
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar, 又見面喇! (daai6 gaa1 hou2 , ngo5 hai6 Oscar , jau6 gin3 min6 laa3!)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 20. Let’s See A Cantonese Movie.
Oscar: 等陣 一齊睇電影吖? (dang2 zan6 jat1 cai4 tai2 din6 jing2 aa1?)
Echo: Right. Hong Kong movies are famous around the world. So it isn’t a surprise that our dialogue is about movies.
Oscar: 發生喺一對情侣身上嘅事. (faat3 sang1 hai2 jat1 deoi3 cing4 leoi5 san1 soeng6 ge3 si6.)
Echo: Right. We have a couple going to see a movie after work and because this takes place in Hong Kong, they are speaking casual Cantonese as always. So Oscar, have you ever seen a movie star in Hong Kong?
Oscar: 梗有啦! 香港地方咁细, 我經常見到明星㗎! (gang2 jau5 laa1 ! hoeng1 gong2 dei6 fong1 gam3 sai3, ngo5 ging1 soeng4 gin3 dou2 ming4 sing1 gaa3!)
A: 你今晚幾點放工? (nei5 gam1 maan5 gei2 dim2 fong3 gung1?)
B: 大約七點鐘度啦. (daai6 joek3 cat1 dim2 zung1 dou2 laa1.)
A: 不如去睇戲囉! (bat1 jyu4 heoi3 tai2 hei3 lo3!)
B: 都好喎,我想睇謝霆鋒套新戲呀! (dou1 hou2 wo3, ngo5 seong2 tai2 ze6 ting4 fung1 tou3 san1 hei3 aa3!)
A: 講咩㗎? (gong2 me1 gaa3?)
B: 係喜劇,聽講幾好笑. (hai6 hei2 kek6, teng1 gong2 gei2 hou2 siu3.)
A: 好呀,我買定飛喺戲院門口等你. (hou2 aa3, ngo5 maai5 ding6 fei1 hai2 hei3 jyun2 mun4 hau2 dang2 nei5.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 你今晚幾點放工? (nei5 gam1 maan5 gei2 dim2 fong3 gung1?)
B: 大約七點鐘度啦. (daai6 joek3 cat1 dim2 zung1 dou2 laa1.)
A: 不如去睇戲囉! (bat1 jyu4 heoi3 tai2 hei3 lo3!)
B: 都好喎,我想睇謝霆鋒套新戲呀! (dou1 hou2 wo3, ngo5 seong2 tai2 ze6 ting4 fung1 tou3 san1 hei3 aa3!)
A: 講咩㗎? (gong2 me1 gaa3?)
B: 係喜劇,聽講幾好笑. (hai6 hei2 kek6, teng1 gong2 gei2 hou2 siu3.)
A: 好呀,我買定飛喺戲院門口等你. (hou2 aa3, ngo5 maai5 ding6 fei1 hai2 hei3 jyun2 mun4 hau2 dang2 nei5.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 你今晚幾點放工? (nei5 gam1 maan5 gei2 dim2 fong3 gung1?)
A: What time are you getting off tonight?
B: 大約七點鐘度啦. (daai6 joek3 cat1 dim2 zung1 dou2 laa1.)
B: Around 7 o'clock.
A: 不如去睇戲囉! (bat1 jyu4 heoi3 tai2 hei3 lo3!)
A: Let's go watch a movie!
B: 都好喎,我想睇謝霆鋒套新戲呀! (dou1 hou2 wo3, ngo5 seong2 tai2 ze6 ting4 fung1 tou3 san1 hei3 aa3!)
B: Sure, I want to watch the new movie by Nicholas Tse!
A: 講咩㗎? (gong2 me1 gaa3?)
A: What is it about?
B: 係喜劇,聽講幾好笑. (hai6 hei2 kek6, teng1 gong2 gei2 hou2 siu3.)
B: It's a comedy, I heard it's pretty funny.
A: 好呀,我買定飛喺戲院門口等你. (hou2 aa3, ngo5 maai5 ding6 fei1 hai2 hei3 jyun2 mun4 hau2 dang2 nei5.)
A: Okay, I will wait for you outside the theater with the tickets.
Echo: Wow really, so who have you seen?
Oscar: 劉德華啦! 周潤發啦! 謝霆鋒啦! (lau4 dak1 waa4 laa1 ! zau1 jeon6 faat3 laa1 ! ze6 ting4 fung1 laa1!)
Echo: Nicolas, if you see him next time, get me his signature please.
