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The Ultimate Guide to Telling Time in Cantonese

Telling time is part of everyday life, and it’s one of the essential conversation skills you need to learn when studying a new language. Want to learn how to tell time in Cantonese? No worries—we’ve got you covered! But before we start learning about telling time in Cantonese, let’s go over how to ask for the time and other time-related questions. Table of Contents How to Ask for the Time How to Tell Time in Cantonese Words that Refer to the Time of the Day Time Adverbs Bonus: Time Proverbs and Sayings Conclusion: How Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. How to Ask for the Time 1- 而家幾點呀? Meaning: What time is it? Romanization: ji4 gaa1 gei2 dim2 aa3 Format: Spoken Cantonese ... Show more

Your Ultimate Guide to Cantonese Directions

Being able to ask for and give directions is one of the practical skills you need to learn when studying a new language. And if you’re traveling to Hong Kong, learning Cantonese directions will surely help you better navigate the city! What are you waiting for? Read on and learn Cantonese directions with us here at Table of Contents Directions on the Map Directions on the Road Landmarks Must-know Phrases for Asking for Directions Must-know Phrases for Giving Directions in Cantonese Conclusion: How Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Directions on the Map Need to give someone a specific direction in Cantonese? Here are the compass directions for you: North: 北... Show more

100 Cantonese Nouns Just for You!

Nouns are vital in our everyday conversations. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to talk about people, objects, places, or ideas—or communicate effectively. The more Cantonese nouns you know, the easier it will be for you to master the Cantonese language. Can’t wait to learn the most common Cantonese nouns? Keep reading and let give you a hand! Note that we’ll provide both written and spoken example sentences or phrases throughout the article. This way, you can learn Cantonese nouns in both formats. We’ve used symbols to help you identify which ones are written (w), spoken (s), or applicable to both (ws). Okay. Now, let’s learn some nouns in Cantonese! Table of Contents Nouns for Appliances Nouns for... Show more

The 20+ Most Useful Compliments in Cantonese

Being a HongKonger myself, I would say that Hong Kong has nurtured many very beautiful citizens—both in mind and body. To praise us (don’t be shy!), here are twenty of the most useful Cantonese compliments that you can use. And the next time you want to compliment a Cantonese girl, you’ll know very well what to say! Table of Contents Compliments on Looks Compliments on Work Compliments on Skills Compliments on Character / Disposition How to Make Your Compliments Sound More Sincere What to Expect After Giving Compliments How Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Compliments on Looks 1 - 你好靚 Meaning: "You’re very beautiful." Romanization: nei5 hou2 leng3 Format: Spoken Cantonese Example... Show more

Getting Angry in Cantonese without Cantonese Curse Words

Even though Hong Kong might be one of the most polite cities, Hongkongers—like everyone else in the world—do have tempers. Have you ever wondered how to express yourself when you’re angry in Cantonese, especially without needing to use Cantonese swear words? Here at, we’re introducing the top twenty angry Cantonese phrases. Sit back, "relax," and learn how to let someone know you’re very angry in Cantonese! Table of Contents Angry Imperatives Angry Warnings Angry Blames Describing How You Feel The "Whats" Bonus: How to Calm Yourself Down When You're Angry Conclusion: How Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Angry Imperatives 1- 收聲 Meaning: Shut up. Romanization:... Show more

Celebrating the Buddha’s Birthday in Hong Kong

The Buddha’s Birthday in Hong Kong is a major holiday, and the most important day for Buddhists around the world. In this article, you’ll learn about Buddha’s Birthday traditions, the prevalence of Buddhism in Hong Kong, and pick up some new vocabulary along the way. Let’s get started! 1. What is the Birthday of the Buddha? This is the most important day in 佛教 (fat6 gaau3), or Buddhism, and it’s a time for people to reflect on the Buddha’s teachings, show respect to ancestors, and work on bettering themselves. The main purpose of celebrating Buddha's Birthday is to remind people to use the Buddha's wisdom to wash away the pollution of the inner self and to purify the mind. In particular, Buddhism's code of ethics guides... Show more

Hong Kong Life Events: Happy New Year in Cantonese and More!

Important life events are a great opportunity to practice Cantonese. Not only do they give you an opportunity to express your friendliness and caring to your native friends, but they can also serve as very good conversation starters. Can’t wait to learn Happy New Year in Cantonese, and more? Keep reading for a comprehensive guide to Cantonese life events and messages! Table of Contents Birthday Chinese New Year New Year Other Holidays Graduation New Job/Promotion Retirement Wedding Injured/Sick Pregnancy and Birth Conclusion: How Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Birthday Most Hong Kongers have two birthdays: one expressed in Gregorian format, and... Show more

Your Guide to Hong Kong Weather and More

Weather is a crucial element in our everyday lives. Not only does it determine whether you can go for a hike or a football match over the weekend, but it also serves as a very good conversation starter. When looking for a solid way to open a conversation with a stranger in Cantonese, weather is almost fail-proof. Can’t wait to know more about Hong Kong weather? Keep reading! Table of Contents Hong Kong Weather Overview Key Words and Phrases about Weather in Cantonese Common Sentences to Talk about the Weather Bonus: 4 Common Hong Kong Natural Disasters How Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Hong Kong Weather Overview Falling into the subtropical climate zone, Hong Kong has four seasons: humid... Show more

100 Cantonese Adjectives Just for You!

Adjectives are a very important part of our everyday language. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to describe how pretty the girl sitting next to you is or how spectacular the scenery is. The more Cantonese adjectives you know, the easier for you to master the Cantonese language. Can’t wait to learn more about Cantonese adjectives? Keep reading and let CantoneseClass101 give you a hand! Note that we will provide both written and spoken example sentences throughout the article for you. This will help you learn Cantonese adjectives in both forms. We’ve used symbols to help you identify which ones are written (w), spoken (s), or applicable to both (ws). Now, let’s have some fun with Cantonese adjectives! Table of Contents How to... Show more

10 Netflix Hong Kong Shows Not to Miss Out On!

Learning Cantonese is a headache to many—after all, with nine tones and 20k+ characters, Cantonese is one of the most difficult languages to master! But, with the right tools, you can certainly learn Cantonese a lot quicker and more effectively—in this case, those tools would be a great Cantonese course and the best Netflix Hong Kong shows. Watching shows and movies in Cantonese on Netflix is a great way to sharpen language skills. Without even noticing, you’ll end up understanding the spoken language a lot better, and improve your pronunciation simply because you’ve gained familiarity with Cantonese as a whole. Do you want to learn Cantonese on Netflix, while also learning more about the Hong Kong culture? Here are ten Netflix Hong... Show more