
Learn Cantonese with Free Daily
Audio and Video Lessons!

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today?

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today? If not, we’d like to be the first! And we’d like to say it in 26 different languages. So listener, thank you for being a part of the Innovative Language family and for learning with us! Even though Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated in many parts of the world, everyone, everywhere loves hearing “thank you.” Click here to visit our Thank You Page and get your Free video lesson: ‘Learn how to say thank you in 26 different languages.’ One day, when you travel the world, that’s the one phrase that will put a smile on other people’s faces. Click Here For Your Free Thank You Video Lesson But...that’s not all! Looking to learn more Cantonese? From November 20th to the 25th – Get... Show more

Learn Cantonese with This Once in a Millennium Offer

Better than Black Friday. That comes once a year. This offer is once in a millennium. Good through Monday: Click here to get 1-Month Premium for $11.11 (55% OFF the regular price) or Click here to get 1-Year Premium for $111.11 (43% OFF the regular price) That’s every single one of our audio and video lessons, PDF Lesson Notes, My Flashcards, My Word Bank, Core Word Lists, Lesson Quizzes, Review, Dialogue and Expansion tracks and so much more - for $11.11 for a single month, or $111.11 for an entire year! Don’t let this once in a millennium chance pass you by - it expires Monday, November 14th at midnight! Just pick your deal and get started with our fun and effective Cantonese language learning system today! ... Show more

New! MyFlashcards are Smart Flashcards

Hello Listener, Seen that iPhone 4S? It’s pretty smart and all. But is it making you smarter? Our new MyFlashcards are smarter now – but their goal is to make you smarter in too! If you’re a Premium Member, you know all about our spaced repetition system for learning lots and lots of vocabulary. However, we’ve recently made some BIG changes to the MyFlashcard system. Quick Overview: The Good Stuff In short MyFlashcards eliminates the “Where do I start?” “When should I study?” and “How much should I study?” by assigning you the words and dates. MyFlashcards 2.3 Update makes learning more efficient by: assigning you the words due today marking your progress, overall and by word stopping you when you’ve done enough ... Show more

Suddenly, A New Feature Appears!

Click on it! It’s super effective! As requested by users, we’re introducing Explore Curriculum, and it is indeed super effective! That’s because it answers two big questions users have: 1) What is this series about? 2) What will I learn? Whether you want to preview, view, or review a season and the lessons inside, use Explore Curriculum. How’s it super effective, you ask? It addresses a big issue in learning language: spending time on something you’ve already learned before. If you already know it, isn’t the time better spent on something you don’t know? You can’t skip what you already know in a classroom, but at CantoneseClass101, you can! Explore Curriculum does just that. It provides a snapshot of seasons and their... Show more

Why You Need Cantonese Basics!

Before Michael Jordan was great. Before Bruce Lee was great. And before your favorite actor was great, do you know what they did? They sat around hoping to be great. Wait, no. They practiced their basic skills every day. This is why it’s important to get back to the basics of Cantonese and reinforce your listening, speaking, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. But we’re not talking about the easy stuff, man. We mean the necessary basics! If you learn just the Cantonese verb conjugation rules but can’t conjugate any verb immediately, on the spot, without looking it up?... ...You need to get back to basics! Being great in Cantonese requires knowing your basics 100%. With 25% OFF Basic, its time to get back to basics, and go... Show more

Tell Us Your Story!

Hello Listener, Once in a while, we like to pop in out of nowhere and ask: How you doin’?! As in, how is your Cantonese progress going? How has CantoneseClass101 helped you with learning Cantonese, school, traveling abroad, or with your Cantonese grandmother? We love stories from our listeners about why they started learning Cantonese, the adventures they’ve been on, and how Cantonese has become a regular part of their lives. Similarly, we also want to hear about your results and progress! Whether you have a crazy story for us or just want to drop a few thoughts on how CantoneseClass101 improved your language skills – we want to know. Tell us your story – email us at

Celebrate the WTF Holiday – 30% OFF 3-Day Sale

Oh. Don’t act cute with us. We both know WTF means Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. In fact, it’s a holiday that was recently invented by us. Why? September is a relatively dry month – it marks the beginning of a new school year. It is the Monday of Months. We’re celebrating the WTF Holiday with a 30% OFF Sale on all premium subscriptions. WTF means the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 30% OFF Sale from 9/21 until 9/23. By sheer coincidence, it also means Where’s the Fridge, and Welcome To France. Strange, we know. Click here and use Coupon Code WTF for 30% OFF. The fun and educational audio lessons are what our subscribers love the most! At 30% OFF for all premium accounts, you get to enjoy your favorite series with more of the... Show more

Win Cantonese Prizes – 5-Day Facebook Challenge

Hi Listener, Remember getting smileys on your homework? Where have those days gone? Smiley face stickers in first grade evolved into nasty red-inked comments from college professors. Learning should be fun and rewarding. Here’s your chance to practice Cantonese and win prizes with CantoneseClass101! You won’t get stickers, but something bigger and better to help you be awesome in Cantonese. There’s no such thing as too much practice. So, if you’ve been studying hard or easily breezing through, we want to give you an extra push. Join the Facebook Cantonese Only Challenge & Win Prizes Why? 1. You’ll become amazing with lots of practice. 2. Hint: Big Prizes for participants 3. Why not? ... Show more

A New Look at CantoneseClass101

Hello Listener, (For maximum impact, read in Old Spice Guy’s voice) Look at our homepage. Now back to us. Now back to our homepage. Now back to us. Look different? It should! With the help of our wonderful users, like you, we’ve listened to your feedback and came up with this. Designing the homepage has been like watching a baby grow. Our iTunes logo has also changed. You can see it on our Facebook and Twitter accounts! So when you download our free audio lessons on iTunes and see a new logo... do not be alarmed. It's still CantoneseClass101. The New We’ve decided it was time for a change here at CantoneseClass101. Why the change? Well, We’re not just a podcast website - but a language learning system. This... Show more

The World’s Biggest

Google is the world’s biggest Search Engine. Apple is the world’s biggest smart phone maker. The Blue whale is the world’s biggest animal. And now, our little Innovative Language Learning family has become the world’s biggest language learning app maker! Apple verified this themselves. Surprised? Us too! In about 5 years, we’ve made over 600 apps across 40 languages that available on the iTunes store for the iPhone and iPad alone. Not to mention, our Android and Mac desktop apps. Can you imagine? That’s more language packed in one spot than a United Nations conference. Except you could learn them all. Or some. Mastering 600 apps is only for insane overachievers. Some of our most popular mobile apps include Survival... Show more