
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hello and welcome to the Lower Beginner series at CantoneseClass101.com. This is Season 1, Lesson 15, How to Get Rich Quick in Hong Kong. I'm Eric.
Teddy: 哈囉 ! (haa1 lo3!) And I'm Teddy.
Eric: In this lesson, we'll talk about lucky numbers in Cantonese culture.
Teddy: This conversation takes place at a Jockey Club betting branch in Hong Kong.
Eric: The conversation is between two friends, Jane and Wendy.
Teddy: As usual, they are speaking in casual Cantonese.
Eric: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jane: 一齊買六合彩吖。(jat1 cai4 maai5 luk6 hap6 coi2 aa1.)
Wendy: 好,我買八號,十八號,廿八號。(hou2, ngo5 maai5 baat3 hou6, sap6 baat3 hou6, jaa6 baat3 hou6.)
Jane: 咁多個八,實發啦!(gam3 do1 go3 baat3, sat6 faat3 laa1!)
Wendy: 發達囉!(faat3 daat6 lo3!)
Eric: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jane: 一齊買六合彩吖。(jat1 cai4 maai5 luk6 hap6 coi2 aa1.)
Wendy: 好,我買八號,十八號,廿八號。(hou2, ngo5 maai5 baat3 hou6, sap6 baat3 hou6, jaa6 baat3 hou6.)
Jane: 咁多個八,實發啦!(gam3 do1 go3 baat3, sat6 faat3 laa1!)
Wendy: 發達囉!(faat3 daat6 lo3!)
Eric: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Jane: 一齊買六合彩吖。(jat1 cai4 maai5 luk6 hap6 coi2 aa1.)
Eric: Let's buy a lottery ticket together.
Wendy: 好,我買八號,十八號,廿八號。(hou2, ngo5 maai5 baat3 hou6, sap6 baat3 hou6, jaa6 baat3 hou6.)
Eric: Okay, I'll bet on numbers eight, eighteen, and twenty-eight.
Jane: 咁多個八,實發啦!(gam3 do1 go3 baat3, sat6 faat3 laa1!)
Eric: With so many eight’s, we should get rich!
Wendy: 發達囉!(faat3 daat6 lo3!)
Eric: We'll be wealthy!
Eric: Can you buy a lot of different lottery tickets in Hong Kong?
Teddy: No, unlike other countries, in Hong Kong we only have one kind of lottery ticket. It's called a "Mark 6."
Eric: Really! Why is there only one?
Teddy: Well, the lottery is only offered by the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
Eric: I've heard of it. It’s a horse racing organization too, right?
Teddy: Yes. It’s the biggest organization for charity as well. There are two horse races per week in Hong Kong, usually on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Eric: And how often does the lottery draw?
Teddy: It’s usually two to three times per week, normally on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays—unless there are special celebrations. A certain percentage of the bets goes to charity and government taxes. And the government monitors the operation very closely.
Eric: I see. So how do you buy Mark 6 tickets?
Teddy: There are many outlets around town, but I think most people use a phone account or online account to purchase their tickets. Among the forty-nine numbers, you'll need to pick at least six. The draw is always broadcast on TV, and the show features the organization to which the money will be donated.
Eric: Sounds like you know it very well! You must be an expert in buying lottery tickets.
Teddy: (laughs)...maybe I am!
Eric: Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
一齊 (jat1 cai4) [natural native speed]
一齊 (jat1 cai4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
一齊 (jat1 cai4) [natural native speed]
買 (maai5) [natural native speed]
to buy
買 (maai5) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
買 (maai5) [natural native speed]
六合彩 (luk6 hap6 coi2) [natural native speed]
Mark 6
六合彩 (luk6 hap6 coi2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
六合彩 (luk6 hap6 coi2) [natural native speed]
號碼 (hou6 maa5) [natural native speed]
號碼 (hou6 maa5) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
號碼 (hou6 maa5) [natural native speed]
多 (do1) [natural native speed]
much, many
多 (do1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
多 (do1) [natural native speed]
八 (baat3) [natural native speed]
eight (8)
八 (baat3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
八 (baat3) [natural native speed]
發 (faat3) [natural native speed]
rich, to emit
發 (faat3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
發 (faat3) [natural native speed]
And Last:
發達 (faat3 daat6) [natural native speed]
to be rich, developed (country)
發達 (faat3 daat6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
發達 (faat3 daat6) [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What are we starting with?
Teddy: 六合彩. (luk6 hap6 coi2.)
Eric: "Mark 6." What does each character mean?
Teddy: 六 (luk6) means "six." 合 (hap6) means "joined together," and 彩 (coi2) means "luck."
