
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好, 我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 , ngo5 hai6) Melody。
David: And today we have intermediate, season 1, Lesson 4. Are You Hogging the Limelight in Hong Kong?
Melody: 喺對話入面呢,佢哋係討論緊歌星獲獎嘅情況,我諗佢哋應該係睇緊頒獎典禮。(hai2 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 ne1 ,keoi5 dei6 hai6 tou2 leon6 gan2 go1 sing1 wok6 zoeng2 ge3 cing4 fong3 ,ngo5 lam2 keoi5 dei6 jing1 goi1 hai6 tai2 gan2 baan1 zoeng2 din2 lai5 。)
David: Right. So we have two friends who are watching television in this dialogue and because they are friends, they are speaking casual Cantonese as always and Melody, I mean this is even a bit gossipy.
Melody: 唔, 香港人好八掛,所以而家不如我哋一齊嚟聽下佢哋講緊啲咩嘢。(m4 , hoeng1 gong2 jan4 hou2 baat3 gwaa3 ,so2 ji5 ji4 gaa1 bat1 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 lai4 teng1 haa5 keoi5 dei6 gong2 gan2 di1 me1 je5 。)
A: 方大同攞咗最佳男歌手呀! (A: fong1 daai6 tung4 lo2 zo2 zeoi3 gaai1 naam4 go1 sau2 aa3 !)
B: 唔係呀,咁陳奕迅點算? (B: m4 hai6 aa5, gam2 can4 jik6 seon3 dim2 syun3 ?)
A: 佢攞過咁多次,係時候讓比啲新人啦。 (A: keoi5 lo2 gwo3 gam3 do1 ci3, hai6 si4 hau6 joeng6 bei2 di1 san1 jan4 laa1.)
B: 不過佢仲好紅。 (B: bat1 gwo3 keoi5 zung6 hou2 hung4.)
A: 方大同夠紅囉。 (A: fong1 daai6 tung4 gau3 hung4 lo3.)
B: 咁又係。(B: gam2 jau6 hai6.)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 方大同攞咗最佳男歌手呀! (A: fong1 daai6 tung4 lo2 zo2 zeoi3 gaai1 naam4 go1 sau2 aa3 !)
B: 唔係呀,咁陳奕迅點算? (B: m4 hai6 aa5, gam2 can4 jik6 seon3 dim2 syun3 ?)
A: 佢攞過咁多次,係時候讓比啲新人啦。 (A: keoi5 lo2 gwo3 gam3 do1 ci3, hai6 si4 hau6 joeng6 bei2 di1 san1 jan4 laa1.)
B: 不過佢仲好紅。 (B: bat1 gwo3 keoi5 zung6 hou2 hung4.)
A: 方大同夠紅囉。 (A: fong1 daai6 tung4 gau3 hung4 lo3.)
B: 咁又係。(B: gam2 jau6 hai6.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 方大同攞咗最佳男歌手呀! (A: fong1 daai6 tung4 lo2 zo2 zeoi3 gaai1 naam4 go1 sau2 aa3 !)
A: Khalil Fong just won the best male singer award!
B: 唔係呀,咁陳奕迅點算? (B: m4 hai6 aa5, gam2 can4 jik6 seon3 dim2 syun3 ?)
B: Are you sure? how about Eason Chan?
A: 佢攞過咁多次,係時候讓比啲新人啦。 (A: keoi5 lo2 gwo3 gam3 do1 ci3, hai6 si4 hau6 joeng6 bei2 di1 san1 jan4 laa1.)
A: He had won the award so many times, it's time to let other singer win.
B: 不過佢仲好紅。 (B: bat1 gwo3 keoi5 zung6 hou2 hung4.)
B: But he's still very popular.
A: 方大同夠紅囉。 (A: fong1 daai6 tung4 gau3 hung4 lo3.)
A: Khalil Fong is very popular too.
B: 咁又係。(B: gam2 jau6 hai6.)
B: That's true.
Melody: David,你知唔知道方大同 同埋陳奕迅係邊個?(nei5 zi1 m4 zi1 dou6 fong1 daai6 tung4 tung4 maai4 can4 jik6 seon3 hai6 bin1 go3 ?)
