Echo: Welcome to I am Echo. |
Oscar: 大家好,我係Oscar.(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.) |
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate season 1, lesson 16. Have You Ever Gone on a Blind Date? |
Oscar: 你有冇去過相睇呀?(nei5 jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3 soeng1 tai2 aa3?) |
Echo: I’ve never been but it’s more and more common for people to go on a blind date just like one of the people in our dialogue. |
Oscar: 發生喺兩個朋友之間嘅事.(faat3 sang1 hai2 loeng5 go3 pang4 jau5 zi1 gaan1 ge3 si6.) |
Echo: Right. We have two friends here. They are talking about a blind date. One of them was * and they are speaking casual Cantonese as always. |
Oscar: 咁我哋而家即刻去聽下啦!(gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 zik1 hak1 heoi3 teng1 haa5 laa1!) |
A: 我阿媽又嗌我去相睇.(ngo5 aa3 maa1 jau6 ngaai3 ngo5 heoi3 seong1 tai2. ) |
B: 今次去見邊個?(gam1 ci3 heoi3 gin3 bin1 go3?) |
A: 一個地產商個仔.(jat1 go3 dei6 caan2 seong1 go3 zai2.) |
B: 咁咪好有米?(gam2 mai6 hou2 jau5 mai5?) |
A: 我都唔志在,我想揾個人代我去.(ngo5 dou1 m4 zi3 zoi6 ,ngo5 seong2 wan2 go3 jan4 doi6 ngo5 heoi3.) |
David: One more time, a bit slower. |
A: 我阿媽又嗌我去相睇.(ngo5 aa3 maa1 jau6 ngaai3 ngo5 heoi3 seong1 tai2. ) |
B: 今次去見邊個?(gam1 ci3 heoi3 gin3 bin1 go3?) |
A: 一個地產商個仔.(jat1 go3 dei6 caan2 seong1 go3 zai2.) |
B: 咁咪好有米?(gam2 mai6 hou2 jau5 mai5?) |
A: 我都唔志在,我想揾個人代我去.(ngo5 dou1 m4 zi3 zoi6 ,ngo5 seong2 wan2 go3 jan4 doi6 ngo5 heoi3.) |
David: And now with the English translation. |
A: 我阿媽又嗌我去相睇.(ngo5 aa3 maa1 jau6 ngaai3 ngo5 heoi3 seong1 tai2. ) |
A: My mom has asked me to go on blind date again. |
B: 今次去見邊個?(gam1 ci3 heoi3 gin3 bin1 go3?) |
B: Who are you seeing this time? |
A: 一個地產商個仔.(jat1 go3 dei6 caan2 seong1 go3 zai2.) |
A: The son of a real estate developer. |
B: 咁咪好有米?(gam2 mai6 hou2 jau5 mai5?) |
B: Then he's rich, right? |
A: 我都唔志在,我想揾個人代我去.(ngo5 dou1 m4 zi3 zoi6 ,ngo5 seong2 wan2 go3 jan4 doi6 ngo5 heoi3.) |
A: I don't care. I'm thinking about getting someone to go for me. |
Echo: Oscar, what are you doing? |
Oscar: 我揾緊百合網囉!(ngo5 wan2 gan2 baak3 hap6 mong5 lo1!) |
Echo: What is it? |
Oscar: 相睇網站吖嘛!好似我呢啲冇人要嘅,唯有上網揾女仔啦!(soeng1 tai2 mong5 zaam6 aa1 maa3 !hou2 ci5 ngo5 ni1 di1 mou5 jan4 jiu3 ge3, wai4 jau5 soeng5 mong5 wan2 neoi5 zai2 laa1!) |
Echo: Kidding me! So if you want a blind date, this lesson will be good for you. |
Oscar: 咁仲等咩呀!快啲去睇下啦!(gam2 zung6 dang2 me1 aa3!faai3 di1 heoi3 tai2 haa5 laa1!) |
Oscar: 嗌.(aai3.) |
Echo: To ask. |
Oscar: 嗌, 嗌, 相睇.(aai3 , aai3 , soeng1 tai2.) |
Echo: Blind date. |
Oscar: 相 睇, 相睇, 地產.(soeng1 tai2 , soeng1 tai2 , dei6 caan2.) |
Echo: Real estate. |
Oscar: 地 產, 地產, 開發商.(dei6 caan2 , dei6 caan2 , hoi1 faat3 soeng1.) |
Echo: Developer. |
Oscar: 開 發 商, 開發商, 有米.(hoi1 faat3 soeng1 , hoi1 faat3 soeng1 , jau5 mai5.) |
Echo: Rich. |
Oscar: 有 米, 有米, 志在.(jau5 mai5 , jau5 mai5 , zi3 zoi6.) |
Echo: To aim at. |
Oscar: 志 在, 志在, 在乎.(zi3 zoi6 , zi3 zoi6 , zoi6 fu4.) |
