Advanced Audio Blog 1
You'll learn about culture, history, folklore, arts, and more.


Advanced Audio Blog 1

In this series, you will learn in-depth about the culture of the places Cantonese is spoken, with a main focus on Hong Kong. You'll learn about different famous cities and regions, holidays, tourist destinations, and more. Along the way, you'll pick up sophisticated expressions and advanced grammar in this Audio Blog series presented entirely in Cantonese.

Lesson Title Topic Summary Cultural Fact Vocab
1 House Hunting in China looking for an apartment apartment hunting experience Real Estate in Hong Kong 呆曬, 房東, 租客, 輕鬆, 醒目, 慳翻, 搞錯, 郊區, 租屋, 市中心
2 House Hunting in China: Part 2 looking for an apartment sequel to the previous apartment hunting experience Dealing with the Landlords 猶豫, 洗手間, 冲涼房, 廚房, 廁所, 鬼屋, 上網, 瘋狂, 陽台
3 House Hunting in China: Part 3 looking for an apartment third sequel to the previous apartment hunting experience, finally moved into an ideal apartment. Rooftops in Hong Kong 搞掂, 坎坷, 閣樓, 騷擾, 繼續, 冷靜, 激動, 發型師, 慶祝, 經歷
4 The Movies of Stephen Chow talking about films something about Stephen Chow's movies The Movies of Stephen Chow 星爺, 首選, 生活化, 平民化, 發爛渣, 大話西遊, 無論, 够胆, 荒謬
5 Chinese Control Experiments creative thinking case studies regarding creative thinking Population in Hong Kong 射殺, 犀利, 電擊,典型, 實驗, 催眠, 潛意識, 柏林牆, 無動於衷, 創造性
6 Hong Kong living in Hong Kong life in Tseung Kwan O district The Districts in Hong Kong 開闊, 誘惑, 氣氛, 不羈, 貪嘴, 井井有條, 物價廉美, 旗幟鮮明, 黨派, 老不正經
7 Hong Kong: Part II advanced expressions quality of life among the Hong Kong people N/A 面包店, 宵夜, 禿頭, 靈魂, 壓抑, 瘋狂, 默契 , 熱情
8 Can you tell me the way to Macao's casinos in Cantonese? gambling in Macao first gambling experience in Macao The History of Gambling in Macao 印象, 總結, 輸, 贏, 收購, 雪茄, 海市蜃樓, 屬於, 賭博, 廢話
9 Zhuhai traveling in China traveling in Zhuhai facts about Zhuhai 具備 , 采 , 好爽 , 迷離 , 霓虹燈 , 買賣 , 寧靜, 四面八方, 冷清, 滿載而歸
10 Will your Cantonese keep you afloat in Zhaoqing? traveling in China traveling in Zhaoqing weekend travel to China for Hong Kong people 記憶, 救生衣, 頭盔, 防護, 體驗, 賽道, 漂流, 揸車, 當地人, 指導
11 Shantou: A Traditional Chinese City in the Heart of the Cantonese World traveling in China some culture in Shantou N/A 提起, 對抗, 千金, 嚴重, 狀態, 尷尬, 方言, 關鍵, 大男人主義, 刻苦,耐勞
12 Will Your Cantonese Leave You with Too Much Free Time in Zhanjiang? traveling in China relaxing life in Zhanjiang N/A 一陣, 休閑, 苦惱, 迷失, 實現, 空虛, 典型, 振作, 內容
13 Shenzhen: City of Mistresses traveling in China what makes shenzhen the way it is facts about Shenzhen 同窗, 畢業, 不顧一切, 黃金, 原住民, 二奶, 移民, 稱號, 拋棄
14 Spring Festival: The Penultimate Day celebrating holidays two days before Chinese New Year = house cleaning day Chinese New Year experience 節日, 宗教, 平衡, 邏輯, 意義, 厄運, 邋遢, 怨恨, 歡樂, 專家
15 Celebrating Chinese New Year's advanced expressions Chinese New Year customs flowers and new year 細路, 順序, 比如, 嚴格, 利是, 歌曲, 質量, 數量, 絕對, 禮品
16 A Glowing Tradition: The Lantern Festival in Hong Kong celebrating holidays celebrating Lantern Festival Lanterns and Dumplings 煙花, 根據, 燈籠, 舊年, 四處, 各式各樣, 恍惚, 老百姓, 小販
17 Worship Right at Hong Kong's Qingming Festival celebrating holidays some rules on worshiping ancestors at tombs on Qingming Festival Chinese Traffic to the Tombs 濃厚, 不滿 , 鮮豔, 尊敬, 禁忌, 泥土, 落雨, 打獵, 爬山, 香燭
18 Dragons in Hong Kong! celebrating holidays celebrating Dragon Boat Festival Lucky Dragon Water 名次, 裁判, 臨近, 專門, 競技, 期待, 出差, 粽, 龍舟, 獎金
19 Cantonese Choice: Valentine's Day or Lantern Festival? celebrating holidays something about Chinese Valentine's Day Lantern Festival is the Chinese Valentine's Day 民族, 情人節, 抒發, 初戀, 神臺, 好興, 浪漫, 真愛
20 Have a Hong Kong Halloween celebrating holidays something about Chinese Halloween Chinese Halloween Magic 贖回, 農曆, 京劇, 焚燒, 破壞, 差劣, 準備, 陰間, 折磨, 街邊
21 Family Time at the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong celebrating holidays celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival Playing with Fire 疫症, 連續, 蟒蛇, 颱風,搜查, 人山人海, 熱鬧, 特登, 團圓
22 The Winter Festival in the Cantonese World celebrating holidays Winter Festival customs facts about Winter Festival 圈子, 豐收, 由來, 飯後, 豐富, 應驗, 嘴上說說
23 Celebrating Buddha's Birthday in Hong Kong celebrating holidays Buddha's Birthday cumtoms Worshiping Buddha 職業, 顯得, 轉身, 體現, 無一例外, 黑社會
24 Idolizing a Superstar in Hong Kong idol culture a friend becoming a superstar in Hong Kong N/A 靚仔, 明星, 混血兒, 簽約, 投身, 培訓, 雪藏, 保險, 一鳴驚人, 老友
25 How Do You Compare in Cantonese? comparison Comparing self with high-income friends N/A 工資, 比較, 傾起, 不勝枚舉, 名校, 距離, 妒忌, 學歷, 將軍, 撞倒