David: Yeah. I think everyone in Hong Kong knows both of them, a lot of them like Andy Lau and everyone else so…
Melody:但係我諗可能陳奕迅識嘅人多啲呵! (daan6 hai6 ngo5 lam2 ho2 nang4 can4 jik6 seon3 sik1 ge3 jan4 do1 di1 ho2 !)
David: Yeah. He is a bit of a bigger star I think. In Hong Kong and also overseas but whoever you like, whoever your favorite Hong Kong singer is. Right now, it’s time for us to do our vocab.
Melody:最佳。(zeoi3 gaai1。)
David: The best.
Melody: 最 佳, 最佳, 男歌手。(zeoi3 gaai1, zeoi3 gaai1, naam4 go1 sau2。)
David: Male singer.
Melody: 男 歌 手, 男歌手, 女歌手。(naam4 go1 sau2,naam4 go1 sau2, neoi5 go1 sau2。)
David: Female singer.
Melody: 女 歌 手, 女歌手, 攞獎。(neoi5 go1 sau2, neoi5 go1 sau2, lo2 zoeng2。)
David: To win an award.
Melody:攞 獎, 攞獎, 讓。(lo2 zoeng2, lo2 zoeng2, jeong6。)
David: To yield.
Melody: 讓, 讓, 新人。(jeong6, jeong6, san1 jan4。)
David: New talent.
Melody: 新 人, 新人, 當紅。(san1 jan4, san1 jan4, dong1 hung4。)
David: To be very popular.
Melody: 當 紅, 當紅, 咁多次。(dong1 hung4, dong1 hung4, gam3 do1 ci3。)
David: So many times.
Melody: 咁 多 次, 咁多次, 香港樂壇。(gam3 do1 ci3, gam3 do1 ci3, heong1 gong2 ngok6 taan4。)
David: Hong Kong music industry.
Melody:香 港 樂 壇, 香港樂壇。(heong1 gong2 ngok6 taan4, heong1 gong2 ngok6 taan4。)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is
Melody: 最佳。(zeoi3 gaai1 。)
David: The best.
Melody: 最佳。(zeoi3 gaai1 。)
David: Literally it’s like it’s the most excellent, right. So the adjective here is excellent.
Melody: 佳, 佢係比好仲要 更加好嘅意思。(gaai1 , keoi5 hai6 bei2 hou2 zung6 jiu3 gang3 gaa1 hou2 ge3 ji3 si1 。)
David: Yeah it’s even better than good. So there are lots of places that we hear this especially in awards.
Melody:冇錯,譬如我哋會話最佳歌手。(mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 wui2 waa6 zeoi3 gaai1 go1 sau2 。)
David: The best singer in the music awards ceremony.
Melody: 或者我哋喺美國電影節會成日聽到 最佳導演,最佳男主角,最佳配角。 (waak6 ze2 ngo5 dei6 hai2 mei5 gwok3 din6 jing2 zit3 wui2 sing4 jat6 teng1 dou2 zeoi3 gaai1 dou6 jin2 ,zeoi3 gaai1 naam4 zyu2 gok3 ,zeoi3 gaai1 pui3 gok3 。)
David: Right and those would be at the Oscars. That’s best director, best male actor. So at any awards ceremony, you are going to have the best of – and these are the words that people are going to use. Now there is a verb here as well which means to win an award.
Melody: 攞獎。(lo2 zoeng2 。)
David: To win an award.
Melody: 攞獎。(lo2 zoeng2 。)
David: And that’s to win an award.
Melody: 攞係個比較口語化嘅字,如果喺正式場合呢我哋通常會話 獲獎。(lo2 hai6 go3 bei2 gaau3 hau2 jyu5 faa3 ge3 zi6 ,jyu4 gwo2 hai2 zing3 sik1 coeng4 hap6 ne1 ngo5 dei6 tung1 soeng4 wui2 waa6 wok6 zoeng2 。)
David: Right but that one is – that’s a bit more formal.