Oscar: 哈, 如果你鍾意謝霆鋒, 咁呢課一定啱哂你喇! 即刻去睇下啦! (haa1 , jyu4 gwo2 nei5 zung1 ji3 ze6 ting4 fung1, gam2 ni1 fo3 jat1 ding6 ngaam1 saai3 nei5 laa3 ! zik1 hak1 heoi3 tai2 haa5 laa1!)
Oscar: 放工.(fong3 gung1.)
Echo: To get off work.
Oscar: 放 工, 放工, 大約. (fong3 gung1 , fong3 gung1 , daai6 joek3.)
Echo: Around.
Oscar: 大 約, 大約, 不如. (daai6 joek3 , daai6 joek3 , bat1 jyu4.)
Echo: How about.
Oscar: 不 如, 不如, 睇戲. (bat1 jyu4 , bat1 jyu4 , tai2 hei3.)
Echo: To see a movie.
Oscar: 睇 戲, 睇戲, 喜劇. (tai2 hei3 , tai2 hei3 , hei2 kek6.)
Echo: Comedy.
Oscar: 喜 劇, 喜劇, 悲,劇. (hei2 kek6 , hei2 kek6 , bei1 ,kek6.)
Echo: Tragedy.
Oscar: 悲, 劇, 悲,劇, 好笑. (bei1 , kek6 , bei1 ,kek6 , hou2 siu3.)
Echo: Funny.
Oscar: 好 笑, 好笑, 戲 院. (hou2 siu3 , hou2 siu3 , hei3 jyun2.)
Echo: Theater.
Oscar: 戲 院, 戲 院. (hei3 jyun2 , hei3 jyun2.)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. Our first word is
Oscar: 睇戲. (tai2 hei3.)
Echo: To see a movie.
Oscar: 睇戲. (tai2 hei3.)
Echo: To see a movie.
Oscar: 香港嘅電影喺全世界都好出名, 所以呀好多人都鍾意去睇戲. (hoeng1 gong2 ge3 din6 jing2 hai2 cyun4 sai3 gaai3 dou1 hou2 ceot1 ming4 , so2 ji5 aa4 hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 zung1 ji3 heoi3 tai2 hei3.)
Echo: Hong Kong movies are famous worldwide and many people like to see them.
Oscar: 香港嘅電影喺全世界都好出名, 所以呀好多人都鍾意去睇戲, 而其中呢喜劇就係特别受歡迎㗎喇! (hoeng1 gong2 ge3 din6 jing2 hai2 cyun4 sai3 gaai3 dou1 hou2 ceot1 ming4, so2 ji5 aa4 hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 zung1 ji3 heoi3 tai2 hei3, ji4 kei4 zung1 ne1 hei2 kek6 zau6 hai6 dak6 bit6 sau6 fun1 jing4 gaa3 laa3!)
Echo: Right. Comedies are the most popular movies in Hong Kong and there our next word too.
Oscar: 喜劇. (hei2 kek6.)
Echo: A comedy.
Oscar: 喜劇. (hei2 kek6.)
Echo: A comedy.
Oscar: 香港最受歡迎嘅喜劇, 當然係周星馳嘅電影啦! (hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 sau6 fun1 jing4 ge3 hei2 kek6 , dong1 jin4 hai6 zau1 sing1 ci4 ge3 din6 jing2 laa1!)
Echo: Some most popular comedies in Hong Kong are Steven Charles movies.
Oscar: 香港最受歡迎嘅喜劇, 當然係周星馳嘅電影啦! (hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 sau6 fun1 jing4 ge3 hei2 kek6 , dong1 jin4 hai6 zau1 sing1 ci4 ge3 din6 jing2 laa1!)
Echo: And what’s the opposite of comedies?
Oscar: 你係話 悲劇? (nei5 hai6 waa6 bei1 kek6 ?)
Echo: Right. Tragedies.
Oscar: 悲劇. (bei1 kek6.)
Echo: Tragedy. This is also what we call dramas.
Oscar: 悲劇. (bei1 kek6.) 其實香港人呢就唔係太鐘意悲劇喇! 因為平時工作壓力大,想睇啲可以放鬆下嘅電影 . (kei4 sat6 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 ne1 zau6 m4 hai6 taai3 zung1 ji3 bei1 kek6 laa3! jan1 wai6 ping4 si4 gung1 zok3 ngaat3 lik6 daai6, soeng2 tai2 di1 ho2 ji5 fong3 sung1 haa5 ge3 din6 jing2.)
Echo: Right. Dramas aren’t too popular because life in Hong Kong can be very stressful. Now if you see movie and think it’s funny, it’s useful to know the word funny.
Oscar: 好笑 . (hou2 siu3.)
Echo: Funny.
