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Lesson Transcript

John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to CantoneseClass101.com. This is Business Cantonese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 8 - Organizing a Customer Meeting in Hong Kong. John here.
Siuling: 大家好!(daai6 gaa1 hou2!) I'm Siuling.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to set up a meeting. The conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Siuling: It's between Linda and John.
John: The speakers are employee and customer(s), therefore, they will speak formal Cantonese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
張麗珊: 李生,我想畀你睇下初稿,請問下個星期你方唔方便開會研究一下?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: lei5 saang1, ngo5 soeng2 bei2 nei5 tai2 haa5 co1 gou2, cing2 man6 haa6 go3 sing1 kei4 nei5 fong1 m4 fong1 bin6 hoi1 wui2 jin4 gau3 jat1 haa5?)
李家明: 當然可以。邊日方便你?
(lei5 gaa1 ming4: dong1 jin4 ho2 ji5. bin1 jat6 fong1 bin6 nei5?)
張麗珊: 最好係星期三或者星期五。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zeoi3 hou2 hai6 sing1 kei4 saam1 waak6 ze2 sing1 kei4 ng5.)
李家明: 星期五會好啲,你可唔可以上晝十點左右嚟我公司?
(lei5 gaa1 ming4: sing1 kei4 ng5 wui2 hou2 di1, nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 soeng6 zau3 sap6 dim2 zo2 jau2 lei4 ngo5 gung1 si1?)
張麗珊: 就咁決定。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zau6 gam2 kyut3 ding6.)
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
張麗珊: 李生,我想畀你睇下初稿,請問下個星期你方唔方便開會研究一下?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: lei5 saang1, ngo5 soeng2 bei2 nei5 tai2 haa5 co1 gou2, cing2 man6 haa6 go3 sing1 kei4 nei5 fong1 m4 fong1 bin6 hoi1 wui2 jin4 gau3 jat1 haa5?)
李家明: 當然可以。邊日方便你?
(lei5 gaa1 ming4: dong1 jin4 ho2 ji5. bin1 jat6 fong1 bin6 nei5?)
張麗珊: 最好係星期三或者星期五。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zeoi3 hou2 hai6 sing1 kei4 saam1 waak6 ze2 sing1 kei4 ng5.)
李家明: 星期五會好啲,你可唔可以上晝十點左右嚟我公司?
(lei5 gaa1 ming4: sing1 kei4 ng5 wui2 hou2 di1, nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 soeng6 zau3 sap6 dim2 zo2 jau2 lei4 ngo5 gung1 si1?)
張麗珊: 就咁決定。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zau6 gam2 kyut3 ding6.)
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
張麗珊: 李生,我想畀你睇下初稿,請問下個星期你方唔方便開會研究一下?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: lei5 saang1, ngo5 soeng2 bei2 nei5 tai2 haa5 co1 gou2, cing2 man6 haa6 go3 sing1 kei4 nei5 fong1 m4 fong1 bin6 hoi1 wui2 jin4 gau3 jat1 haa5?)
Linda: Mr. Lee, I would like to present to you the preliminary draft. Can we set up a meeting for next week?
李家明: 當然可以。邊日方便你?
(lei5 gaa1 ming4: dong1 jin4 ho2 ji5. bin1 jat6 fong1 bin6 nei5?)
John: Of course. What days would be convenient for you?
張麗珊: 最好係星期三或者星期五。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zeoi3 hou2 hai6 sing1 kei4 saam1 waak6 ze2 sing1 kei4 ng5.)
Linda: Wednesday and Friday.
李家明: 星期五會好啲,你可唔可以上晝十點左右嚟我公司?
(lei5 gaa1 ming4: sing1 kei4 ng5 wui2 hou2 di1, nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 soeng6 zau3 sap6 dim2 zo2 jau2 lei4 ngo5 gung1 si1?)
John: Friday would be better. Could you please come to my office around 10 AM?
張麗珊: 就咁決定。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zau6 gam2 kyut3 ding6.)
Linda: Let's decide it like this.
John: In the conversation, we heard a discussion about setting up a business meeting. What should we do when arranging a meeting?
Siuling: It’s polite to schedule a meeting a week or two in advance.
John: It’s good to avoid scheduling a meeting before Christmas or the Chinese New Year too.
Siuling: That’s right, a lot of people are out of town during those times.
John: Is there anything else we should be aware of?
Siuling: You should email or call your business contact the day before the appointment.
John: I’m sure that being on time is a must for any appointment.
Siuling: Of course! If you’re in the room first, always stand up and greet anyone that comes in.
