
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好,我係Oscar。(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, lesson 1. Concerts in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 香港嘅演唱會。(hoeng1 gong2 ge3 jin2 coeng3 wui2.)
Echo: Right. So our dialogue takes place at
Oscar: 一個搖滾樂演唱會。(jat1 go3 jiu4 gwan2 ngok6 jin2 coeng3 wui2.)
Echo: A rock concert in Hong Kong and it’s between two friends attending the show. So they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 我哋而家去睇下。(ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 tai2 haa5.)
A: 個音樂會真係好正!(A: go3 jam1 ngok6 wui5 zan1 hai6 hou2 zeng3!)
B: 係囉,我好鍾意美國音樂。(B: hai6 lo1 , ngo5 hou2 zung1 ji3 mei5 gwok3 jam1 ngok6.)
A: 美國?呢隊係英國樂隊。(A: mei5 gwok3 ? ni1 deoi6 hai6 jing1 gwok3 ngok6 deoi2.)
B: 係咩?(B: hai6 me1?)
A: 你聽唔到啲口音嘅咩? (A: nei5 teng1 ng4 dou2 di1 hau2 jam1 ge3 me1?)
B: 我覺得都係一樣。(B: ngo5 gok3 dak1 dou1 hai6 jat1 joeng6.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 個音樂會真係好正!(A: go3 jam1 ngok6 wui5 zan1 hai6 hou2 zeng3!)
B: 係囉,我好鍾意美國音樂。(B: hai6 lo1 , ngo5 hou2 zung1 ji3 mei5 gwok3 jam1 ngok6.)
A: 美國?呢隊係英國樂隊。(A: mei5 gwok3 ? ni1 deoi6 hai6 jing1 gwok3 ngok6 deoi2.)
B: 係咩?(B: hai6 me1?)
A: 你聽唔到啲口音嘅咩? (A: nei5 teng1 ng4 dou2 di1 hau2 jam1 ge3 me1?)
B: 我覺得都係一樣。(B: ngo5 gok3 dak1 dou1 hai6 jat1 joeng6.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 個音樂會真係好正!(A: go3 jam1 ngok6 wui5 zan1 hai6 hou2 zeng3!)
A: What a great concert!
B: 係囉,我好鍾意美國音樂。(B: hai6 lo1 , ngo5 hou2 zung1 ji3 mei5 gwok3 jam1 ngok6.)
B: Yeah, I love American music.
A: 美國?呢隊係英國樂隊。(A: mei5 gwok3 ? ni1 deoi6 hai6 jing1 gwok3 ngok6 deoi2.)
A: American? This is a British band.
B: 係咩?(B: hai6 me1?)
B: Really?
A: 你聽唔到啲口音嘅咩?(A: nei5 teng1 ng4 dou2 di1 hau2 jam1 ge3 me1?)
A: Can't you hear the accent?
B: 我覺得都係一樣。(B: ngo5 gok3 dak1 dou1 hai6 jat1 joeng6.)
B: They're all the same to me.
Echo: So Oscar, do you go to a lot of shows?
Oscar: 差唔多一年兩三次度啦. (caa1 m4 do1 jat1 nin4 loeng5 saam1 ci3 dou2 laa1.)
Echo: Okay so you are better than me because I am never down to one concert myself but I heard there are a lot of very good shows in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 係呀, 特别係紅磡體育館. (hai6 aa3, dak6 bit6 hai6 hung4 ham3 tai2 juk6 gun2.)
Echo: Right. So our audience, if you like music too, this is lesson for you. Right now, we are going to move on and cover lot of concerts and music vocabulary.
Oscar: 音樂會. (jam1 ngok6 wui5.)
Echo: Music concert.
Oscar: 音.樂.會. 音.樂.會 演唱會. (jam1. ngok6. Wui5. jam1. ngok6. Wui5 jin2 coeng3 wui5.)
Echo: Singing concert.
Oscar: 演唱會. 演唱會. 音樂. (jin2 coeng3 wui5. jin2 coeng3 wui5. jam1ngok6)
Echo: Music.
Oscar: 音 樂, 音樂 樂隊 (jam1 ngok6, jam1ngok6 ngok6 deoi2)
Echo: Band.
