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How to become fluent faster.

It seems to us that studying through rote memorization is the best method for retention. While it works (to an extent), unless you encounter what you’ve memorized on a constant basis, you will forget it. After all, how much do you remember after you took that last test at school?

Somehow, we’re under the impression that if we reread and repeat things enough times in our head, it will magically get stuck there. In a way, it’s the lazy and painful approach to studying. The difficulty lies in the fact that we’re introducing a new concept to our brain with nothing to relate it to.

Do logarithms make sense to you? (let the non-math lovers answer please)

The concept itself may have no relation to you or anything in your life. It’s too abstract and thus hard to remember. Think of it as placing a pebble into a big web – it will fall right through because it’s not connected to the web and has no relation to it.

So, what do we do?
We make the complex simple by associating it to something we already know.

In other words, we make the abstract more tangible, and thus easier to understand. While this takes a bit of creativity, the time you spend on making associations and remembering them will be significantly less than the time you spend memorizing and returning to it when you forget it.

1) Association is a fairly general term in terms of using it as a study method. There are many ways to utilize it, from using mind maps and acronyms, to drawing pictures and creating stories.

You’ve probably ran into some already without realizing it.

Take the acronym PEMDAS which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction. Remembering those mathematical terms would be more challenging had we nothing to associate with, but since we all know the letters P, E, M, D, A, and S – we can make a connection between something simple and something complex.

Mind you that this is a simple example that can be taken to complex concepts. You may need to stretch your imagination a bit to create a connection but as Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

2) The Loci Method, in a sense, is association in practice.

Say you have a list of 9 words to remember – first, think of a place you know well, such as your house, apartment, school, or work place. You know where all the rooms are in relation to each other. (Avoid using a place you’re not familiar with as it would be tough recall it.)

Once you’ve decided on a place, say your home, and can visualize it, go ahead and place those words in different rooms, but associate unusual images with them – the more bizarre it is, the better you’ll remember it.

If the word “orange” is on your list, replace the TV in your room with a big glowing orange. Once you’ve spread the words out across the rooms in specific places(it’s okay to place more than 1 word per room, as long as they’re in unique locations), imagine yourself going from word #1 to word#9 in that place.

For example: 9 random words to remember: muffin-blaster, croissant, hair-gel, zombie, platypus, logarithm, snowball, snack-a-holic, orange.

As I open the door to enter my apartment, there’s hairgel on the knob and it gets on my hand. I take off my croissant shaped shoes at the doorway, and proceed to the bathroom on the left. There’s a platypus surfing in my bathtub. I go to wash the gel off and in the mirror and see a zombie looking back at me! I walk out, towards the living room and there’s a big orange TV glowing in the center – my roommate must be home. I go to the kitchen and see that snack-a-holic raiding the fridge. There’s nothing left in the fridge except a snowball. As I walk out, I get hit in the head with a muffin – seem my roommate has gotten his hands on my muffin-blaster I ordered online. I enter my room, look out my window and there’s a tree log that has exceptional rhythm, dancing to salsa – a logarithm!

The fact that you turn it into a story, associate bizarre images with it, and place the words into a familiar location reinforces those words several times over making memorization a lot easier.

More so, the effectiveness lies in using a familiar location in which you organize the list of data. You know where your kitchen is in relation to your bedroom, bathroom, etc. and based on that you know which room contains which set of data.

Take some time out and research learning strategies! Tell us what works for you!

Gengo WordPower Updated! But can it make you fluent?

Probably not, but it can get you pretty close. This little app does pack a massive punch – master all the words and you’ll reach 80% comprehension, or in other words, daily conversational level!

But if Gengo WordPower wasn’t powerful enough already, we’ve went ahead and added more power!

In Case You Didnt Know…
The Gengo WordPower App provides you with the Core 2000 Cantonese words. According to experts, knowing 2000 puts you at over 80% comprehension (exact number varies per language).

So Whats New?

  • A new sleek black interface & smooth navigation which lets you breeze through your studying.
  • The new Flashcard system – you will remember those words because the flashcards wont let you go until you do.
  • Go behind the scenes of learning with new Reference Materials – Why should you study? You’ll find out with Gengo WordPower.
  • Gengo WordPower is great for every day situations – whether you’re going to the bank, the doctor, or the airport. We’ve categorized the words down into 75 categories as well!

    Here’s how you learn:

    The core 2000 words are broken into 75 unique categories – which you go through like levels in a video game!

    When you come across words that just wont stick in your brain, place them in the WordBank. Then, review your list of words with Flashcards until you remember.

    And if you’re embarrassed about your pronunciation, wait til you hear mine! You can listen to a native speaker’s pronunciation – record your own – and compare the two.

    Gengo WordPower

    Gengo Wordpower is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android.
    Try the Free WordPower Lite or access all features with Gengo WordPower.

    This Week at CantoneseClass101

    It’s already second half of 2011! How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?

    ..Its okay, we totally understand.

    By no coincidence, the 2nd half of our season begins today.

    Here’s a reminder of our weekly schedule!

