hoeng1 gong2 jau5 jat1 go3 jan4, gei3 hai6 ceot1 meng2 ge3 go1 sing1, jau6 hai6 hou2 ceot1 meng2 ge3 jing2 sing1.)
Echo: Yes this is Andy Lau.
Oscar: 唔, 冇錯喇! 劉德華喺香港好受歡迎, 有好多粉絲。 (m4, mou5 co3 laa3! lau4 dak1 waa4 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 hou2 sau6 fun1 jing4, jau5 hou2 do1 fan2 si1.)
Echo: Yeah I like Andy Lau too. The word there for Fans is actually our next word.
Oscar: 粉絲。 (fan2 si1.)
Echo: Fans.
Oscar: 粉絲。 (fan2 si1.)
Echo: Fans.
Oscar: 你永遠都想像唔到劉德華喺香港有幾多粉絲。 (nei5 wing5 jyun5 dou1 soeng2 zoeng6 m4 dou2 lau4 dak1 waa4 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 jau5 gei2 do1 fan2 si1.)
Echo: This is true. You can never imagine how many fans Andy Lau has in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 你永遠都想像唔到劉德華喺香港有幾多粉絲。 (nei5 wing5 jyun5 dou1 soeng2 zoeng6 m4 dou2 lau4 dak1 waa4 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 jau5 gei2 do1 fan2 si1.)
Echo: You can never imagine how many fans Andy Lau has in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 而到目前為止, 劉德華已經喺紅館有142次演出。 (ji4 dou3 muk6 cin4 wai4 zi2, lau4 dak1 waa4 ji5 ging1 hai2 hung4 gun2 jau5 jat1 baak3 sei3 sap6 ji6 ci3 jin2 ceot1.)
Echo: He’s played at coliseum 142 times. That’s impressive and that’s our next word too, performance.
Oscar: 演出。 (jin2 ceot1.)
Echo: Performance.
Oscar: 演出。 (jin2 ceot1.) 佢尋日嘅演出簡直嘆為觀止。 (keoi5 cam4 jat6 ge3 jin2 ceot1 gaan2 zik6 taan3 wai4 gun1 zi2.)
Echo: His performance yesterday was awesome.
Oscar: 佢尋日嘅演出簡直嘆為觀止。 (keoi5 cam4 jat6 ge3 jin2 ceot1 gaan2 zik6 taan3 wai4 gun1 zi2.)
Echo: His performance yesterday was awesome. The only problem with Andy Lau is that his shows are sold out. So the only way to buy ticket is often to deal with scalpers and this is a word for scalpers.
Oscar: 黃牛黨。 (wong4 ngau4 dong2.)
Echo: Ticket scalpers.
Oscar: 黃牛黨。 (wong4 ngau4 dong2.) 去黃牛黨度買飛通常都會好貴。 (heoi3 wong4 ngau4 dong2 dou6 maai5 fei1 tung1 soeng4 dou1 wui2 hou2 gwai3.)
Echo: It is always very expensive to buy ticket from ticket scalpers.
Oscar: 去黃牛黨度買飛 通常都會好貴. (heoi3 wong4 ngau4 dong2 dou6 maai5 fei1 tung1 soeng4 dou1 wui2 hou2 gwai3.)
Echo: It is always very expensive to buy ticket from ticket scalpers. If you have the chance to see Andy live, you should go though because it will be a very Hong Kong experience and his music is pretty good too. Now let’s move on to grammar point.