Oscar: 樂 隊, 樂隊 口音 (ngok6 deoi2, ngok6 deoi2 hau2 jam1)
Echo: Accent.
Oscar: 口 音, 口音 (hau2 jam1, hau2 jam1)
Echo: Song.
Oscar: 歌 曲, 歌曲 歌詞 (go1 kuk1, go1 kuk1 go1 ci4)
Echo: Lyrics.
Oscar: 歌 詞, 歌詞 歌手 (go1 ci4, go1 ci4 go1 sau2)
Echo: Singer
Oscar: 歌 手, 歌手 (go1 sau2, go1 sau2)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is concert.
Oscar: 音樂會 (jam1 ngok6 wui2)
Echo: Concert.
Oscar: 音樂會 ( jam1 ngok6 wui2)
Echo: And there is another word for concert too, right?
Oscar: Right, 演唱會 (jin2 coeng3 wui2)
Echo: Concert. So we have
Oscar: 演唱會 (jin2 coeng3 wui2)
Echo: And
Oscar: 音樂會 (jam1 ngok6 wui2)
Echo: So what’s the difference?
Oscar: 音樂會 ( jam1 ngok6 wui2) just has 音樂 (jam1 ngok6)
Echo: Right. That’s music.
Oscar: But 演唱會 (jin2 coeng3 wui2) has people singing.
Echo: Right. So rock concert will be
Oscar: 有搖滾樂嘅係演唱會 (jau5 jiu4 gwan2 ngok6 ge3 hai6 jin2 coeng3 wui2)
Echo: A rock concert.
Oscar: 有搖滾樂嘅係演唱會 (jau5 jiu4 gwan2 ngok6 ge3 hai6 jin2 coeng3 wui2)
Echo: And an orchestra will be
Oscar: 冇人唱歌嘅係音樂會 (mou5 jan4 coeng3 go1 ge3 hai6 jam1 ngok6 wui2)
Echo: And orchestra
Oscar: 冇人唱歌嘅係音樂會 (mou5 jan4 coeng3 go1 ge3 hai6 jam1 ngok6 wui2)
Echo: So we’ve covered music.
Oscar: 音樂 (jam1 ngok6)
Echo: A rock concert.
Oscar: 演唱會 (jin2 coeng3 wui2)
Echo: And an instrumental concert.
Oscar: 音樂會 ( jam1 ngok6 wui2)
Echo: Okay. Let’s have some examples. I am going to a rock concert.
Oscar: 我去一個搖滾樂演唱會。 (ngo5 heoi3 jat1 go3 jiu4 gwan2 ngok6 jin2 coeng3 wui2.)
Echo: I am going to a rock concert.
Oscar: 我去一個搖滾樂演唱會。 (ngo5 heoi3 jat1 go3 jiu4 gwan2 ngok6 jin2 coeng3 wui2.)
Echo: Right and I want to invite a friend. Then you should ask him or her
Oscar: 陪我去演唱會呀! (pui4 ngo5 heoi3 jin2 coeng3 wui2 aa1 !)
Echo: Do you want to go to the concert with me?
Oscar: 陪我去演唱會呀!(pui4 ngo5 heoi3 jin2 coeng3 wui2 aa1 !)
Echo: Right. So Oscar, is this a date?
Oscar: 唔關你事 (m4 gwaan1 nei5 si6)
Echo: Okay. Let’s repeat. Do you want to go to the concert with me?
Oscar: 陪我去演唱會呀! (pui4 ngo5 heoi3 jin2 coeng3 wui2 aa1 !)
Echo: Right. And next, we are going to talk about these three words.
Oscar: 歌曲 , 歌詞, 歌手 (go1 kuk1, go1 ci4, go1 sau2)
Echo: Song
Oscar: 歌曲 (go1 kuk1)
Echo: Song.
Oscar: 歌曲 (go1 kuk1)
Echo: Lyrics.
Oscar: 歌詞 (go1 ci4)
Echo: Lyrics.
Oscar: 歌詞 (go1 ci4)
Echo: And singer
Oscar: 歌手 (go1 sau2)
Echo: Singer
Oscar: 歌手 (go1 sau2)
Echo: Okay let’s have some examples. Who is that singer?