  • Monday – Absolute Beginner Season 2
  • Tuesday – Audio Blog
  • Thursday – Throwback Thursday
  • Friday – Learn with Pictures and Videos
  • Sunday – Bi-weekly News: Check out what’s going on at at CantoneseClass101
  • We know what you did last summer..

    You were swimming, weren’t you!?

    Don’t worry, just checking.

    Summer’s here and we’re in the mood to celebrate this warm joyous season – and what better way to start summer off right than have a Summer Celebration Sale!

    Summer Celebration Sale 22% Off Premium Subscription

    Why celebrate summer you ask? Excellent question. Because not only is the sun shining and the ice-cream plentiful, but we also have a lot of NEW things to release. We’re kicking off July with 6 brand NEW languages, NEW Premium Flashcards, NEW lessons AND a NEW discount of 22% OFF for Premium Subscribers.

    Click here to get the discount and get all of our new features!

    This Fourth of July, we welcome Swedish, Dutch, Hungarian, Hindi, Hebrew and Indonesian to the Pod101 family! Also, our Premium Flashcards are faster, better, and stronger with spaced-repetition and progress tracking that will make you learn vocabulary faster and stronger too. Finally, we’re continuing with the 2nd half of our 2011 season with brand new lessons from your favorite energetic hosts.

    But why 22% OFF on all Premium Subscriptions? Why not 17.3%? We’ve debated this extensively and while 17.3 is a fantastic number, we’re using 22% to mark our new total of 22 languages at Interactive Language Learning.

    The only catch is that this sale doesn’t last all summer – sale ends July 15th!

    Join the Summer Celebration Sale: New Languages, New Premium Flashcards, New Lessons, New 22% Discount, and A New Sunburn (not provided by us). Subscribe for 22% Less and get it all here!

    How To Take Over The World, Part 2

    Hej! Hallo! Sziasztok! That’s “Hello” in Dutch, Swedish, and Hungarian. Did we get it right?

    We’re really excited about our 3 new European additions to the Innovative Language Learning family and today we’re announcing yet another three languages. We’ve held our breath for so long to keep these a secret that we’re just about ready to faint!


    Starting July 4, Hindi, Hebrew, and Indonesian will be getting the complete Innovative Language Learning treatment with their own websites! Now, even though these languages are spoken by a collective 725 million people worldwide, they aren’t given enough attention online – or anywhere for that matter. Until now! If you’ve never had a good reason to learn these languages before, we’re about to give you some!

    Why learn with Innovative Language Learning?
    These brand new Hindi, Indonesian, and Hebrew lessons will use our fun and effective lesson format. And of course, you’ll also get our free and premium learning tools such as online flashcards, line-by-line audio, video lessons, and mobile apps, which you can use to learn wherever you are in the world (except Antarctica.)

    The first 101 listeners to sign up for the Founding Fathers Club will get a lifetime 50% off discount and to celebrate the addition of these new languages, we’ll also be having a Summer Celebration Sale where listeners can save BIG on current site subscriptions including to JapanesePod101!

    So, why should you learn Hindi, Indonesian, or Hebrew?
    Hindi is one of 22 languages spoken in India, and being the second most populated country with over 1 billion people, it’s just too big for us to skip. India is notorious for its traffic but showing some patience will pay big dividends when you try the food! If you’re in the mood for something a little more tropical, Indonesian is one of the world’s most spoken languages. After all, Indonesia is the fourth most populated country right after the United States, and a popular travel destination. Who could resist Indonesia’s tropical climate, beautiful islands, white sandy beaches…hold on, we’re getting carried away…

    Lastly, did you know that Hebrew is one of the most requested languages from our Innovative Language Learning listeners? Well, we just couldn’t wait any longer! Travelling to Israel? Can’t understand your grandmother? (I can’t either) Or perhaps you’d like to take a dip in the Dead Sea? will provide you with the resources to make sure you don’t open your eyes underwater – it’s extremely salty!

    Stay tuned for more details to come on how to get in on all the discounts!

    How To Take Over The World: Learn 6 More Languages!

    In case you thought we were kidding about world language domination, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. After months of hard work, we’re proud to announce the launch of for all of you Down Under lovers!

    Just kidding. Though, we are giving this idea serious consideration.

    Coming this July to a laptop screen right in front of you, we will be introducing 6 new exciting languages to the Innovative Language Learning family. Dutch, Hungarian, and Swedish are just the first additions to our language family on track to be released July 5th. We’d love to tell you about the other 3 but it’s a big secret – you’ll have to wait another 2 weeks!


    Now, the Dutch, Hungarian and Swedish languages aren’t the most sought after languages and as a result, there aren’t many places to learn them. But that’s exactly why we’ve chosen to teach them and make them available to you anywhere you are.

    Why learn with Innovative Language Learning? These new language sites will follow our signature fun and effective lesson format using our free and premium learning tools such as online flashcards, line-by-line audio, video lessons, and mobile apps. Not to mention the fact that you can learn the language from anywhere in the world! For the 6 new languages, the first 101 listeners to sign up for the Founding Fathers Club will get a lifetime 50% off discount, and to celebrate the addition of these new languages, we’ll also be having a Summer Celebration Sale where listeners can save on the site they’re already subscribed to.

