
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hello and welcome to the Lower Beginner series at CantoneseClass101.com. This is Season 1, Lesson 23, Still Haven’t Found What You’re Looking For in Hong Kong? I’m Eric.
Teddy: 哈囉!(haa1 lo3!) And I’m Teddy.
Eric: In this lesson you’ll learn how to say "to also do something."
Teddy: The conversation takes place on the street.
Eric: It’s between two friends, Jane and Wendy.
Teddy: And as usual, the speakers will be speaking casual Cantonese.
Eric: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Wendy: 搵埋廁所都唔見... (wan2 maai4 ci3 sou2 dou1 m4 gin3...)
Jane: 梗係俾人偷咗。(gang2 hai6 bei2 jan4 tau1 zo2.)
Wendy: 有冇CHECK埋褸袋呀?(jau5 mou5 CHECK maai4 lau1 doi2 aa3?)
Jane: 吖!搵到啦。(aa1! wan2 dou2 laa3.)
Eric: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Wendy: 搵埋廁所都唔見... (wan2 maai4 ci3 sou2 dou1 m4 gin3...)
Jane: 梗係俾人偷咗。(gang2 hai6 bei2 jan4 tau1 zo2.)
Wendy: 有冇CHECK埋褸袋呀? (jau5 mou5 CHECK maai4 lau1 doi2 aa3?)
Jane: 吖!搵到啦。(aa1! wan2 dou2 laa3.)
Eric: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Wendy: 搵埋廁所都唔見... (wan2 maai4 ci3 sou2 dou1 m4 gin3...)
Eric: I can't find it even in the bathroom...
Jane: 梗係俾人偷咗。(gang2 hai6 bei2 jan4 tau1 zo2.)
Eric: Someone must have stolen it.
Wendy: 有冇CHECK埋褸袋呀? (jau5 mou5 CHECK maai4 lau1 doi2 aa3?)
Eric: Did you also check your jacket pockets?
Jane: 吖!搵到啦。(aa1! wan2 dou2 laa3.)
Eric: Oh! I found it.
Eric: If you remember from the last lesson, Jane lost her phone. We’re continuing the story...
Teddy: …and Jane has just found her phone.
Eric: Talking about mobile phones, do you know which brand is the most popular in Hong Kong?
Teddy: We have all kinds of brands from all over the world. Recently, the most popular ones have been Samsung and iPhone.
Eric: What are these phones called in Cantonese?
Teddy: A Samsung phone is 三星 (saam1 sing1), like "3 stars" 三星 (saam1 sing1).
Eric: How about the iPhone?
Teddy: There is no Cantonese name for the iPhone. People just say iPhone because it’s easy to pronounce, i-風 (i- fung1.) However, for the company Apple, it’s the direct translation, 蘋果 (ping4 gwo2).
Eric: So "Apple’s iPhone" would be…
Teddy: 蘋果 (ping4 gwo2) iPhone.
Eric: I see. Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
梗係 (gan2 hai6) [natural native speed]
of course, must be, definitely
梗係 (gan2 hai6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
梗係 (gan2 hai6) [natural native speed]
偷嘢 (tau1 je5) [natural native speed]
to steal
偷嘢 (tau1 je5) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
偷嘢 (tau1 je5) [natural native speed]
有冇 (jau5 mou5) [natural native speed]
Do you have...?, is/are there any
有冇 (jau5 mou5) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
有冇 (jau5 mou5) [natural native speed]
褸 (lau1) [natural native speed]
褸 (lau1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
褸 (lau1) [natural native speed]
袋 (doi2) [natural native speed]
bag, pocket
袋 (doi2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
袋 (doi2) [natural native speed]
褲 (fu3) [natural native speed]
trousers, pants
褲 (fu3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
褲 (fu3) [natural native speed]
衫 (saam1) [natural native speed]
clothes, clothing
衫 (saam1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
衫 (saam1) [natural native speed]
And Last:
裙 (kwan4) [natural native speed]
dress, skirt
裙 (kwan4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
裙 (kwan4) [natural native speed]
Eric: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What should we start with?
Teddy: 梗係. (gang2 hai6.)
Eric: What does that mean?
Teddy: 梗 (gang2) means "stiff" or "tightly," and 係 (hai6) means "is." Together, 梗係 (gang2 hai6) means "for sure," "of course," or "it must be."
Eric: In the dialogue, Jane says someone must have stolen her cell phone.
Teddy: 梗係俾人偷咗. (gang2 hai6 bei2 jan4 tau1 zo2.)
Eric: Literally, "For sure (it’s) stolen by someone,"
Teddy: Yep, so in English, "Someone must have stolen it."