Melody: 係呀!或者可以話得獎。(hai6 aa3 !waak6 ze2 ho2 ji5 waa6 dak1 zoeng2 。)
David: So there are three words. You can say
Melody: 攞獎。(lo2 zoeng2 。)
David: Which is more causal or if you would be more formal, you can say
Melody: 獲獎。(wok6 zoeng2 。)
David: Or
Melody: 得獎, 譬如我哋可以話今年佢攞獎,成為年度最佳男主角。(dak1 zoeng2 , pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 waa6 gam1 nin4 keoi5 lo2 zoeng2 ,sing4 wai4 nin4 dou6 zeoi3 gaai1 naam4 zyu2 gok3 。)
David: This year, he won the award and became the best actor.
Melody: 又或者可以話佢係香港樂壇新人, 今次係佢第一次獲獎。(jau6 waak6 ze2 ho2 ji5 waa6 keoi5 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 ngok6 taan4 san1 jan4 , gam1 ci3 hai6 keoi5 dai6 jat1 ci3 wok6 zoeng2 。)
David: There is actually a word people have trouble with in there too which means the music world.
Melody: 樂壇。(ngok6 taan4 。)
David: Here we hear it as part of the Hong Kong music world.
Melody: 香港樂壇。(hoeng1 gong2 ngok6 taan4 。)
David: And literally that means alter but here it’s referring generally to a scene.
Melody: 係,冇錯。(hai6 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: So you can have the music scene. You could also have a film scene.
Melody: 影壇。(jing2 taan4 。)
David: Which is from the word for film. So it’s literally an image scene.
Melody: 影壇。(jing2 taan4 。)
David: So the sentence there you gave us was he is a newcomer to the Hong Kong music scene. So this is his first award.
Melody: 佢係香港樂壇新人, 今次係佢第一次獲獎。(keoi5 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 ngok6 taan4 san1 jan4 , gam1 ci3 hai6 keoi5 dai6 jat1 ci3 wok6 zoeng2 。)
David: Next up is a word we hear in this line of dialogue.
Melody: 方大同夠紅囉!(fong1 daai6 tung4 gau3 hung4 lo3!)
David: The most important word there is
Melody: 紅。(hung4 。)
David: Literally this means red. Right, we all know this but it’s got a second meaning here.
Melody: 冇錯,第二個解釋係話佢係夠紅。(mou5 co3 ,dai6 ji6 go3 gaai2 sik1 hai6 waa6 keoi5 hai6 gau3 hung4 。)
David: Right. It means popular. So there it was, he is popular enough. In our vocab list, we said this.
Melody: 當紅。(dong1 hung4 。)
David: Which is just putting the verb.
Melody: 當。(dong1 。)
David: In front of it meaning to be popular.
Melody: 當紅。(dong1 hung4 。)
David: Right and this sounds really natural and really native.
Melody: 係呀! 我哋通常會話譬如佢係個當紅嘅歌星, 係時候到佢攞獎啦!(hai6 aa3 ! ngo5 dei6 tung1 soeng4 wui2 waa6 pei3 jyu4 keoi5 hai6 go3 dong1 hung4 ge3 go1 sing1 , hai6 si4 hau6 dou3 keoi5 lo2 zoeng2 laa1 !)
David: He is a popular singer. This time he will win for sure.
Melody: 佢係個當紅嘅歌星, 係時候到佢攞獎啦!(keoi5 hai6 go3 dong1 hung4 ge3 go1 sing1 , hai6 si4 hau6 dou3 keoi5 lo2 zoeng2 laa1 !)
David: Okay. So that’s the trickiest vocab in this lesson. It’s time to move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar point today is all about...
Melody: 係時候。(hai6 si4 hau6 。)
David: When the time comes. Now literally it means it’s time to…
Melody: 係時候, 如果你識用呢個詞嘅話,人哋會覺得你好地道,而且我哋有好多地方都可以用到 係時候。(hai6 si4 hau6 , jyu4 gwo2 nei5 sik1 jung6 ni1 go3 ci4 ge3 waa2 ,jan4 dei6 wui2 gok3 dak1 nei5 hou2 dei6 dou6 ,ji4 ce2 ngo5 dei6 jau5 hou2 do1 dei6 fong1 dou1 ho2 ji5 jung6 dou3 hai6 si4 hau6 。)
David: Right and it literally means it’s time to do something.
Melody: 冇錯,譬如我哋話 係時候教語法重點啦!(mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 waa6 hai6 si4 hau6 gaau3 jyu5 faat3 zung6 dim2 laa3 !)