John: We spoke in a previous lesson of using both hands to accept business cards, and you should do the same with contracts and gifts too.
Siuling: If negotiations take longer than you expect, stay calm.
John: Why would things take longer?
Siuling: People like to discuss things in great detail, so just stay patient.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 初稿(co1 gou2) [natural native speed]
John: "preliminary draft"
Siuling: 初稿(co1 gou2)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 初稿(co1 gou2) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 研究(jin4 gau3) [natural native speed]
John: "study"
Siuling: 研究(jin4 gau3)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 研究(jin4 gau3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 方便(fong1 bin6) [natural native speed]
John: "convenient"
Siuling: 方便(fong1 bin6)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 方便(fong1 bin6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 最好(zeoi3 hou2) [natural native speed]
John: "the best"
Siuling: 最好(zeoi3 hou2)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 最好(zeoi3 hou2) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 或者(waak6 ze2) [natural native speed]
John: "or"
Siuling: 或者(waak6 ze2)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 或者(waak6 ze2) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 上晝(soeng6 zau3) [natural native speed]
John: "in the morning; a.m."
Siuling: 上晝(soeng6 zau3)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 上晝(soeng6 zau3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 左右(zo2 jau2) [natural native speed]
John: "around; approximately"
Siuling: 左右(zo2 jau2)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 左右(zo2 jau2) [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Siuling: 決定(kyut3 ding6) [natural native speed]
John: "to decide; decision"
Siuling: 決定(kyut3 ding6)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 決定(kyut3 ding6) [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 我公司(ngo5 gung1 si1)
John: meaning "my office"
John: Let’s break down this phrase.
Siuling: First is 我 (ngo5), meaning "I, me," and this is followed by 公司 (gung1 si1).
John: This is "office." You can use this to talk about your office.
Siuling: Technically, we should add either the possessive pronoun 嘅(ge3) or classifier 間(gaan1) between the subject and noun.
John: But in daily conversations, these are often left out.
Siuling: Yes, when talking about your own family or company.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 唔該你上嚟我公司。(m4 goi1 nei5 soeng5 lei4 ngo5 gung1 si1.)
John: ...which means "Please come to my office."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Siuling: 就咁決定。(zau6 gam2 kyut3 ding6)
John: meaning "Let's decide it like this."
John: What can you tell us about this, Siuling?
Siuling: First is 就咁(zau6 gam2), meaning "just like this way." It is followed by 決定(kyut3 ding6).
John: That means "decide." When can you use this phrase?
Siuling: You can use it when you have to choose between many options.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 就咁決定啦!(zau6 gam2 kyut3 ding6 laa1!)
John: ... which means "It's decided!"
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about setting up a meeting with a customer.
John: As we heard in the conversation earlier, to set up a meeting, you need to set up a time and date.
Siuling: There are a few phrases you can use for this.
John: Siuling, can you tell us some?
Siuling: Of course! 邊日方便你? (bin1 jat6 fong1 bin6 nei5?)
John: "Which day is good for you?"
Siuling: 星期五方唔方便? (sing1 kei4 saam1 fong1 m4 fong1 bin6?)
John: "Does Friday work for you?"
Siuling: 你方唔方便星期三開會?(nei5 fong1 m4 fong1 bin6 sing1 kei4 saam1 hoi1 wui5?)
John: "Is Wednesday convenient for you for a meeting?"
Siuling: 我哋可唔可以約下星期開會?(Ngo5 dei6 ho2 m4 ho2 ji3 joek3 haa6 sing1 kei4 hoi1 wui5?)
John: "Can we set up a meeting for next week?"
Siuling: 你幾時得閒? (nei5 gei2 si4 dak1 haan4?)
John: "When will you be free?" Now in a couple of those sentences, we needed to use the days of the week.
Siuling: So, it might be a good idea to go through those.
John: I think so!
Siuling: 星期一 (sing1 kei4 jat1)
John: "Monday"
Siuling: 星期二 (sing1 kei4 ji6)
John: "Tuesday"
Siuling: 星期三 (sing1 kei4 saam1)
John: "Wednesday"
Siuling: 星期四 (sing1 kei4 sei3)
John: "Thursday"
Siuling: 星期五 (sing1 kei4 ng5)
John: "Friday"
Siuling: 星期六 (sing1 kei4 luk6)
John: "Saturday"
Siuling: 星期日 (sing1 kei4 jat6)
John: "Sunday"


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Siuling: 拜拜!(baai1 baai3!)