    So, why should you learn Dutch, Swedish or Hungarian? With over 23 million Dutch speakers, 16 million Hungarian speakers, and 10 Million Swedish, you’ll learn all about their rich cultures and traditions. Or if you’re hungry like us, do it for their food! In fact, by knowing English, you already have a head start on Dutch which is said to be a mixture of English and German. Feel free to crash the next World Cup and yell alongside your fellow Dutchmen.

    In addition to being the national language of Sweden (duh!), Swedish is spoken in parts of Finland and is mutually intelligible with Norwegian. Knowing Swedish grants you access to the Nordic part of Europe (except Iceland – but we’ll get them too!) But if Vikings aren’t your thing, why not try Hungarian? It’s the most prevalent non-Indo-European language in Europe and would be quite handy if you’re interested in their history or cuisine, or choose to explore Hungary’s passionate spa culture.

    Stay tuned for the announcement of the final 3 languages and more details to come on how to get in on the discounts!

    Learn Cantonese with the NEW My Flashcards System (beta)

    Premium Members, your Premium Account just got a whole lot more powerful! My Flashcards now allows you to study the Cantonese words you want by importing lists from audio and video lessons, your My WordBank and the Cantonese Core Word Lists 2000. Here’s a quick rundown of the new features:

    My Flashcards Dashboard: My Flashcards have a brand new interface. Import words from any audio and video lesson, My WordBank and the Core Word Lists. Create, edit and delete as many decks as you want!


    Create a New Deck: How you want to study is completely up to you! You control what displays on the front and back of cards. Create new decks out of the existing words in My Flashcards. Simple pick the words, name your deck and you’re ready to study.


    Front of Card Display: The new My Flashcards load fast and are easy to use. Test yourself with native audio recordings. When you’re ready for the answer, simply click on the card to flip it over.

    Back of Card Display: Learning sometimes isn’t as simple as just Right or Wrong. Our smart spaced repetition system will evaluate your progress from the three answer choices so you test more of what you need. Get extra review with sample sentences and audio.


    My Stats: We track your progress in My Stats. Don’t just learn new words – master them! This chart will keep you motivated to master all the words in your deck!


    My Flashcards is still in beta mode, which means, we’re still working out some kinks. If you’re a Premium Member, head over to My Flashcards under My Tools to try them out. These flashcards are part of your Premium Subscription. Something not working? Send us a message at .

    Not a Premium Member? For a limited time only, get 1-Month of Premium Access to for only $5 – that’s even cheaper than our regular priced Basic 1-Month Plan! Use coupon code FLASHCARDS at checkout to get Premium for $5.00. Hurry! This offer ends on June 30th, 2011!

    NEW! My Word Bank Enhancements

    Have you used your Word Bank lately? Inspired by your emails, requests and suggestions, we upgraded the My Word Bank feature to make it even easier for you to study vocabulary on! My Word Bank is a Premium feature that allows you to add vocabulary words from our lessons and word dictionary to a personalized central list for you to study from. Create online flashcards and hear native audio pronunciation with every entry.

    With the new My Word Bank features, you can organize, sort, export, and completely manage all of your vocabulary. Here is a complete rundown of the new features:

    1. Group Words Into Lists – You wanted lists? You got it! Now you can organize your words with lists and labels. Create, edit and delete your own labels and assign words into categories. You can also filter your Word Bank and Flashcards by the labels you create.

    Group Words Into Lists

    2. Export Your Word Bank – Another common request we received from users was the desire to export their Word Bank data. With the new export function, you can export your Word Bank data to PDF, CSV, or XML file formats. Print out your lists to study on the go or organize offline.

    Export Your Word Bank

    3. See Related Lessons – Need to review a word’s usage? Quickly find related audio and video lessons for words stored in your Word Bank with the Related Lessons expansion column.

    See Related Lessons

    4. You’re In Control – Sort your Word Bank data by Target Language, English, Class, or Label, in either ascending or descending order. Choose how many records you would like to have displayed in your Word Bank.

    5. Tighter Integration – To create a tighter integration with My Word Bank, we added a new “Go To My Word Bank” button to the Lesson Vocabulary lists and Word Dictionary.

    Tighter Integration

    6. See It Better – For improved readability, we bumped up the font size used in the Word Bank.

    See It Better

    7. Study Faster – We made the new Word Bank face not only smooth and sleek, but also fast loading and user-friendly.

    Study Faster

    8. Class – We added a new field called “Class” to the Word Bank. Where available, the part of speech will be displayed in this column.


    9. Core Word Lists Integration – Need some help creating lists? Add words from our Core Cantonese Word List to your own Word Bank!

    Core Word Lists Integration

    If you’re a Premium member, you can start using these new features today in your Word Bank (under the Reference Materials drop down menu). If you’re not a Premium member, click here to upgrade to Premium!