Eric: Can you give us another example using this phrase?
Teddy: Yes. 梗係得啦! (gang2 hai6 dak1 laa1 !)
Eric: "Of course I can!"
Teddy: 梗係得啦! (gang2 hai6 dak1 laa1 !) [slowly] 梗係得啦! (gang2 hai6 dak1 laa1 !) [normal speed]
Eric: "Of course I can do that!" Or, "Of course it’s possible!" Okay. What’s the next word we’re looking at?
Teddy: 褸. (lau1.)
Eric: What does that mean?
Teddy: 褸 (lau1) can be a noun or a verb, both related to clothing. As a noun, 褸 (lau1) means "coat," "jacket," or "outerwear."
Eric: As a verb, it means "to put a coat (or some kind of clothing) on top." In the dialogue, Wendy suggests that Jane check the pockets of her jacket.
Teddy: Yes, so in this case, 褸 (lau1) is the noun. 褸 (lau1) is "jacket," and 袋 (doi2) is "pocket" or "bag." Together, 褸袋 (lau1 doi2) means the "pocket of the jacket."
Eric: How about pants’ pockets?
Teddy: Well, "pants" are 褲 (fu3), so "pants pockets" are 褲袋. (fu3 doi2.)
Eric: Easy enough, but can you repeat them please?
Teddy: Sure, 褸袋 (lau1 doi2) means "jacket pocket," and 褲袋 (lau1 doi2) means "pants pocket."
Eric: Ok, how about when it’s a verb?
Teddy: 褸返件衫. (lau1 faan2 gin6 saam1.)
Eric: Put some kind of clothing on, right?
Teddy: Yes. 衫 (saam1) is clothing. So we often hear mothers saying 褸返件衫 (lau1 faan2 gin6 saam1) when the weather gets cold.
Eric: "Put on more clothes!" Great! Now I sound like my mom. Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say "to also do something," or "to finish some action."
Teddy: In the dialogue, Wendy reminded Jane to also check the pockets of the jacket. 有冇CHECK埋褸袋呀? (jau5 mou5 CHECK maai4 lau1 doi2 aa3?) In this lesson’s grammar point, we’ll learn about the usage of the word 埋 (maai4.)
Eric: When it’s placed after a verb, it means "also" or "finishing." For example, "to also check" is...
Teddy: Check埋 (maai4), which also means "to finish checking."
Eric: "To also eat…"
Teddy: 食埋 (sik6 maai4 ), which is also "to finish eating."
Eric: "To also go…"
Teddy: 去埋 (heoi3 maai4), which is also "to finish going."
Eric: So you can combine it with most verbs. Teddy, please give us some sample sentences.
Teddy: Okay, let’s say you want to invite the new girl to have lunch together, so you suggest to your other lunch buddies 搵埋佢食飯. (wan2 maai4 keoi5 sik6 faan6.)
Eric: "To also ask her to go eat."
Teddy: 搵埋佢食飯. (wan2 maai4 keoi5 sik6 faan6.) [slowly] 搵埋佢食飯. (wan2 maai4 keoi5 sik6 faan6.) [normal]
Let’s break down this sentence. 搵 (wan2) is "to find" or in this case, "to ask;" 佢 (keoi5) is "he" or "she." You should be familiar with 食飯 (sik6 faan6) by now; it’s "to eat" or "to have a meal."
Eric: Okay, so altogether, "to also ask her to eat." Let’s try one more sample sentence.
Teddy: I hear this sentence a lot at my aunt’s house, 去埋廁所出門口. (heoi3 maai4 ci3 so2 ceot1 mun4 hau2.)
Eric: "Depart after going to the toilet." Literally it’s, "Finish going to the toilet, and then leave the house." So in this case, it expresses a sequence of action.
Teddy: Right. The first part is 去埋廁所 (heoi3 maai4 ci3 so2), or "to finish going to the bathroom," and the second part is 出門口 (ceot1 mun4 hau2), or "to go out the door."
Eric: Okay, now, how do I say, "Finish teaching this lesson, and then have dinner?"
Teddy: The verb "to teach" is 教 (gaau3), so that would be 教埋呢課去食飯. (gaau3 maai4 ni1 fo3 heoi3 sik6 faan6.)


Eric: Great! Let’s go!
Teddy: Wait! 講埋拜拜先走. (gong2 maai4 baai1 baai3 sin1 zau2.) "Finish saying Goodbye before we go."
Eric: Alright! Goodbye, listeners! Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time.
Teddy: 拜拜! (baai1 baai3 !)


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