
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Cantonese Season 1, Lesson 24 - Offering an Invitation. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to invite someone out in Cantonese.
Eric: First we’ll learn how to say 'Do you have plans on Friday night?' in Cantonese.
Olivia: [Normal] 你星期五晚有咩做呀?(nei5 sing1 kei4 ng5 maan5 jau5 me1 zou6 aa3)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning 'You'
Olivia: [Normal] 你 [Slow] 你 (nei5)
Eric: Next is the phrase meaning 'Friday night'
Olivia: [Normal] 星期五晚 [Slow] 星期五晚(sing1 kei4 ng5 maan5 )
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to have '
Olivia: [Normal] 有 [Slow] 有(jau5)
Eric: Next is the adverb meaning 'what '
Olivia: [Normal] 咩 [Slow] 咩(me1)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to do’
Olivia: [Normal] 做 [Slow] 做(zou6)
Eric: Last is the final particle.
Olivia: [Normal] 呀 [Slow] 呀(aa3)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Do you have plans on Friday night?'
Olivia: [Slow] 你星期五晚有咩做呀? [Normal] 你星期五晚有咩做呀?(nei5 sing1 kei4 ng5 maan5 jau5 me1 zou6 aa3)
Eric: Ok, now let's see another way to say 'Do you have plans on Friday night?'
Olivia: [Normal] 你星期五晚有咩節目呀?(nei5 sing1 kei4 ng5 maan5 jau5 me1 zit3 muk6 aa3)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning 'You'
Olivia: [Normal] 你 [Slow] 你 (nei5)
Eric: Next is the phrase meaning 'Friday night'
Olivia: [Normal] 星期五晚 [Slow] 星期五晚(sing1 kei4 ng5 maan5 )
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to have '
Olivia: [Normal] 有 [Slow] 有(jau5)
Eric: Next is the adverb meaning 'what '
Olivia: [Normal] 咩 [Slow] 咩(me1)
Eric: Next is the noun meaning ‘program’
Olivia: [Normal] 節目 [Slow] 節目(zit3 muk6)
Eric: Last is the final particle.
Olivia: [Normal] 呀 [Slow] 呀(aa3)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Do you have plans on Friday night?'
Olivia: [Slow] 你星期五晚有咩節目呀? [Normal] 你星期五晚有咩節目呀?(nei5 sing1 kei4 ng5 maan5 jau5 me1 zit3 muk6 aa3)
Eric: Next we have a phrase meaning 'I'm going to the movies.'
Olivia: [Normal] 我會去睇戲。(ngo5 wui5 heoi3 tai2 hei3)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning 'I'
Olivia: [Normal] 我 [Slow] 我(ngo5)
Eric: Next is the verb phrase meaning 'am going to'
Olivia: [Normal] 會去 [Slow] 會去(wui5 heoi3)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to watch'
Olivia: [Normal] 睇 [Slow] 睇(tai2)
Eric: Last is the noun meaning 'movie'
Olivia: [Normal] 戲 [Slow] 戲(hei3)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I'm going to the movies.'
Olivia: [Slow] 我會去睇戲。 [Normal] 我會去睇戲。(ngo5 wui5 heoi3 tai2 hei3)
Eric: Finally, we’ll learn how to say 'Will you join?'
Olivia: [Normal] 你一唔一齊去呀?(nei5 jat1 m4 jat1 cai4 heoi3 aa3)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning 'You'
Olivia: [Normal] 你 [Slow] 你(nei5)
Eric: Next is the phrase meaning 'together or not together'
Olivia: [Normal] 一唔一齊 [Slow] 一唔一齊(jat1 m4 jat1 cai4)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning 'to go'
Olivia: [Normal] 去 [Slow] 去(heoi3)
Eric: Last is the final particle.
Olivia: [Normal] 呀 [Slow] 呀(aa3)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'Will you join?'
Olivia: [Slow] 你一唔一齊去呀? [Normal] 你一唔一齊去呀?(nei5 jat1 m4 jat1 cai4 heoi3 aa3)
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Olivia: When you’re bored or looking for something interesting to do, simply say the phrase 有咩做呀? (jau5 me1 zou6 aa3), which means "is there anything to do?”


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Olivia: 拜拜! (baai1 baai3)