Oscar: 好笑 . (hou2 siu3.)
Echo: So remember the words for comedy.
Oscar: 喜劇 . (hei2 kek6.)
Echo: Tragedy.
Oscar: 悲劇 .(bei1 kek6.)
Echo: And remember how to tell people that you think something is funny.
Oscar: 好笑 .(hou2 siu3.)
Echo: And now let’s move on to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: In our previous lesson, we learned the verb complement.
Oscar: 哂, 賣哂飛 . (can2 , maai6 can2 fei1.)
Echo: Tickets are sold out.
Oscar: 放哂工 . (fong3 can2 gung1.)
Echo: We are all done with work.
Oscar: 我哋只需要喺動詞後面加一個「哂」. (ngo5 dei6 zi2 seoi1 jiu3 hai2 dung6 ci4 hau6 min6 gaa1 jat1 go3 「 saai3 」.)
Echo: Today we are going to cover another verb complement. We hear it here.
Oscar: 買定飛 . (maai5 ding6 fei1.)
Echo: To buy a ticket.
Oscar: 買定飛 . (maai5 ding6 fei1.)
Echo: Wherever we hear
Oscar: 定 . (ding6.)
Echo: It means we are planning something in advance.
Oscar: 意思就好似係 先做完呢樣嘢, 係為咗更好咁完成下一樣 . (ji3 si1 zau6 hou2 ci5 hai6 sin1 zou6 jyun4 ni1 joeng6 je5, hai6 wai6 zo2 gang3 hou2 gam3 jyun4 sing4 haa6 jat1 joeng6.)
Echo: Right. How about another example?
Oscar: 排定隊 . (paai4 ding6 deoi2.)
Echo: To line up in order to do something.
Oscar: 喺依到排定隊就係先去排隊, 係為咗可以買到演唱會嘅飛 . (hai2 ji1 dou3 paai4 ding6 deoi2 zau6 hai6 sin1 heoi3 paai4 deoi2, hai6 wai6 zo2 ho2 ji5 maai5 dou3 jin2 coeng3 wui2 ge3 fei1.)
Echo: So we are getting in line in order to buy tickets.
Oscar: 煮定飯 . (zyu2 ding6 faan6.)
Echo: To cook but really to cook in order to do something else.
Oscar: 煮定飯 就係先煮好飯, 係為咗可以更加早咁食飯 . (zyu2 ding6 faan6 zau6 hai6 sin1 zyu2 hou2 faan6 , hai6 wai6 zo2 ho2 ji5 gang3 gaa1 zou2 gam2 sik6 faan6.)
Echo: So in that sentence, we are cooking in order to eat earlier.
Oscar: 做定作業. (zou6 ding6 zok3 jip6.)
Echo: To finish homework.
Oscar: 先做作業, 係為咗可以早啲休息. (sin1 zou6 zok3 jip6 , hai6 wai6 zo2 ho2 ji5 zou2 di1 jau1 sik1.)
Echo: Finish your homework and then you can take a break earlier.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! (mou5 co3 laa3!)
Echo: So finish A first so you can do B later.
Oscar: 譬如話, 先做作業, 係為咗可以早啲休息. (pei3 jyu4 waa6, sin1 zou6 zok3 jip6 , hai6 wai6 zo2 ho2 ji5 zou2 di1 jau1 sik1.)
Echo: So use this verb complement when you have two verbs and you have to finish the first one in order to do or because of the second one. Oscar has already given us some sentences. So why don’t you try this one. Buy a ticket, then, we can see a concert.
Oscar: 買定飛 咁我哋就可以睇演唱會. (maai5 ding6 fei1 gam2 ngo5 dei6 zau6 ho2 ji5 tai2 jin2 coeng3 wui2.)
Echo: Buy a ticket, then, we can see a concert.
Oscar: 買定飛 咁我哋就可以睇演唱會. (maai5 ding6 fei1 gam2 ngo5 dei6 zau6 ho2 ji5 tai2 jin2 coeng3 wui2.)
Echo: How about finish working, I want to go.
Oscar: 做定嘢 我想早啲走. (zou6 ding6 je5 ngo5 soeng2 zou2 di1 zau2.)
Echo: Finish working, I want to go.
Oscar: 做定嘢 我想早啲走. (zou6 ding6 je5 ngo5 soeng2 zou2 di1 zau2.)
Echo: So remember, use this verb complement when you need to get something done in order to do something else. That’s all for today.
Oscar: 冇錯. (mou5 co3.)


Echo: And we are looking forward to seeing you on the site.
Oscar: 咁我哋網上見啦! (gam2 ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 laa1!)
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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