
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係Melody。(daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And today, we’ve got intermediate season 1, Lesson 22. Getting Your Chinese Chicken Fix.
Melody: 唔,呢個對話呢應該係喺超級巿場或者係街市入面發生嘅。( m4 ,ni1 go3 deoi3 waa6 ne1 jing1 goi1 hai6 hai2 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 waak6 ze2 hai6 gaai1 si5 jap6 min6 faat3 sang1 ge3 。)
David: Right. So our dialogue takes place in the supermarket and well, if you like Chicken, you are going to love our vocab for today.
Melody: 但係我覺得呢 呢個買嘢嘅人有啲問題, 賣嘢嘅人都有啲問題。(daan6 hai6 ngo5 gok3 dak1 ne1 ni1 go3 maai5 je5 ge3 jan4 jau5 di1 man6 tai4 , maai6 je5 ge3 jan4 dou1 jau5 di1 man6 tai4 。)
David: Right. So we’ve got a dialogue between a buyer and a seller of chicken in the supermarket because strange things can happen in Hong Kong supermarkets. Let’s take a listen.
A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞髀呀?(A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 bei2 aa3?)
B: 冇,我哋淨係賣雞翼。(B: mou5, ngo5 dei6 zing6 hai6 maai6 gai1 jik6.)
A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞翼吖?(A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 jik6 aa1?)
B: 有,不過啲雞未劏。(B: jau5, bat1 gwo3 di1 gai1 mei6 tong1.)
A: 咁,你哋有冇廿隻雞先?(A: gam2, nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1?)
B: 有。(B: jau5.)
A: 我要兩隻吖,唔該。(A: ngo5 jiu3 loeng5 zek3 aa1, m4 goi1.)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞髀呀?(A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 bei2 aa3?)
B: 冇,我哋淨係賣雞翼。(B: mou5, ngo5 dei6 zing6 hai6 maai6 gai1 jik6.)
A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞翼吖?(A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 jik6 aa1?)
B: 有,不過啲雞未劏。(B: jau5, bat1 gwo3 di1 gai1 mei6 tong1.)
A: 咁,你哋有冇廿隻雞先?(A: gam2, nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1?)
B: 有。(B: jau5.)
A: 我要兩隻吖,唔該。(A: ngo5 jiu3 loeng5 zek3 aa1, m4 goi1.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞髀呀?(A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 bei2 aa3?)
A: Do you have twenty chicken legs?
B: 冇,我哋淨係賣雞翼。(B: mou5, ngo5 dei6 zing6 hai6 maai6 gai1 jik6.)
B: No. We only sell chicken wings.
A: 你哋有冇廿隻雞翼吖?(A: nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 jik6 aa1?)
A: Do you have twenty chicken wings?
B: 有,不過啲雞未劏。(B: jau5, bat1 gwo3 di1 gai1 mei6 tong1.)
B: Yes. But the chickens are alive.
A: 咁,你哋有冇廿隻雞先?(A: gam2, nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1?)
A: So, you have twenty chickens then?
B: 有。(B: jau5.)
B: Yes.
A: 我要兩隻吖,唔該。(A: ngo5 jiu3 loeng5 zek3 aa1, m4 goi1.)
A: Give me two, please.
David: So no matter what kind of chicken you want, our lesson today is setting you up for this.
Melody: 唔,冇錯。(m4 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. We’ve got a lot of words in here. Let’s take a bit of a closer look at some of them. Our first word is
Melody: 雞髀。(gai1 bei2 。)
David: Chicken legs.
Melody: 雞髀。(gai1 bei2 。)
David: Right which is the drumstick of the chicken.
Melody: 冇錯, 好多人都鍾意食嘅。(mou5 co3 , hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 zung1 ji3 sik6 ge3 。)
David: Yeah.
Melody: 下一個詞係好多人都鍾意食嘅 雞翼。(haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 hai6 hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 zung1 ji3 sik6 ge3 gai1 jik6 。)
David: Chicken wings.
Melody: 雞翼。(gai1 jik6 。)
David: Chicken wings.
Melody: 唔,咁除咗雞髀,雞翼之外呢香港人仲成日食 雞腳。(m4 ,gam2 ceoi4 zo2 gai1 bei2 ,gai1 jik6 zi1 ngoi6 ne1 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 zung6 sing4 jat6 sik6 gai1 goek3 。)
David: And this is chicken feet.
Melody: 雞腳。(gai1 goek3 。)
David: Chicken feet. There is no meat on the chicken’s foot.
Melody: 有少少 可能。(jau5 siu2 siu2 ho2 nang4 。)
David: Right but it still tastes good.
Melody: 唔,香港人鍾意食。(m4 ,hoeng1 gong2 jan4 zung1 ji3 sik6 。)
David: So yeah, so we’ve got these three major parts of a chicken that everyone in Hong Kong likes.
