
Vocabulary (Review)

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Nicole: 大家好(daai6 gaa3 hou2). I'm Nicole.
Matt: Matt here! Welcome back to CantoneseClass101.com Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 23.
Nicole: That's right. What are we looking at today?
Matt: In today's lesson, you are going to learn about cooking and most importantly complimenting the cook.
Nicole: The conversation takes place in a dining room.
Matt: And it's between a husband and a wife. The wife has just finished cooking a delicious meal.
Nicole: The speakers are married so they will be speaking casually.
Matt: All right, Nicole, let's take a listen to today dialogue.
Nicole: Okay.

Lesson conversation

我個餸點呀?(ngo5 go3 sung3 dim2 aa3?)
我個人點呀?(ngo5 go3 jan4 dim2 aa3?)
仲正!(zung6 zeng3!)
English Host: One more time, a bit slower.
我個餸點呀?(ngo5 go3 sung3 dim2 aa3?)
我個人點呀?(ngo5 go3 jan4 dim2 aa3?)
仲正!(zung6 zeng3!)
English Host: And now with the English translation.
我個餸點呀?(ngo5 go3 sung3 dim2 aa3?)
Matt: How is the food I made?
Matt: Awesome!
我個人點呀?(ngo5 go3 jan4 dim2 aa3?)
Matt: What about me?
仲正!(zung6 zeng3!)
Matt: Even better!
Matt: All right, so hopefully this is the standard conversation that takes place between a husband and a wife and it's not like the food is horrible. So in today's lesson obviously we will be covering food, and different ways to compliment food.
Nicole: And food is one of the most talked about topics in Hong Kong and Guangdong.
Matt: Right so you will find yourself using this language all the time.
Nicole: That's right, there's no better way to make language partners than over the dinner table.
Matt: So let's move on to the vocab section.
Nicole: 粥(zuk1) [natural native speed]
Matt: Porridge.
Nicole: 粥(zuk1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 粥(zuk1) [natural native speed]. 餸(sung3) [natural native speed]
Matt: Food (dish).
Nicole: 餸(sung3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 餸 (sung3)[natural native speed]. 湯(tong1) [natural native speed]
Matt: Soup.
Nicole: 湯(tong1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 湯(tong1) [natural native speed]. 甜品(tim4 ban2) [natural native speed]
Matt: Dessert.
Nicole: 甜品(tim4 ban2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 甜品(tim4 ban2) [natural native speed]. 糖水(tong4 seoi2) [natural native speed]
Matt: Cantonese dessert.
Nicole: 糖水(tong4 seoi2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 糖水(tong4 seoi2) [natural native speed]. 人(jan4) [natural native speed]
Matt: Person.
Nicole: 人(jan4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 人(jan4) [natural native speed]. 正(zeng3) [natural native speed]
Matt: Awesome.
Nicole: 正(zeng3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 正(zeng3) [natural native speed]. 靚 (leng3)[natural native speed]
Matt: Beautiful or good.
Nicole: 靚(leng3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 靚(leng3) [natural native speed]. 仲(zung6) [natural native speed]
Matt: Even more
Nicole: 仲(zung6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 仲(zung6) [natural native speed]
Matt: First, we are going to go over different types of food. The first one being.
Nicole: 餸(sung3)
Matt: Dish.
Nicole: 餸(sung3)
Matt: This is a plate of food, sitting on the dinner table.
Nicole: Right, like 我鍾意呢個餸。(ngo5 zung1 ji3 ni1 go3 sung3.)
Matt: Which is I like this dish.
Nicole: 我鍾意呢個餸。(ngo5 zung1 ji3 ni1 go3 sung3.)
Matt: I like this dish. Another very common food is?
Nicole: 粥(zuk1)
Matt: Porridge.
Nicole: 粥(zuk1)
Matt: Porridge. Now I don't know if I'd really classify this as food. More like gruel.
Nicole: Well something that tastes better is 湯(tong1).
Matt: Soup.
Nicole: 湯(tong1)
Matt: Now here we should mention that we eat porridge.
Nicole: 食粥(sik6 zuk1)
Matt: And we drink soup.
Nicole: 飲湯(jam2 tong1)
Matt: So the verbs are going to be different for these two foods.
Nicole: Right.
Matt: Everyone's favorite part of dinner of course is dessert.
Nicole: 甜品(tim4 ban2)
Matt: Dessert.
Nicole: 甜品(tim4 ban2)
Matt: Now literally means sweet goods.
Nicole: Right. And desserts specific to Guangdong is called 糖水(tong4 seoi2.)
Matt: Which literally means sweet water.
Nicole: Yeah, but that's more than that. There are many types of 糖水(tong4 seoi2) that involves milk, eggs, sugar, basically anything sweet.
Matt: And when you're in Hong Kong you have to try a Hong Kong or Cantonese dessert, it's so good.
Nicole: Right 香港糖水好正!(hoeng1 gong2 tong4 seoi2 hou2 zeng3!)
Matt: Next we have an adjective.
Nicole: 正(zeng3)
Matt: Awesome.
Nicole: 正(zeng3)
Matt: Awesome. And you can use this to describe food, the weather, a movie, anything really.
Nicole: Also if something is really, really awesome you can say 好正(hou2 zeng3)
Matt: That's taking it to the next level of awesomeness. Now our next adjective is?
Nicole: 靚(leng3)
Matt: Beautiful.
Nicole: 靚(leng3 ) it also means good. If you want to say something is good, you can say 靚.(leng3)
Matt: And our listeners should be pretty familiar with this word by now.
Nicole: Right like 靚女.(leng3 neoi5.)
Matt: Pretty girl
Nicole: 靚仔(leng3 zai2)
Matt: Handsome guy.
Nicole: So now we have three ways of saying something's good 好(hou2),靚(leng3),正(zeng3).
Matt: 好(hou2),靚(leng3),正(zeng3). or good, nice, awesome!
Nicole: Right. And our final word is 仲(zung6).
Matt: Even more.
Nicole: 仲(zung6)