Eric: So altogether, they're "six joined together become luck?"
Teddy: Yes, very smart!
Eric: Can you repeat it please?
Teddy: 六合彩. (luk6 hap6 coi2.) [pause] 六合彩. (luk6 hap6 coi2.)
Eric: What's next?
Teddy: The next words are 發 (faat3) and 發達. (faat3 daat6.)
Eric: What can you tell us about these?
Teddy: 發 (faat3) literally means "to burst out" or be "swollen." However, in most casual situations, it means "to get bigger and bigger" or "to get rich." The phrase 發達 (faat3 daat6) further strengthens the meaning of getting very rich. 達 (daat6) normally means "reaching" or "arriving." So, 發達 (faat3 daat6) is reaching the stage that everything becomes very big, implying that there is wealth here.
Eric: I like that implication! Can you repeat the word for us again? Listeners, repeat after Teddy.
Teddy: 發. (faat3.) [pause] 發達. (faat3 daat6.) [pause]
Eric: Both mean getting rich.
Teddy: Yes. 我想發達. (ngo5 soeng2 faat3 daat6.)
Eric: That means, "I want to get rich."
Teddy: But keep in mind, there's another meaning of 發 (faat3) when it’s used in medical situations or in relation to humidity. When we use this word, 發 (faat3), in referring to a wound or allergy, it means "getting swollen" or "infected." That means it's not healing but getting worse.
Eric: And, due to the humid weather in Hong Kong, many things get moldy, right?
Teddy: That’s right. So we also hear complaints about things being moldy, or 發霉 (faat3 mo1.)
Eric: So we have to listen very carefully to the context since the meaning is not always positive. Right?
Teddy: Right, but 發達 (faat3 daat6) definitely means getting very rich.
Eric: I see. Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to add adjectives to further describe an action.
Teddy: That's right. When we invite others to do something with us, we say 一齊 (jat1 cai4).
Eric: Can you please explain the meaning of the characters and how to use them?
Teddy: 一is "one." 齊 (cai4) means "neat" or "complete." Together 一齊 (jat1 cai4) implies doing something in unison. This is the adverb "together," to describe how an action is done.
Eric: In this dialog, we said "buy lottery tickets together" in the first sentence.
Teddy: Yes. 一齊買六合彩. (jat1 cai4 maai5 luk6 hap6 coi2.)
Eric: In English, "together" is put at the end of the sentence.
Teddy: And in Cantonese, we put it before the verb.
Eric: So literally, it’s "Together buy?"
Teddy: That's correct, we say 一齊買. (jat1 cai4 maai5.)
Eric: Is this the same for "eating together" or "going to movies together?" Do you say "together eating" and "together watching a movie?"
Teddy: We do. 食飯 (sik6 faan6) is having a meal; 一齊食飯 (jat1 cai4 sik6 faan6) is eating together. Going to a movie is 睇戲 (tai2 hei3). 一齊睇戲 (jat1 cai4 tai2 hei3) means going to a movie together. 一齊 (jat1 cai4) is placed in front of the verb.
Eric: So, this is quite straightforward and easy to spot.
Teddy: Yes. And for "not together," it's also straightforward. We say, 唔一齊 (m4 jat1 cai4), putting "not" in front of "together."
Eric: Can you please give us an example?
Teddy: Sure, let's combine both "together" and "not together" in the sentence: 一齊食飯, 唔一齊買六合彩. (jat1 cai4 sik6 faan6, m4 jat1 cai4 maai5 luk6 hap6 coi2.)
Eric: "We are eating together, but are not buying lottery tickets together."
Teddy: Right. Now, 一齊聽 (jat1 cai4 teng1).
Eric: "Listening together." Ok, listeners, let's listen together…
Teddy: 一齊聽 (jat1 cai4 teng1) [pause]
Eric: How about "learning Cantonese together?"
Teddy: 一齊學廣東話 (jat1 cai4 hok6 gwong2 dung1 waa2) [pause] 一齊學廣東話 (jat1 cai4 hok6 gwong2 dung1 waa2)
Eric: Now what else we can do together?
Teddy: 落堂之後一齊睇 (lok6 tong4 zi1 hau6 jat1 cai4 tai2) lesson note.
Eric: Haha, that’s good! "Reading the lesson note together after class."
Teddy: 咁而家就講拜拜先喇! 一齊講拜拜啦! (gam3 ji4 gaa1 zau6 gong2 baai1 baai3 sin1 laa3! jat1 cai4 gong2 baai1 baai3 laa1 !)


Eric: Well listeners, that’s all we have for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!
Teddy: 拜拜! (baai1 baai3 !)

