Lesson Transcript

In this lesson, you'll listen to a dialogue with the text.
Second, you'll review the key vocabulary followed by the English translations.
And finally, you'll review the dialogue with the text again to master what you've learned.
First, listen to the dialogue with the text on the screen.
咦?你識彈吉他㗎?(ji2? nei5 sik1 taan4 git3 taa1 gaa4?)
少少啦。(siu2 siu2 laa1)
你學咗幾耐啊?(nei5 hok6 zo2 gei2 noi6 aa3?)
三個月度。(saam1 go3 jyut6 dou2.)
彈得幾好喎。(taan4 dak1 gei2 hou2 wo3.)
多謝。(do1 ze6.)
Now you'll hear the key vocabulary followed by the English translation.
多謝(do1 ze6), thanks
彈(taan4), to play
度(dou2), about
學(hok6), to learn
幾耐(gei2 noi6), how long
結他(git3 taa1), guitar
少少(siu2 siu2), a little
Finally let's review the dialogue again, see if you can understand more this time.
咦?你識彈吉他㗎?(ji2? nei5 sik1 taan4 git3 taa1 gaa4?)
少少啦。(siu2 siu2 laa1)
你學咗幾耐啊?(nei5 hok6 zo2 gei2 noi6 aa3?)
三個月度。(saam1 go3 jyut6 dou2.)
彈得幾好喎。(taan4 dak1 gei2 hou2 wo3.)
多謝。(do1 ze6.)
This is the end of the lesson.

