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Archive for the 'Cantonese Words' Category

Cantonese Word of the Day – shower (verb)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!沐浴 (muk6 juk6) shower (verb)我在早上沐浴,我先生在晚上沐浴。ngo5 zoi6 zou2 soeng6 muk6 juk6 ngo5 sin1 saang1 zoi6 maan5 soeng6 muk6 juk6I shower in the morning, and my husband showers at night.那男人正在沐浴。naa5 naam4 jan2 zing3 zoi6 muk6 juk6The man is taking a shower.男人正在沐浴室沐浴。naam4 jan2 zing3 zoi6 muk6 juk6 sat1 muk6 juk6The man showers in the shower.男人正在早上沐浴。naam4 jan2 zing3 zoi6 zou2 soeng6 muk6 juk6The man is showering in the morning.男人正在沐浴室沐浴了。naam4 jan2 zing3 zoi6 muk6 juk6 sat1 muk6 juk6 liu5The man showered in the shower.男人在早上沐浴了。naam4 jan2 zoi6 zou2 soeng6 muk6 juk6 liu5The man showered in the morning.男人在早上沐浴。naam4 jan2 zoi6 zou2... Show more

Cantonese Word of the Day – worry (verb)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!擔心 (daam1 sam1) worry (verb)醫生想做檢查難免令人擔心。ji1 sang1 soeng2 zou6 gim2 caa4 naan6 min5 ling4 jan4 daam1 sam1It is normal to worry when the doctor wants to take tests.女人在擔心。neoi5 jan2 zoi6 daam1 sam1The woman is worried.不要擔心太多。bat1 jiu3 daam1 sam1 taai3 do1Don't worry too much.女人在擔心賬單。neoi5 jan2 zoi6 daam1 sam1 zoeng3 daan1The woman is worried about the bill.女人擔心賬單。neoi5 jan2 daam1 sam1 zoeng3 daan1The woman worries about the bill.女人曾經在擔心賬單。neoi5 jan2 cang4 ging1 zoi6 daam1 sam1 zoeng3 daan1The woman worried about the bill.擔心賬單daam1 sam1 zoeng3 daan1worry about a billOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your... Show more

Cantonese Word of the Day – math (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!數學 (sou3 hok6) math (noun)我正在上德文班及數學班。ngo5 zing3 zoi6 soeng5 dak1 man2 baan1 kap6 sou3 hok6 baan1I'm taking a class in German and one in mathematics.解答數學問題gaai2 daap3 sou3 hok6 man6 tai4Answer the math problem.數學問題sou3 hok6 man6 tai4mathematics problem簡單數學gaan2 daan1 sou3 hok6simple mathOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – discount (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!折扣 (zit3 kau3) discount (noun)經理可以為鞋打折。ging1 lei5 ho2 ji5 wai6 haai4 daa2 zit3The manager is able to discount the price on the shoes.七折cat1 zit3thirty percent discount折扣價zit3 kau3 gaa3discount price大折扣daai6 zit3 kau3big discountOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – supermarket (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!超級市場 (ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4) supermarket (noun)我的菜全都是在超級市場買的。ngo5 dik1 coi3 cyun4 dou1 si6 zoi6 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 maai5 dik1I buy all my groceries at the supermarket.男人及女人正在超級市場買菜。naam4 jan2 kap6 neoi5 jan2 zing3 zoi6 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 maai5 coi3The man and woman are shopping in a supermarket.主婦正在超級市場買菜。zhu2 fu5 zing3 zoi6 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 maai5 coi3The housewives are shopping at the supermarket.你在超級市場買了甚麼?nei5 zoi3 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 maai5 liu5 sam6 mo1What did you buy at the supermarket?超級市場内的蔬菜部ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 noi6 dik1 so1 coi3 bou6vegetable section of the supermarket在超級市場買菜zoi6 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4... Show more

Cantonese Word of the Day – allergy (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!敏感 (man5 gam2) allergy (noun)他對花生敏感,我對花粉敏感。taa1 deoi3 faa1 saang1 man5 gam2 ngo5 deoi3 faa1 fan2 man5 gam2He's allergic to nuts, and I'm allergic to pollen.女孩對花粉敏感。neoi5 haai4 deoi3 faa1 fan2 man5 gam2The girl has an allergy to flower pollen.對花生敏感deoi3 faa1 saang1 man5 gam2allergy to peanuts花粉敏感faa1 fan2 man5 gam2allergy to pollenOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – salary (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!薪金 (san1 gam1) salary (noun)我每個月收少量的底薪另加佣金。ngo5 mui5 go3 jyut6 sau1 siu2 leong6 dik1 dai2 san1 ling6 gaa1 jung2 gam1I receive a small salary plus commissions each month.薪金多少?san1 gam1 do1 siu2How much is the salary?月薪jyut6 san1monthly salary現金薪金jin6 gam1 san1 gam1cash salaryOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – cake (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!蛋糕 (daan6 gou1) cake (noun)我們每個星期日晚在我家吃蛋糕作甜品。ngo5 mun4 mui5 go3 sing1 kei4 jat6 maan5 zoi6 ngo5 gaa1 hek3 daan6 gou1 zok3 tim4 ban2We eat cake at my house every Sunday night for dessert.插上蠟燭的生日蛋糕caap3 soeng5 laap6 zuk1 dik1 saang1 jat6 daan6 gou1birthday cake with candles生日蛋糕saang1 jat6 daan6 gou1birthday cake一件朱古力蛋糕jat1 gin6 zyu1 gu1 lik1 daan6 gou1piece of chocolate cakeOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – Internet (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!互聯網 (wu6 lyun4 mong5) Internet (noun)最近我都在網上購買書本及音樂。zeoi3 gan6 ngo5 dou1 zoi6 mong5 soeng6 gau3 maai5 syu1 bun2 kap6 jam1 ngok6These days I shop for books and music on the Internet.上網soeng5 mong5connect to the Internet網址mong5 zi2Internet address互聯網wu6 lyun4 mong5world wide InternetOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – pound (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!磅 (bong6) pound (noun)一磅等於十六安士。jat1 bong6 dang2 jyu1 sap6 luk6 on1 si2One pound is sixteen ounces.磅的簡稱是lb。bong6 dik1 gaan2 cing1 si6 el1 bi1The abbreviation for pound is lb.一百八十磅jat1 baak3 baat3 sap6 bong6one hundred eighty pounds一磅jat1 bong6one poundOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!