Oscar: 呢個歌手係邊個? (ni1 go3 go1 sau2 hai6 bin1 go3?)
Echo: Who is that singer?
Oscar: 呢個歌手係邊個? (ni1 go3 go1 sau2 hai6 bin1 go3?)
Echo: Or I don’t remember the lyrics.
Oscar: 我唔記得咗歌詞. (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go1 ci4.)
Echo: I don’t remember the lyrics.
Oscar: 我唔記得咗歌詞. (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go1 ci4.)
Echo: Right. Let’s review. We learned these three words.
Oscar: 歌曲 , 歌詞, 歌手 (go1 kuk1, go1 ci4, go1 sau2)
Echo: Right and they all start with this character
Oscar: 歌. (go1.)
Echo: Right which makes them easy to remember.
Oscar: 歌曲 , 歌詞, 歌手 (go1 kuk1, go1 ci4, go1 sau2)
Echo: Okay. Now let’s move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Okay. Today’s grammar point, we are going to focus on how to say all in Cantonese.
Oscar: 都 (dou1)
Echo: All
Oscar: 都 (dou1)
Echo: Right. It is an adverb we put in front of verbs and usually we will put in front of this verb.
Oscar: 係 (hai6)
Echo: Right.
Oscar: 都係 (dou1 hai6)
Echo: Both, all. Previously we learned
Oscar: 都係 (dou1 hai6)
Echo: Means also or to. For instance,
Oscar: 我學緊廣東話, 我都係. (ngo5 hok6 gan2 gwong2 dung1 waa2, ngo5 dou1 hai6.)
Echo: I am learning Cantonese, me too.
Oscar: 我都係. (ngo5 dou1 hai6.)
Echo: Me too. This has different meaning. It means all. For example
Oscar: 我哋都係學生。(ngo5 dei6 dou1 hai6 hok6 sang1.)
Echo: We are all students.
Oscar: 我哋都係學生. (ngo5 dei6 dou1 hai6 hok6 sang1.)
Echo: We are all students.
Oscar: 我哋都係學生. (ngo5 dei6 dou1 hai6 hok6 sang1.)
Echo: The singers are all American.
Oscar: 歌手都係美國人. (go1 sau2 dou1 hai6 mei5 gwok3 jan4.)
Echo: The singers are all American.
Oscar: 歌手都係美國人. (go1 sau2 dou1 hai6 mei5 gwok3 jan4.)
Echo: All the lyrics are written by him.
Oscar: 全部歌詞都係佢寫. (cyun4 bou6 go1 ci4 dou1 hai6 keoi5 se2.)
Echo: All the lyrics are written by him.
Oscar: 全部歌詞都係佢寫. (cyun4 bou6 go1 ci4 dou1 hai6 keoi5 se2.)
Echo: Right. So very simple to use. We put
Oscar: 都 (dou1)
Echo: After the subject and before the verb.
Oscar: 都係, 都做, 都想 (dou1 hai6, dou1 zou6, dou1 soeng2)
Echo: Right. For instance
Oscar: 都係男人 (dou1 hai6 naam4 jan2)
Echo: All are men.
Oscar: 都做作業. (dou1 zou6 zok3 jip6.)
Echo: All do homework.
Oscar: 都想去香港. (dou1 soeng2 heoi3 hoeng1 gong2.)
Echo: All want to go to Hong Kong and that’s how we say all in Cantonese.
Oscar: 都. (dou1.)


Echo: Right. So that’s our lesson for today. We learned lot of music words like
Oscar: 演唱會,音樂會,歌詞,歌手,歌曲 (jin2 coeng3 wui2, jam1 ngok6 wui2, go1 ci4, go1 sau2, go1 kuk1)
Echo: And how to say all in Cantonese?
Oscar: 都 (dou1)
Echo: Right. Before we go, we like to remind you. We have transcripts of all of our dialogues on cantoneseclass101.com. If you have any trouble, just go check those out.
Oscar: 我哋網上見. (ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng5 gin3.)
Echo: Right. Thanks for listening, bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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