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Archive for the 'Tips & Techniques' Category

How Long Does it Take to Learn Cantonese?

Some of you might have heard about how difficult it is to learn Cantonese. After all, Cantonese is a tonal language with its own writing system based on thousands of Chinese characters!  Do you fancy to learn Cantonese but want to get a rough idea of how long it’s gonna take? Or maybe you’ve already passed the beginner stage and would like to see how your progress compares to that of your peers? Today at CantoneseClass101, we’ll answer the question: How long does it take to learn Cantonese?  Our answers will be based on the three levels of Cantonese proficiency: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This will give you a rough idea of what to expect throughout your Cantonese learning journey and serve as a benchmark.  Let’s... Show more

Your Guide to Basic Cantonese for Business

The world of work can be wildly different from one country to another, and when traveling somewhere—either permanently or as a visitor—you’ll have to quickly leave a good impression to make the best of your new business environment. Mastering the local language certainly helps.  This is just as true for visitors to Hong Kong as it is for visitors to any other country. Even though English is one of the official languages, many local businesses and companies prefer candidates who can speak Cantonese. Knowing even basic Cantonese for business will definitely help you maintain good relationships with your colleagues and business partners! Can’t wait to put some Cantonese business phrases in your pocket? Keep reading and let... Show more

Learn Cantonese: YouTube Channels You’ll Love Learning With

Learning Cantonese can be a real headache—after all, with nine tones and 20k+ characters, Cantonese is one of the most difficult languages to master! But, with the right tools, you can certainly learn Cantonese a lot quicker and more effectively.  Did you know that in your search for effective Cantonese lessons, YouTube can be an excellent resource?  Just think of all those nights aimlessly scrolling through YouTube videos, watching one after another. Before you know it, it’s three in the morning and...what time was your alarm clock set for?  What if you could combine YouTube and language learning to get the best of both worlds? Faster progress and endless entertainment! As a learner myself, I strongly believe in the power of... Show more

Is Cantonese Hard to Learn?

You might have heard stories about how difficult it is to learn Cantonese. After all, Cantonese is a tonal language with its own writing system based on 3000 to 4000 Chinese characters! Even though Cantonese sounds complicated, and is certainly different from European languages such as English and Italian, it’s not that hard to master when you’re using the right tools and approach. So is Cantonese hard to learn? As with learning any other language, you just need to put in time, effort, and of course, your passion! In this article, we’ll cover the easiest and hardest parts of Cantonese, talk about why you should learn the language, and tell you how to learn it effectively! Table of Contents Cantonese in a Nutshell Learning... Show more

The Most Common Cantonese Mistakes You Make When Learning

Everybody makes mistakes. And yes, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll make mistakes while learning a new language, especially one as difficult as Cantonese!  Making mistakes is no big deal—as you come closer to fluency in a language, you’ll have the time to figure out what mistakes you’re still making and how to address them. And that’s exactly what this guide is about. In this article, we’ll list the most common Cantonese mistakes people make when learning  the language, covering a wide range of categories from pronunciation to word order. By the end of this article, you should be able to spot many mistakes, some of which are very easy to fix! Table of Contents Pronunciation Mistakes Vocabulary Word Mistakes Word Order... Show more

The Top 10 Most Common Cantonese Questions and Answers

Just imagine: You’re going out with a group of native Cantonese-speakers. This is the perfect opportunity to make friends and practice your Cantonese in a real-life situation! But how do you break the ice? What should you say if you run out of topics or if your Cantonese isn’t solid enough to fuel the conversation? The universal answer is: ask questions!  Among countless benefits, being able to ask questions in Cantonese will help you avoid awkward silences by keeping the conversation going. It will also make the other person feel like you want to know more about them and value their opinion, thus making you more likeable. Asking questions opens a world of new information and cultural insight! And one more perk: you don’t have to... Show more

An Introduction to Cantonese Language Proficiency Tests

Do you fancy studying or working abroad in Hong Kong, but don’t speak Cantonese as your first language? Or maybe you want to know how good your Cantonese is after months of hard work? No worries, we’ve got you covered!  Today on CantoneseClass101.com, we’ll be providing you with a summary of the most popular Cantonese language exams—so read on! Table of Contents Benefits of Taking a Cantonese Language Exam What Cantonese Language Exams are There? COPA (CUHK) ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Other Exams: GCSE Cantonese & HKDSE Chinese Bonus: Tips on Preparing for Your Cantonese Proficiency Exam How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Benefits of Taking a Cantonese Language Exam... Show more

How to Find a Job in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has been a popular destination for those seeking opportunities to work abroad. As a renowned international financial center often described as New York City on steroids, Hong Kong has not only attracted an abundance of travellers each year—it has also attracted many specialists and talents around the globe. Due to its location, low taxation, and vibrant city life, the number of expats working in Hong Kong has remained high since the handover in 1997. Although English is one of the official languages of Hong Kong, Cantonese is the most widely spoken language in Hong Kong. Many local businesses and companies prefer candidates who can speak Cantonese, and several expats have reported that their Chinese language skills have... Show more

Secret Revealed: The Best Way to Learn a Language on Your Own

Can You Really Learn Cantonese Alone? Learning a language on your own or without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first. What if you run into questions? How do you stay motivated and on track to achieving goals? Don’t worry, not only is it possible to learn Cantonese or any language without traditional classroom instruction: CantoneseClass101 has created the world’s most advanced and extensive online language learning system. Not only is CantoneseClass101 specifically designed to help you with learning a language on your own, it’s actually faster, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom options! Let’s look at some of the benefits of learning Cantonese or any language alone. Also,... Show more

Language Learning Tips: How to Avoid Awkward Silences

Yes, even beginners can quickly learn conversational Cantonese well enough to carry on real conversations with native speakers. Of course, beginners won’t be able to carry a conversation the same way they could in their native language. But, just knowing a few tips like which questions to ask to keep a conversation going are all you need to speak and interact with real native speakers! But before we get to specific suggestions, let’s first take a closer look at how having real Cantonese conversations is so vital to your mastery of the language. Learning to Carry a Conversation is Vital to Mastery of Any Language Communicating with other people is the very point of language and conversation is almost second nature in our native tongue.... Show more