Echo: To care about. |
Oscar: 在 乎, 在乎, 代.(zoi6 fu4 , zoi6 fu4 , doi6.) |
Echo: For. |
Oscar: 代, 代.(doi6 , doi6.) |
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of these words and phrases. |
Oscar: 嗌.(aai3.) |
Echo: To ask someone to do something. |
Oscar: 嗌.(aai3.) |
Echo: To ask and we learned another word meaning the same thing in the previous lessons. |
Oscar: 叫.(giu3.) |
Echo: Let’s hear those again. |
Oscar: 嗌.(aai3.) |
Echo: And |
Oscar: 叫.(giu3.) |
Echo: So what’s the difference between these two words? |
Oscar: 「嗌」比起「叫」更加地道,更加口語,譬如話,記得今晚七點嗌佢去食飯.(“aai3” bei2 hei2 “giu3” gang3 gaa1 dei6 dou6, gang3 gaa1 hau2 jyu5, pei3 jyu4 waa6, gei3 dak1 gam1 maan5 cat1 dim2 aai3 keoi5 heoi3 sik6 faan6.) |
Echo: Remember to ask him to dinner at 7 tonight. |
Oscar: 記得今晚七點嗌佢去食飯.(gei3 dak1 gam1 maan5 cat1 dim2 aai3 keoi5 heoi3 sik6 faan6.) |
Echo: Remember to ask him to dinner at 7 tonight. |
Oscar: 下一個單詞--相睇.(haa6 jat1 go3 daan1 ci4 - soeng1 tai2.) |
Echo: Blind date. |
Oscar: 相睇.(soeng1 tai2.) |
Echo: Blind date. |
Oscar: 相睇.(soeng1 tai2.) |
Echo: So blind dates are more and more popular in Hong Kong. |
Oscar: 冇錯, 相睇 可以幫人好快咁搵到另一半.(mou5 co3, soeng1 tai2 ho2 ji5 bong1 jan4 hou2 faai3 gam2 wan2 dou2 ling6 jat1 bun3.) |
Echo: That is to say people go to on blind dates with the aim of finding a partner. |
Oscar: 係呀!啲人去相睇 志在揾另一半. (hai6 aa3! di1 jan4 heoi3 soeng1 tai2 zi3 zoi6 wan2 ling6 jat1 bun3.) |
Echo: And that’s our next word, to aim at. |
Oscar: 志在.(zi3 zoi6.) |
Echo: To aim at. |
Oscar: 志在.(zi3 zoi6.) 好多女仔去相睇 都係想搵個有米嘅.hou2 do1 neoi5 zai2 heoi3 soeng1 tai2 dou1 hai6 soeng2 wan2 go3 jau5 mai5 ge3.) |
Echo: I don’t think that’s actually true but we have another word from our vocab in that sentence. |
Oscar: 有米.(jau5 mai5.) |
Echo: Rich. |
Oscar: 有米.(jau5 mai5.) |
Echo: Rich. And this is a special word in Hong Kong. |
Oscar: 係呀!一般廣東話呢就會話 有錢, 不過 有米就更加香港人一啲喇! (hai6 aa3!jat1 bun1 gwong2 dung1 waa2 ne1 zau6 wui2 waa6 jau5 cin2 , bat1 gwo3 jau5 mai5 zau6 gang3 gaa1 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 jat1 di1 laa3!) |
Echo: Right. So if you want to sound really native Hong Kong, use this word. |
Oscar: 有米.(jau5 mai5.) |
Echo: So which kind of people are the richest? |
Oscar: 咁 梗係地產商啦!(gam2 gang2 hai6 dei6 caan2 soeng1 laa1!) |
Echo: Real estate developers. |
Oscar: 地產商.(dei6 caan2 soeng1.) |
Echo: Real estate developers. |
Oscar: 地產商.(dei6 caan2 soeng1.) |
Echo: Real estate developers are the richest people in Hong Kong. |
Oscar: 香港嘅地產商 係最有米嘅.(hoeng1 gong2 ge3 dei6 caan2 soeng1 hai6 zeoi3 jau5 mai5 ge3.) |
Echo: Real estate developers are the richest people in Hong Kong. |
Oscar: 香港嘅地產商 係最有米嘅.(hoeng1 gong2 ge3 dei6 caan2 soeng1 hai6 zeoi3 jau5 mai5 ge3.) |
Echo: Right. So that’s all for the vocab. Let’s go to our grammar point today. |
Lesson focus
Oscar: It’s grammar time. |
Echo: Today we are going to teach you how to make a rhetorical question using this word. |