Melody: 雞髀, 雞翼, 雞腳。(gai1 bei2 , gai1 jik6 , gai1 goek3 。)
David: And there is actually another way to refer to chicken feet.
Melody: 鳳爪。(fung6 zaau2 。)
David: Chicken feet.
Melody: 鳳爪。(fung6 zaau2 。)
David: And you will see this on Fancy Dim Sum restaurants and menus.
Melody: 冇錯, 冇錯。(mou5 co3 , mou5 co3 。)
David: It literally means phoenix claw.
Melody: 係呀!係一種好出名嘅香港菜, 鳳爪。(hai6 aa3 !hai6 jat1 zung2 hou2 ceot1 meng2 ge3 hoeng1 gong2 coi3 , fung6 zaau2 。)
David: Right. So phoenix claw we are sorry to say is actually chicken.
Melody: 唔,所以好多飯店入面呢 鳳爪其實就係雞腳做出嚟嘅。(m4 ,so2 ji5 hou2 do1 faan6 dim3 jap6 min6 ne1 fung6 zaau2 kei4 sat6 zau6 hai6 gai1 goek3 zou6 ceot1 lai4 ge3 。)
David: Right. There are two more really common chicken dishes that did involve the chicken breast or the chicken meat. The first is
Melody: 豉油雞飯。(si6 jau4 gai1 faan6 。)
David: Soy sauce chicken rice.
Melody: 豉油雞飯。(si6 jau4 gai1 faan6 。)
David: Soy sauce chicken rice and that’s what it is. It’s soy sauce with fried rice that’s cooked with chicken meat and chicken oil.
Melody: 冇錯,好好食㗎!(mou5 co3 ,hou2 hou2 sik6 gaa3 !)
David: The second is a bit more plain.
Melody: 白切雞飯。(baak6 cit3 gai1 faan6 。)
David: Chicken cubes on rice.
Melody: 白切雞飯。( baak6 cit3 gai1 faan6 。)
David: Right and this is more of an acquired taste because it’s very plain.
Melody: 冇錯,係可能係蒸出嚟㗎!冇咁鹹。(mou5 co3 ,hai6 ho2 nang4 hai6 zing1 ceot1 lai4 gaa3 !mou5 gam3 haam4 。)
David: Right. The rice is white and it’s just literally cut up chicken meat.
Melody: 唔,冇錯。(m4 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: But very, very popular. Almost every restaurant will have it.
Melody: 唔,所以去香港一定要試下。(m4 ,so2 ji5 heoi3 hoeng1 gong2 jat1 ding6 jiu3 si3 haa5 。)
David: Right. So to review, we’ve given you five chicken dishes and six words to talk about them. From the beginning.
Melody: 雞髀。(gai1 bei2 。)
David: Chicken legs.
Melody: 雞翼。(gai1 jik6 。)
David: Chicken wings.
Melody: 雞腳。(gai1 goek3 。)
David: Chicken feet.
Melody: 鳳爪。(fung6 zaau2 。)
David: Phoenix claw or chicken feet.
Melody: 豉油雞飯。(si6 jau4 gai1 faan6 。)
David: Soy sauce chicken rice.
Melody:白切雞飯。(baak6 cit3 gai1 faan6 。)
David: Chicken cubes on rice and with this, you are ready to have chicken anywhere at Hong Kong.
Melody: 係呀!所以大家一定要去試下, Okay, 我哋而家一齊嚟聽下我哋今日嘅語法。(hai6 aa3 !so2 ji5 daai6 gaa1 jat1 ding6 jiu3 heoi3 si3 haa5 , Okay , ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 jat1 cai4 lai4 teng1 haa5 ngo5 dei6 gam1 jat6 ge3 jyu5 faat3 。)

Lesson focus

David: Okay Melody, what’s our grammar point today?
Melody: 我哋今日嘅語法係 有冇...... 先? (ngo5 dei6 gam1 jat6 ge3 jyu5 faat3 hai6 jau5 mou5 ...... sin1 ?)
David: This is a grammar pattern.
Melody: 有冇...... 先? (jau5 mou5 ...... sin1 ?)
David: We are asking a question and we are communicating the idea, do you have a minimum of something.
Melody: 有冇...... 先? 喺對話入面呢我哋聽到 咁你哋有冇廿隻雞先?(jau5 mou5 ...... sin1 ? hai2 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 ne1 ngo5 dei6 teng1 dou2 gam2 nei5 dei6 jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1 ?)
David: Do you have at least 20 chickens?
Melody: 有冇廿隻雞先?(jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1 ?)
David: Do you have 20 chickens? Right, so it’s not really at least but that’s part of what it’s communicating, right?
Melody: 冇錯,即係佢想問你至少有冇。(mou5 co3 ,zik1 hai6 keoi5 soeng2 man6 nei5 zi3 siu2 jau5 mou5 。)
David: Yeah. I need 20 chickens. Do you have that many? This is the minimum amount I need. Okay so we are going to take a look at a couple of other sentences that use the same pattern.
