
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to CantoneseClass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好,我係Oscar。(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, lesson 2. Buying Laptop in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 喺香港買手提電腦。(hai2 hoeng1 gong2 maai5 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
Echo: Right. It’s really hard to buy a good laptop especially in a foreign language. So we are going to make it easy for you today. Our dialogue takes place at
Oscar: 香港嘅電腦店。(hoeng1 gong2 ge3 din6 nou5 dim3.)
Echo: Right. A computer shop in Hong Kong and it’s between a salesperson and a customer. So they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 我哋而家去聽下。(ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5.)
A: 歡迎光臨,有咩可以幫到你? (A: fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4, jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5?)
B: 我想買部手提電腦。(B: ngo5 soeng2 maai5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
A: 想要乜功能? (A: seong2 jiu3 mat1 gung1 nang4?)
B: 夠輕、夠薄身、夠襟玩。 (B: gau3 heng1, gau3 bok6 san1, gau3 kam1 waan2.)
A: 新出嘅呢款啱晒你! (A: san1 ceot1 ge3 ni1 fun2 aam1 saai3 nei5!)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 歡迎光臨,有咩可以幫到你? (A: fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4, jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5?)
B: 我想買部手提電腦。(B: ngo5 soeng2 maai5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
A: 想要乜功能? (A: seong2 jiu3 mat1 gung1 nang4?)
B: 夠輕、夠薄身、夠襟玩。 (B: gau3 heng1, gau3 bok6 san1, gau3 kam1 waan2.)
A: 新出嘅呢款啱晒你! (A: san1 ceot1 ge3 ni1 fun2 aam1 saai3 nei5!)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 歡迎光臨,有咩可以幫到你? (A: fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4, jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5?)
A: Welcome, what can I help you with?
B: 我想買部手提電腦。(B: ngo5 soeng2 maai5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
B: I want to buy a laptop.
A: 想要乜功能? (A: seong2 jiu3 mat1 gung1 nang4?)
A: What functions do you want?
B: 夠輕、夠薄身、夠襟玩。 (B: gau3 heng1, gau3 bok6 san1, gau3 kam1 waan2.)
B: I want it to be light and thin, and also run for a long time.
A: 新出嘅呢款啱晒你! (A: san1 ceot1 ge3 ni1 fun2 aam1 saai3 nei5!)
A: This new model fits your needs exactly!
Echo: So Oscar, do you have a laptop?
Oscar: 梗有啦,而家邊個冇呀! (gang2 jau5 laa1, ji4 gaa1 bin1 go3 mou5 aa3!)
Echo: Huh you know my laptops just got stolen last week. So I guess I need to use this new vocabulary very soon.
Oscar: 呢課一定啱哂你. (ni1 fo3 jat1 ding6 ngaam1 saai3 nei5.)
Echo: Right. This lesson is for me. Let’s get to the vocabulary.
Oscar: 歡迎光臨. (fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4.)
Echo: Welcome.
Oscar: 歡 迎 光 臨, 歡迎光臨. 手提電腦 (fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4, fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4. sau2 tai4 din6 nau5)
Echo: Laptop.
Oscar: 手 提 電 腦, 手提電腦 功能 (sau2 tai4 din6 nau5, sau2 tai4 din6 nau5 gung1 nang4)
Echo: Function.
Oscar: 功 能, 功能, 薄身 (gung1 nang4, gung1 nang4, bok6 san1)
Echo: Thin.
Oscar: 薄 身, 薄身, 厚身 (bok6 san1, bok6 san1, hau5 san1)
Echo: Thick.
Oscar: 厚 身, 厚身, 續航 (hau5 san1, hau5 san1, zuk6 hong4)
Echo: Endurance Please double check the Cantonese translation 續航 (zuk6 hong4)
Oscar: 續 航, 續航, 抵玩 (zuk6 hong4, zuk6 hong4, dai2 waan2)
Echo: Competitive.
Oscar: 抵 玩, 抵玩, 新出 (dai2 waan2, dai2 waan2, san1 ceot1)
Echo: New.
Oscar: 新 出, 新出, 款式 (san1 ceot1, san1 ceot1, fun2 sik1)
Echo: Model
Oscar: 款 式, 款式 (fun2 sik1, fun2 sik1)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is welcome.