Oscar: 咁咪 (gam2 mai6) |
Echo: Isn’t it. |
Oscar: 咁咪 (gam2 mai6) |
Echo: Isn’t it. In our dialogue, we heard it in this sentence. |
Oscar: 咁咪好有米?(gam2 mai6 hou2 jau5 mai5?) |
Echo: Then he must be rich right? |
Oscar: 咁咪好有米? (gam2 mai6 hou2 jau5 mai5?) |
Echo: Then he must be rich right? We can use this to ask almost anything. |
Oscar: 咁咪 好好?(gam2 mai6 hou2 hou2?) |
Echo: Then it must be good, know! |
Oscar: 咁咪 好好?(gam2 mai6 hou2 hou2?) |
Echo: Then it must be good, know! |
Oscar: 咁咪好多?(gam2 mai6 hou2 do1?) |
Echo: Then it must be a lot, right? |
Oscar: 咁咪好多? (gam2 mai6 hou2 do1?) |
Echo: Then it must be a lot, right? So look at the structure of these sentences. First, we have the word |
Oscar: 咁咪?(gam2 mai6?) |
Echo: This means isn’t it. |
Oscar: 冇錯.(mou5 co3.) |
Echo: We use this word especially to form rhetorical questions. |
Oscar: 咁咪? (gam2 mai6 ?) |
Echo: And then add the statement you want to question. |
Oscar: 冇錯喇!頭先嘅 都係啲簡單嘅例句,下面我哋睇幾個難啲嘅句子.(mou5 co3 laa3 !tau4 sin1 ge3 dou1 hai6 di1 gaan2 daan1 ge3 lai6 geoi3, haa6 min6 ngo5 dei6 tai2 gei2 go3 naan4 di1 ge3 geoi3 zi2.) |
Echo: Yes listen to the way we can add a subject to this pattern. |
Oscar: 咁佢咪係 地產商?(gam2 keoi5 mai6 hai6 dei6 caan2 soeng1?) |
Echo: Then he must be a real estate developer, right. |
Oscar: 咁佢咪係 地產商?(gam2 keoi5 mai6 hai6 dei6 caan2 soeng1?) |
Echo: Then, he must be a real estate developer, know! |
Oscar: 咁佢咪識得講廣東話?(gam2 keoi5 mai6 sik1 dak1 gong2 gwong2 dung1 waa2?) |
Echo: Then he must speak Cantonese, right? |
Oscar: 咁佢咪識得講廣東話?(gam2 keoi5 mai6 sik1 dak1 gong2 gwong2 dung1 waa2?) |
Echo: Then he must speak Cantonese right? Did we notice how we added the subject in there. |
Oscar: 佢.(keoi5.) |
Echo: He. |
Oscar: 佢.(keoi5.) |
Echo: We said, |
Oscar: 咁佢咪?(gam2 keoi5 mai6 ?) |
Echo: Isn’t he. |
Oscar: 咁佢咪? (gam2 keoi5 mai6 ?) |
Echo: Just put it between. |
Oscar: 咁 (gam2) |
Echo: And |
Oscar: 咪 (mai6) |
Echo: Let’s listen to some more examples. |
Oscar: 咁你咪 一定係三十歲? (gam2 nei5 mai6 jat1 ding6 hai6 saam1 sap6 seoi3?) |
Echo: You must be 30 years old right. |
Oscar: 咁你咪 一定係三十歲? (gam2 nei5 mai6 jat1 ding6 hai6 saam1 sap6 seoi3?) |
Echo: You must be 30 years old right. |
Oscar: 咁佢哋咪 相睇嗰陣識嘅? (gam2 keoi5 dei6 mai6 soeng1 tai2 go2 zan6 sik1 ge3?) |
Echo: We met on blind date, right? |
Oscar: 咁佢哋咪 相睇嗰陣識嘅?(gam2 keoi5 dei6 mai6 soeng1 tai2 go2 zan6 sik1 ge3?) |
Echo: We met on blind date, isn’t that right? |
Oscar: 咁咪 係好經常用㗎!所以呢 大家一定要記住. (“gam2 mai6” hai6 hou2 ging1 soeng4 jung6 gaa3 !so2 ji5 ne1 daai6 gaa1 jat1 ding6 jiu3 gei3 zyu6.) |
Echo: Right. That’s all for today. |
Oscar: 冇錯.(mou5 co3.) |
Echo: And we are looking forward to seeing you on the site. |
Oscar: 咁 我哋網上見啦! (gam2 ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 laa1!) |
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye. |
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.) |