Melody: 譬如話我哋成日都會聽到 有冇畢業證書先?(pei3 jyu4 waa6 ngo5 dei6 sing4 jat6 dou1 wui2 teng1 dou2 jau5 mou5 bat1 jip6 zing3 syu1 sin1 ?)
David: You might hear this as part of a job interview.
Melody: 有冇畢業證書先?(jau5 mou5 bat1 jip6 zing3 syu1 sin1 ?)
David: Do you have a college diploma?
Melody: 有冇畢業證書先?(jau5 mou5 bat1 jip6 zing3 syu1 sin1 ?)
David: Right. So it’s not just do you have a college diploma. It is saying, do you have a minimum of a college diploma, right?
Melody: 係呀!冇錯, 至少嘅一個要求。(hai6 aa3 !mou5 co3 , zi3 siu2 ge3 jat1 go3 jiu1 kau4 。)
David: We are looking for someone who passes this threshold. Right, another example would be
Melody: 有冇去過先?(jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3 sin1 ?)
David: Have you ever been there?
Melody: 有冇去過先?(jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3 sin1 ?)
David: Have you ever done this at least once?
Melody: 唔,所以呢通常我哋會喺 有冇.....先 中間加入一個問題, 表示一個基本嘅條件。(m4 ,so2 ji5 ne1 tung1 soeng4 ngo5 dei6 wui2 hai2 jau5 mou5 .....sin1 zung1 gaan1 gaa1 jap6 jat1 go3 man6 tai4 , biu2 si6 jat1 go3 gei1 bun2 ge3 tiu4 gin2 。)
David: Right. So it’s a basic condition. We’ve got this pattern on the outside and then in the middle, we add this minimum condition that we are asking to meet.
Melody: 唔,所以譬如有陣時你去見工, 有人會問你 想面試?你有冇畢業證書先?(m4 ,so2 ji5 pei3 jyu4 jau5 zan6 si4 nei5 heoi3 gin3 gung1 , jau5 jan4 wui2 man6 nei5 soeng2 min6 si2 ?nei5 jau5 mou5 bat1 jip6 zing3 syu1 sin1 ?)
David: Right. If you are in the job interview, do you have at least a college diploma? For another example, you might be talking to a friend who says they like Hong Kong but you don’t know if they’ve ever been.
Melody: 唔,所以你可以問佢 你話咁鍾意香港, 你有冇去過先?(m4 ,so2 ji5 nei5 ho2 ji5 man6 keoi5 nei5 waa6 gam3 zung1 ji3 hoeng1 gong2 , nei5 jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3 sin1 ?)
David: You say you like Hong Kong but have you ever been?
Melody: 唔, 你話你鍾意香港, 你有冇去過先?(m4 , nei5 waa6 nei5 zung1 ji3 hoeng1 gong2 , nei5 jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3 sin1 ?)
David: Right. So we can see what this is adding to the sentence is not just literal meaning but it’s something that’s implied.
Melody: 係,有陣時有少少藐視佢。(hai6 ,jau5 zan6 si4 jau5 siu2 siu2 miu5 si6 keoi5 。)
David: Yeah it’s – there is a small shift and a subtle shift in the meaning. It’s saying, there is this minimum threshold and it’s asking if you’ve met it.
Melody: 唔,如果語氣重啲嘅話呢, 可能有少少刁難嘅感覺。(m4 ,jyu4 gwo2 jyu5 hei3 cung5 di1 ge3 waa2 ne1 , ho2 nang4 jau5 siu2 siu2 diu1 naan4 ge3 gam2 gok3 。)
David: Yeah and in our dialogue, this threshold is apparently whether or not the seller has 20 chickens.
Melody: 唔, 有冇廿隻雞先?(m4 , jau5 mou5 jaa6 zek3 gai1 sin1 ?)


David: Right. Okay so that’s our lesson for today. Once again, it’s the grammar structure.
Melody: 有冇...... 先? (jau5 mou5 ...... sin1 ?)
David: Now before we go, we want to remind you if you do not have an account with us yet, come to our website and sign up.
Melody: 我哋淨係需要五秒鐘就得啦!(ngo5 dei6 zing6 hai6 seoi1 jiu3 ng5 miu5 zung1 zau6 dak1 laa3 !)
David: Yeah. It only takes 5 seconds to register and it’s going to get you a lot of free stuff. So be sure to do that and if you have any questions, leave us a note on the site as well.
Melody: 我哋會及時回覆你。(ngo5 dei6 wui2 kap6 si4 wui4 fuk1 nei5 。)
David: Right. I am David.
Melody: 我係 Melody。(ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And we will see you on the cantoneseclass101.com.
Melody: 我哋下次再見, Bye bye. (ngo5 dei6 haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 , Bye bye .)