Oscar: 歡迎光臨. (fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4.)
Echo: Welcome.
Oscar: 歡 迎 光 臨. (fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4.)
Echo: Right. When you walk into most stores, you will hear some people welcome you.
Oscar: 歡 迎 光 臨. (fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4.)
Echo: Right. This isn’t just computer stores. Restaurants, shops, massage places, they all say
Oscar: 歡迎光臨. (fun1 jing4 gwong1 lam4.)
Echo: Right. Now if you are looking for a laptop, you are looking for a
Oscar: 手提電腦 (sau2 tai4 din6 nou5)
Echo: Laptop.
Oscar: 手提電腦 (sau2 tai4 din6 nou5)
Echo: It is a laptop.
Oscar: 手提電腦 (sau2 tai4 din6 nou5)
Echo: Not a computer.
Oscar: 枱式電腦. (toi4 sik1 din6 nou5.)
Echo: So you can ask for laptop this way.
Oscar: 我想買部手提電腦. (ngo5 soeng2 maai5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
Echo: I want to buy a laptop.
Oscar: 我想買部手提電腦. (ngo5 soeng2 maai5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
Echo: I want to buy a laptop but I am poor.
Oscar: 哈! 咪吹水啦你. (haa1 ! mai5 ceoi1 seoi2 laa1 nei5.)
Echo: Okay. So now you know the word for laptop and you also need these four words.
Oscar: 功能, 厚身 , 薄身, 續航 (gung1 nang4, hau5 san1 , bok6 san1, zuk6 hong4)
Echo: Function
Oscar: 功能 (gung1 nang4)
Echo: Function
Oscar: 功能 (gung1 nang4)
Echo: Thick.
Oscar: 厚身 (hau5 san1)
Echo: Thick
Oscar: 厚身 (hau5 san1)
Echo: Thin
Oscar: 薄身 (bok6 san1)
Echo: Thin
Oscar: 薄身 (bok6 san1)
Echo: Endurance or really running time.
Oscar: 續航 (zuk6 hong4)
Echo: Endurance
Oscar: 續航 (zuk6 hong4)
Echo: Right. So you can use these words to describe the type of laptop you want. For example, I want a thin laptop.
Oscar: 我要部薄身嘅手提電腦。 (ngo5 jiu3 bou6 bok6 san1 ge3 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
Echo: Which has a lot of functions.
Oscar: 有好多功能. (jau5 hou2 do1 gung1 nang4.)
Echo: And it can also run for a long time.
Oscar: 同埋續航能力好強。(tung4 maai4 zuk6 hong4 nang4 lik6 hou2 koeng4.)
我要部薄身嘅手提電腦, 有好多功能, 同埋續航能力好強。(ngo5 jiu3 bou6 bok6 san1 ge3 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5, jau5 hou2 do1 gung1 nang4, tung4 maai4 zuk6 hong4 nang4 lik6 hou2 koeng4.)
Echo: Right. So this sentence is actually pretty long and we are going to break it down into word by word.
Oscar: 我要部 (ngo5 jiu3 bou6)
Echo: I want one.
Oscar: 薄身嘅 (bok6 san1 ge3)
Echo: Thin
Oscar: 手提電腦 (sau2 tai4 din6 nou5)
Echo: Laptop.
Oscar: 有好多 (jau5 hou2 do1)
Echo: Has a lot of
Oscar: 功能 (gung1 nang4)
Echo: Functions.
Oscar: 同埋 (tung4 maai4)
Echo: Also.
Oscar: 續航能力好強 (zuk6 hong4 nang4 lik6 hou2 koeng4)
Echo: Run for a long time. I want a thin laptop
Oscar: 我要部薄身嘅手提電腦 (ngo5 jiu3 bou6 bok6 san1 ge3 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5)
Echo: Which has a lot of functions
Oscar: 有好多功能 (jau5 hou2 do1 gung1 nang4)
Echo: And can also run for a long time.
Oscar: 同埋續航能力好強。(tung4 maai4 zuk6 hong4 nang4 lik6 hou2 koeng4.)
我要部薄身嘅手提電腦, 有好多功能, 同埋續航能力好強。(ngo5 jiu3 bou6 bok6 san1 ge3 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5, jau5 hou2 do1 gung1 nang4, tung4 maai4 zuk6 hong4 nang4 lik6 hou2 koeng4.)
