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John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to CantoneseClass101.com. This is Business Cantonese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 24 - Giving and Receiving Instructions in Cantonese. John here.
Siuling: 大家好!(daai6 gaa1 hou2!) I'm Siuling.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to follow instructions. The conversation takes place at an office.
Siuling: It's between Monica and Tom.
John: The speakers are boss and employee(s), therefore, they will speak formal Cantonese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
黃小芬: 唔該攞去人事部吖,佢哋會畀入閘卡同健身卡你。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: m4 goi1 lo2 heoi3 jan4 si6 bou6 aa1, keoi5 dei6 wui2 bei2 jap6 zaap6 kaat1 tung4 gin6 san1 kaat1 nei5.)
湯子華: 知道!
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zi1 dou3!)
黃小芬: 陣間返嚟,唔該你準備下星期嘅預約時間表,然後send畀我同Linda。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: zan6 gaan1 faan1 lei4, m4 goi1 nei5 zeon2 bei6 haa6 sing1 kei4 ge3 jyu6 joek3 si4 gaan3 biu2, jin4 hau6 send bei2 ngo5 tung4 Linda.)
湯子華: 係嘅,仲有冇其他嘢?
(tong1 zi2 waa4: hai6 ge3, zung6 jau5 mou5 kei4 taa1 je5?)
黃小芬: 冇喇,係咁多,唔該你做完話我知。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: mou5 laa3, hai6 gam3 do1, m4 goi1 nei5 zou6 jyun4 waa6 ngo5 zi1.)
湯子華: 係嘅。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: hai6 ge3.)
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
黃小芬: 唔該攞去人事部吖,佢哋會畀入閘卡同健身卡你。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: m4 goi1 lo2 heoi3 jan4 si6 bou6 aa1, keoi5 dei6 wui2 bei2 jap6 zaap6 kaat1 tung4 gin6 san1 kaat1 nei5.)
湯子華: 知道!
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zi1 dou3!)
黃小芬: 陣間返嚟,唔該你準備下星期嘅預約時間表,然後send畀我同Linda。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: zan6 gaan1 faan1 lei4, m4 goi1 nei5 zeon2 bei6 haa6 sing1 kei4 ge3 jyu6 joek3 si4 gaan3 biu2, jin4 hau6 send bei2 ngo5 tung4 Linda.)
湯子華: 係嘅,仲有冇其他嘢?
(tong1 zi2 waa4: hai6 ge3, zung6 jau5 mou5 kei4 taa1 je5?)
黃小芬: 冇喇,係咁多,唔該你做完話我知。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: mou5 laa3, hai6 gam3 do1, m4 goi1 nei5 zou6 jyun4 waa6 ngo5 zi1.)
湯子華: 係嘅。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: hai6 ge3.)
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
黃小芬: 唔該攞去人事部吖,佢哋會畀入閘卡同健身卡你。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: m4 goi1 lo2 heoi3 jan4 si6 bou6 aa1, keoi5 dei6 wui2 bei2 jap6 zaap6 kaat1 tung4 gin6 san1 kaat1 nei5.)
Monica: Take it to the HR department, please. They should give you the entrance card and fitness card.
湯子華: 知道!
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zi1 dou3!)
Tom: Absolutely.
黃小芬: 陣間返嚟,唔該你準備下星期嘅預約時間表,然後send畀我同Linda。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: zan6 gaan1 faan1 lei4, m4 goi1 nei5 zeon2 bei6 haa6 sing1 kei4 ge3 jyu6 joek3 si4 gaan3 biu2, jin4 hau6 send bei2 ngo5 tung4 Linda.)
Monica: When you are back, please prepare the appointment schedule for the next week and send it to me and Linda.
湯子華: 係嘅,仲有冇其他嘢?
(tong1 zi2 waa4: hai6 ge3, zung6 jau5 mou5 kei4 taa1 je5?)
Tom: Of course, something else?
黃小芬: 冇喇,係咁多,唔該你做完話我知。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: mou5 laa3, hai6 gam3 do1, m4 goi1 nei5 zou6 jyun4 waa6 ngo5 zi1.)
Monica: No, that's all. Please let me know once you’re finished.
湯子華: 係嘅。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: hai6 ge3.)
Tom: Of course.
John: Let’s talk a little about hierarchies in Hong Kong business.
Siuling: Employees in Hong Kong are very aware of their position in the office hierarchy.
John: There is a distance between superiors and their subordinates.
Siuling: Age is a big factor in this hierarchy, as well.
John: Are there many women in good positions in Hong Kong companies?
Siuling: There are more women entering the workforce, but men still dominate.
John: Do you have any tips for how people should behave in a Hong Kong office?
Siuling: Avoid any physical contact, such as a pat on the back.
John: Be aware that someone saying "yes" in a meeting doesn’t necessarily mean they agree with you, they could just be acknowledging that they are listening to you.
Siuling: When you enter a meeting room, follow the hierarchical order.
John: So let the most senior person enter and be introduced first.