Lesson focus

Matt: Even more. And this is actually the focus of today's grammar point.
Nicole: Right so let's go there right now. 仲(zung6)
Matt: Even more.
Nicole: 仲(zung6)
Matt: Now there is a formula we want to follow when we're using this adverb.
Nicole: Right an adjective follows 仲(zung6)
Matt: For example, in the dialogue we heard this sentence.
Nicole: 仲正 ! (zung6 zeng3!)
Matt: More awesome, the degree of awesomeness
Nicole: 仲正 ! (zung6 zeng3!) Notice the adjective 正(zeng3) is placed after 仲(zung6).
Matt: This is a pretty simple concept to understand so we are going to give you some example sentences.
Nicole: Okay. Our first one is 我慢,佢仲慢。(ngo5 maan6, keoi5 zung6 maan6)
Matt: I'm slow. But he is even slower.
Nicole: 我慢,佢仲慢。(ngo5 maan6, keoi5 zung6 maan6)
Matt: I'm slow. He is even slower. Notice that we can compare two things here.
Nicole: Right. 我(ngo5) and 佢(keoi5).
Matt: Me and him.
Nicole: And the adverb 仲 is placed after the subject. So in total we have Subject + 仲(zung6) + Adjective.
Matt: Let's see some more examples with this formula.
Nicole: 佢哋仲快。(keoi5 dei6 zung6 faai3)
Matt: They're even faster.
Nicole: 佢哋仲快。(keoi5 dei6 zung6 faai3)
Matt: They're even faster. Now when you're at the dinner table, you can flatter your chef by saying?
Nicole: 呢個餸好好。(ni1 go3 sung3 hou2 hou2)
Matt: This dish is very good.
Nicole: 呢個餸好好。(ni1 go3 sung3 hou2 hou2)
Matt: This dish is very good.
Nicole: Or 嗰個餸仲好。(go2 go3 sung3 zung6 hou2)
Matt: This means that dish is even better.
Nicole: 嗰個餸仲好。(go2 go3 sung3 zung6 hou2)
Matt: That dish is even better.
Nicole: See how we simply replace the 好(hou2)
Matt: Very.
Nicole: With 仲(zung6)
Matt: Even more.
Nicole: And form a comparison.
Matt: And a compliment.
Matt: You can also say.
Nicole: 嗰個湯仲靚。(go2 go3 tong1 zung6 leng3.)
Matt: That soup is even better.
Nicole: 嗰個湯仲靚。(go2 go3 tong1 zung6 leng3.)
Matt: That soup is even better. So by now you should know that CantoneseClass101.com is even better than a textbook.
Nicole: Right. CantoneseClass101 仲正!(zung6 zeng3!)
Matt: So for more premium learning tools make sure you visit CantoneseClass101.com and be sure to sign up for your free lifetime account.
Nicole: That's right. So thank you for tuning in. I'm Nicole.
Matt: And I'm Matt. We'll see you next time.
Nicole: Bye.