Echo: Right. We all love thin laptops. And the opposite of thin is
Oscar: 厚身 (hau5 san1)
Echo: Thick.
Oscar: 厚身 (hau5 san1)
Echo: Right. For example, I don’t like this laptop, it’s too thick.
Oscar: 我唔鍾意呢部手提電腦, 太厚身啦! (ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 ni1 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5, taai3 hau5 san1 laa3 ! )
Echo: I don’t like this laptop. It’s too thick.
Oscar: 我唔鍾意呢部手提電腦, 太厚身啦! (ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 ni1 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5, taai3 hau5 san1 laa3 ! )
Echo: Okay. Let’s review. So we learned laptop.
Oscar: 手提電腦 (sau2 tai4 din6 nou5)
Echo: Thin
Oscar: 薄身 (bok6 san1)
Echo: Thick
Oscar: 厚身 (hau5 san1)
Echo: Endurance
Oscar: 續航 (zuk6 hong4)
Echo: Function
Oscar: 功能 (gung1 nang4)
Echo: Right. Let’s move on to our grammar point today.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: So today our grammar point is focusing on this word.
Oscar: 夠 (gau3)
Echo: Enough.
Oscar: 夠 (gau3)
Echo: In previous lessons, we taught you how to say very.
Oscar: 好 (hou2)
Echo: Very.
Oscar: 好 (hou2)
Echo: It is an adverb. So we follow it with adjectives and verbs like
Oscar: 好貴. (hou2 gwai3.)
Echo: Very expensive.
Oscar: 我部手提電腦好貴. (ngo5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 hou2 gwai3.)
Echo: My laptop is very expensive. Today we are introducing you this new adverb.
Oscar: 夠 (gau3)
Echo: Enough.
Oscar: 夠. (gau3)
Echo: Like good enough.
Oscar: 夠好. (gau3 hou2.)
Echo: Good enough.
Oscar: 夠好 (gau3 hou2.)
Echo: Thin enough
Oscar: 夠薄身 (gau3 bok6 san1)
Echo: Thin enough.
Oscar: 夠薄身. (gau3 bok6 san1.)
Echo: Your laptop is very thin.
Oscar: 你部手提電腦夠薄身. (nei5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 gau3 bok6 san1.)
Echo: Your laptop is very thin.
Oscar: 你部手提電腦夠薄身 (nei5 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 gau3 bok6 san1.)
Echo: Right. So we use this word
Oscar: 夠. (gau3.)
Echo: Just like the adverb very.
Oscar: 好 (hou2)
Echo: Right. For another example, this laptop is new enough.
Oscar: 呢部手提電腦夠新款. (ni1 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 gau3 san1 fun2.)
Echo: This laptop is new enough.
Oscar: 呢部手提電腦夠新款. (ni1 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 gau3 san1 fun2.)
Echo: Or that laptop is thin enough.
Oscar: 嗰部手提電腦夠薄身. (go2 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 gau3 bok6 san1.)
Echo: That laptop is thin enough.
Oscar: 嗰部手提電腦夠薄身. (go2 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5 gau3 bok6 san1.)
Echo: The desktop computer is very fast.
Oscar: 依部枱式電腦夠快. (ji1 bou6 toi4 sik1 din6 nou5 gau3 faai3.)
Echo: The desktop computer is very fast.
Oscar: 依部枱式電腦夠快. (ji1 bou6 toi4 sik1 din6 nou5 gau3 faai3.)
Echo: Right. So this means something is good enough, thin enough, new enough, or fast enough. Remember to just put
Oscar: 夠 (gau3)
Echo: Before adjectives.
Oscar: 夠好, 夠薄身,夠新款, (gau3 hou2, gau3 bok6 san1, gau3 san1 fun2)
Echo: So that’s our grammar point for today and before we go, we like to remind you. If you have any questions
Oscar: 係我哋既網站上面留言啦! (hai6 ngo5 dei6 gei3 mong5 zaam6 soeng6 min6 lau4 jin4 laa1 !)


Echo: Right. Please leave a comment on our website and the address is cantoneseclass101.com
Oscar: 我哋網上見! (ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 !)
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見! (haa6 ci3 gin3 !)