Siuling: Don’t publicly say "no" during the meeting as it is embarrassing to the other person.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 攞去(lo2 heoi3) [natural native speed]
John: "to bring"
Siuling: 攞去(lo2 heoi3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 攞去(lo2 heoi3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 入閘卡(jap6 zaap6 kaat1) [natural native speed]
John: "entrance card"
Siuling: 入閘卡(jap6 zaap6 kaat1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 入閘卡(jap6 zaap6 kaat1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 健身卡(gin6 san1 kaat1) [natural native speed]
John: "fitness card"
Siuling: 健身卡(gin6 san1 kaat1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 健身卡(gin6 san1 kaat1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 陣間(zan6 gaan1) [natural native speed]
John: "later; in a while"
Siuling: 陣間(zan6 gaan1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 陣間(zan6 gaan1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 返嚟(faan1 lei4) [natural native speed]
John: "to come back"
Siuling: 返嚟(faan1 lei4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 返嚟(faan1 lei4) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 預約(jyu6 joek3) [natural native speed]
John: "appointment"
Siuling: 預約(jyu6 joek3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 預約(jyu6 joek3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 時間表(si4 gaan3 biu2) [natural native speed]
John: "schedule"
Siuling: 時間表(si4 gaan3 biu2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 時間表(si4 gaan3 biu2) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 其他(kei4 taa1) [natural native speed]
John: "other"
Siuling: 其他(kei4 taa1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 其他(kei4 taa1) [natural native speed]
John: And lastly...
Siuling: 做完(zou6 jyun4) [natural native speed]
John: "to finish"
Siuling: 做完(zou6 jyun4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 做完(zou6 jyun4) [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 我陣間返嚟。(ngo5 zan6 gaan1 faan1 lai4)
John: meaning "I will be back in a bit."
John: Let’s break this phrase down.
Siuling: First is 我(ngo5), this means "I, me." Next is 陣間(zan6 gaan1).
John: This means "a while, very soon." Next is "come back, return."
Siuling: That is 返嚟(faan1 lai4 / lei4).
John: You can use this when you’re leaving and want to tell others that you’re coming back soon.
Siuling: You can also say 一陣間(jat1 zan6 gaan1).
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 請你等一等, 我陣間返嚟。(ceng2 nei5 dang2 jat1 dang2, ngo5 zan6 gaan1 faan1 lai4.)
John: ... which means "Please wait for a while, I will be back soon."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Siuling: 攞健身卡去健身室。(lo2 gin6 san1 kaat1 heoi3 gin6 san1 sat1.)
John: meaning "bring the fitness card to the gym."
John: This is our last phrase for this lesson.
Siuling: First is 攞(lo2), which means "take, get." Next is 健身(gin6 san1).
John: This means "bodybuilding." The next part means "card."
Siuling: 卡(kaat1). Then 去 (heoi3), which means "go to." Finally is 健身室(gin6 san1 sat1).
John: That means "gym."
Siuling: The key part is 攞(lo2)... 去(heoi3)...。
John: "Bring (something) to (somewhere.)" Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 記得要攞健身卡去健身室。(gei3 dak1 jiu3 lo2 gin6 san1 kaa1 heoi3 gin6 san1 sat1.)
John: ... which means "Remember to bring the fitness card to the gym."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about giving instructions.
John: We’re going to look at a way of giving direct instructions. This is a simpler and more polite way to give instructions at work.
Siuling: The pattern is 唔該 (m4 goi1) followed by a verb phrase.
John: Here are some examples of instructions.
Siuling: 唔該坐喺呢度。(m4 goi1 co2 hai2 ni1 dou6.)
John: "Sit here, please."
Siuling: 唔該唔好閂門。(m4 goi1 m4 hou2 saan1 mun4.)
John: "Do not close the door, please."
Siuling: 唔該聽日做起晒。(m4 goi1 ting1 jat6 zou6 hei2 saai3.)
John: "Do this by tomorrow, please."
Siuling: 唔該打俾人事部。(m4 goi1 daa2 bei2 jan4 si6 bou6.)
John: "Call HR, please."
Siuling: 唔該影印三份。(m4 goi1 jing2 jan3 saam1 fan6.)
John: "Make three copies, please." Now, let’s here how to respond to these requests.
Siuling: 冇問題。(mou5 man6 tai4.)
John: "Not a problem."
Siuling: 好呀。(hou2 aa3.)
John: "Sure."
Siuling: 我而家即刻開始。(ngo5 ji4 gaa1 zik1 hak1 hoi1 ci2.)
John: "I’ll start right now."
Siuling: 唔好意思,我冇時間。(m4 hou2 ji3 si1, ngo5 mou5 si4 gaan3.)
John: "I’m sorry but I don’t have time to work on that."
Siuling: 仲有冇其他嘢?(zung3 jau5 mou5 kei4 taa1 je5?)
John: "Is there anything else?"
Siuling: 趕唔趕?(gon2 m4 gon2?)
John: "Is it urgent?"


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Siuling: 拜拜!(baai1 baai3!)