David: It’s time for our grammar point right.
Melody: 所以我地呢到就用到囉!(so2 ji5 ngo5 dei6 ni1 dou3 zau6 jung6 dou3 lo1 !)
David: Yeah.
Melody: 有陣我哋都可以表達 譬如話等咗好耐終於可以做一樣嘢。(jau5 zan6 ngo5 dei6 dou1 ho2 ji5 biu2 daat6 pei3 jyu4 waa6 dang2 zo2 hou2 noi6 zung1 jyu1 ho2 ji5 zou6 jat1 joeng6 je5 。)
David: Right. So we often use this to express frustration the things you are taking so long.
Melody: 係呀! 冇錯。或者我哋可以用佢嚟表示 喺正確嘅時候做正確嘅事。(hai6 aa3 ! mou5 co3 。waak6 ze2 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 jung6 keoi5 lai4 biu2 si6 hai2 zing3 kok3 ge3 si4 hau6 zou6 zing3 kok3 ge3 si6 。)
David: Right. So two things. Either we are expressing frustration or we are stating that its proper time to do something.
Melody: 啱晒!(ngaam1 saai3 !)
David: Okay. So let’s have examples of both of these starting with frustration.
Melody: 佢係香港樂壇當紅歌星, 係時候到佢攞獎啦!(keoi5 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 ngok6 taan4 dong1 hung4 go1 sing1 , hai6 si4 hau6 dou3 keoi5 lo2 zoeng2 laa1 !)
David: He is the best singer in the Hong Kong music scene. It’s about time he’s won the award.
Melody: 佢係香港樂壇當紅歌星, 係時候到佢攞獎啦!(keoi5 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 ngok6 taan4 dong1 hung4 go1 sing1 , hai6 si4 hau6 dou3 keoi5 lo2 zoeng2 laa1 !)
David: So we are expressing frustration there.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: You know, it’s taking so long. How – why isn’t he won yet?
Melody: 終於可以去做呢樣嘢啦!(zung1 jyu1 ho2 ji5 heoi3 zou6 ni1 joeng6 je5 laa3 !)
David: Right. The second example is, if you are just saying it’s the proper time for something.
Melody: 譬如我哋會話, 你係時候出發啦!唔好遲到。(pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 wui2 waa6, nei5 hai6 si4 hau6 ceot1 faat3 laa3 !m4 hou2 ci4 dou3 。)
David: It’s time to set out, otherwise we will be late.
Melody: 你係時候出發啦! 唔好遲到。(nei5 hai6 si4 hau6 ceot1 faat3 laa3 ! m4 hou2 ci4 dou3 。)
David: It’s time to leave. Otherwise we will be late.
Melody: 唔,其實係好容易用嘅一個詞嚟㗎!(m4 ,kei4 sat6 hai6 hou2 jung4 ji6 jung6 ge3 jat1 go3 ci4 lai4 gaa3 !)
David: Right.
Melody: 係時候。(hai6 si4 hau6 。)
David: As in it’s time to turn on the television and watch the awards.
Melody: 係時候開電視機睇頒獎典禮啦!(hai6 si4 hau6 hoi1 din6 si6 gei1 tai2 baan1 zoeng2 din2 lai5 laa3!)
David: It’s time for Andy Lau to make another good movie.
Melody: 係時候去睇劉德華創作新嘅一部電影啦!(hai6 si4 hau6 heoi3 tai2 lau4 dak1 waa4 cong3 zok3 san1 ge3 jat1 bou6 din6 jing2 laa3 !)
David: Yeah and that’s frustration Melody.
Melody:冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: His latest films have not been very good. Anyway that’s our podcast for today. Our grammar point is a reminder. A common phrase you use in two ways.
Melody: 係時候。(hai6 si4 hau6 。)
David: Use this either to express frustration or to say that it’s the proper time for something to happen.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)


David: And it’s that frustrated emotion that’s the trickier one to get and master. Okay so that is all the time we have for today. Thanks for listening. I am David.
Melody: 我係 (ngo5 hai6 ) Melody。
David: And we will see you on the site.
Melody: 希望下次再見。(hei1 mong6 haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 。)


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