Lesson focus

It’s grammar time.
Echo: In the previous lessons, we’ve learned that
Oscar: 得。 (dak1.)
Echo: Means to be able to when it follows a verb. For instance
Oscar: 去得。 (heoi3 dak1.)
Echo: To be able to go.
Oscar: 食得。 (sik6 dak1.)
Echo: To be able to eat.
Oscar: 瞓得。 (fan3 dak1.)
Echo: To be able to sleep. In this lesson, we heard
Oscar: 佢臨時有事 唔去得。 (keoi5 lam4 si4 jau5 si6 m4 heoi3 dak1.)
Echo: She can’t go because of an emergency.
Oscar: 佢臨時有事 唔去得。 (keoi5 lam4 si4 jau5 si6 m4 heoi3 dak1.)
Echo: She can’t go because of an emergency.
Oscar: 冇錯喇。 (mou5 co3 laa3.)
Echo: And notice we have the negative form of the verb there.
Oscar: 然之後加動詞, 再加「得」。 (jin4 zi1 hau6 gaa1 dung6 ci4, zoi3 gaa1 “dak1”.)
Echo: We put the word for not first.
Oscar: 然之後加動詞, 再加「得」, 譬如唔問得。 (jin4 zi1 hau6 gaa1 dung6 ci4, zoi3 gaa1 “dak1”, pei3 jyu4 m4 man6 dak1.)
Echo: Not to be able to ask.
Oscar: 唔坐得。 (m4 co5 dak1.)
Echo: Not to be able to sit.
Oscar: 唔買得。 (m4 maai5 dak1.)
Echo: Not to be able to buy.
Oscar: 啱哂喇! (ngaam1 saai3 laa3!)
Echo: This is pretty simple point. So let’s practice with some sentences.
Oscar: 我身上冇咁多錢, 所以唔買得黃牛黨嘅飛。 (ngo5 san1 soeng6 mou5 gam2 do1 cin2, so2 ji3 m4 maai5 dak1 wong4 ngau4 dong2 ge3 fei1.)
Echo: I don’t have enough cash. So I can’t buy a ticket from ticket scalpers.
Oscar: 佢五音不全, 自細就唔唱得歌。 (keoi5 ng5 jam1 bat1 cyun4, zi6 sai3 zau6 m4 coeng3 dak1 go1.)
Echo: He has been tone deaf since childhood and can’t sing.
Oscar: 佢五音不全, 自細就唔唱得歌。 (keoi5 ng5 jam1 bat1 cyun4, zi6 sai3 zau6 m4 coeng3 dak1 go1.)
Echo: He has been tone deaf since childhood and can’t sing.
Oscar: 唔唱得好歌。 (m4 coeng3 dak1 hou2 go1.)
Echo: Not to be able to sing well.
Oscar: 唔唱得好歌。 (m4 coeng3 dak1 hou2 go1.)
Echo: Not to be able to sing well. And look at the way we added a verb complement in there too.
Oscar: 唔做得好戲。 (m4 zou6 dak1 hou2 hei3.)
Echo: Not to be able to act well.
Oscar: 唔做得好戲。 (m4 zou6 dak1 hou2 hei3.)
Echo: Not to be able to act well.
Oscar: 唔睇得哂。 (m4 tai2 dak1 saai3.)
Echo: Not to be able to finish watching.
Oscar: 唔睇得哂。 (m4 tai2 dak1 saai3.)
Echo: Not to be able to finish watching.
Oscar: 全部都啱哂喇。 (cyun4 bou6 dou1 ngaam1 saai3 laa3.)
Echo: So this is simple grammar point.
Oscar: 如果你想話 你可以做一啲嘢, 或者你唔可以做一啲嘢, 你就用得。 (jyu4 gwo2 nei5 soeng2 waa6 nei5 ho2 ji5 zou6 jat1 di1 je5, waak6 ze2 nei5 m4 ho2 ji5 zou6 jat1 di1 je5, nei5 zau6 jung6 dak1.)
Echo: As with
Oscar: 唔唱得好, 唔做得好, 唔睇得哂。 (m4 coeng3 dak1 hou2, m4 zou6 dak1 hou2, m4 tai2 dak1 saai3.)


Echo: That’s all for today.
Oscar: 冇錯。 (mou5 co3.)
Echo: And we are looking forward to seeing you on the site.
Oscar: 咁我哋網上見啦! (gam2 ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 laa1!)
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見。 (haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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