Lesson Transcript

In this lesson, you'll listen to a dialogue with the text.
Second, you'll review the key vocabulary followed by the English translations.
And finally, you'll review the dialogue with the text again to master what you've learned.
First, listen to the dialogue with the text on the screen.
喂,今日上咗網未呀?(Wai3, gam1 jat6 soeng5 zo2 mong5 mei6 aa3?)
未喎,有咩新聞?(Mei6 wo3, jau5 me1 san1 man4?)
冇呀,都係咁啦,你自己睇囉。(Mou5 aa3, dou1 hai6 gam2 laa1, nei5 zi6 gei2 tai2 lo1.)
Now you'll hear the key vocabulary followed by the English translation.
今日(gam1 jat6), today
新聞(san1 man4), news
上網(soeng5 mong5), to go online
網絡(mong5 lok3), Internet
電視(din6 si6), television
報紙(bou3 zi2), newspaper
自己(zi6 gei2), oneself
報紙(bou3 zi2), newspaper
新聞(san1 man4), news
電視(din6 si6), television
Finally let's review the dialogue again, see if you can understand more this time.
喂,今日上咗網未呀?(Wai3, gam1 jat6 soeng5 zo2 mong5 mei6 aa3?)
未喎,有咩新聞?(Mei6 wo3, jau5 me1 san1 man4?)
冇呀,都係咁啦,你自己睇囉。(Mou5 aa3, dou1 hai6 gam2 laa1, nei5 zi6 gei2 tai2 lo1.)
This is the end of the lesson.

