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Archive for the 'Cantonese Phrases' Category

How to Say “I Love You,” in Cantonese

Love is quite an unexplainable matter—it can cause you to feel happy, excited, and a number of other emotions. Considering the vast breadth of feelings you’re experiencing, how can you properly express your love in Cantonese to that special someone?  In this article, we’ll not only cover the most common love phrases like "I miss you," and "I love you," in Cantonese, but we’ll also teach you how to express your interest and affection during each stage of your relationship. As a bonus, we’ll share some love quotes at the end (but we don’t recommend using them in your dating life unless you want to sound...cheesy). Do note that most Hongkongers (and other people living in the Cantonese-speaking regions) are more subtle and reserved when... Show more

Cantonese Negation: Learn How to Form Negative Sentences

There seems to be a stigma attached to saying "no" nowadays. In certain cultures and social circles, it’s even considered rude or inappropriate to do so! But contrary to popular belief, saying no is a powerful way to safeguard your emotional health. It shows that you take responsibility for yourself and that you respect your own desires, wishes, and emotions. Expressing negative statements or rejection appropriately is also vital to effective communication. Wondering how to express "no" and negate statements in Cantonese? In this article, we’ll guide you through the most important aspects of Cantonese negation so that you can start asserting yourself with confidence!  → By the way, you may also want to see our vocabulary list of... Show more

How Long Does it Take to Learn Cantonese?

Some of you might have heard about how difficult it is to learn Cantonese. After all, Cantonese is a tonal language with its own writing system based on thousands of Chinese characters!  Do you fancy to learn Cantonese but want to get a rough idea of how long it’s gonna take? Or maybe you’ve already passed the beginner stage and would like to see how your progress compares to that of your peers? Today at CantoneseClass101, we’ll answer the question: How long does it take to learn Cantonese?  Our answers will be based on the three levels of Cantonese proficiency: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This will give you a rough idea of what to expect throughout your Cantonese learning journey and serve as a benchmark.  Let’s... Show more

Cantonese Proverbs and Idioms

Proverbs allow us to articulate our ideas and ways of thinking in a fun way! Like quotes, they provide us with wisdom and insight—they can even serve as a window into other cultures! Do you want to put some Cantonese proverbs and idioms in your pocket? Without further delay, let’s review our top thirty selections! Table of Contents Animal-Related Idioms Ghost-Related Sayings Food-Related Sayings Sayings About People Tree-Related Proverbs Other Sayings How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Animal-Related Idioms There are plenty of Cantonese proverbs and idioms featuring animals. Below, we’ll introduce you to our favorites!  豬乸會上樹 Romanization: zyu1 naa2 wui5... Show more

10 Places to Visit in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a colorful city with lots to offer. With a breathtaking skyline, numerous shopping arcades and markets, a great deal of bustling bars, and the highest concentration of restaurants offering both international and local cuisines, this tiny city has it all. Can’t wait to visit Hong Kong and see one of the world’s greatest cities? Then dive into this Hong Kong travel guide from CantoneseClass101.com for practical travel tips, a list of places you just have to see, and some survival phrases in Cantonese to help you make the most of your trip! Table of Contents Before You Go Must-See Places for a 1-3 Day Trip Highly Recommended Places for a 4-7 Day Trip (or Longer) Personal Picks Cantonese Survival Phrases ... Show more

Hong Kong English: When Cantonese and English Become Friends

Did you know that English is quite popular in Hong Kong? In fact, many HongKongers love mixing English words into their Cantonese conversations. The history of Hong Kong English dates back to when Hong Kong was a British colony. Even after the 1997 Handover of Hong Kong from the U.K. to China, English remained one of the official languages alongside Cantonese. English is widely used in the government, business, and education sectors. Road signs, railway signs, government websites, and paper notes are all bilingual! Table of Contents What is Hong Kong English? Hong Kong English Examples Loanwords from English in Cantonese English Words Derived from Cantonese Bonus: Famous Names in Cantonese How... Show more

The 20+ Best Cantonese Quotes for Learners

Quotes can be a great tool to help you stay motivated. They also offer cultural insight, provide universal words of wisdom, and tastefully season a pleasant conversation. Do you want to put some Cantonese quotes in your pocket? We’ve compiled some of the greatest Cantonese quotes with English translations and equivalents, handpicked just for you! Without further delay, here are the top twenty quotes in Cantonese. Table of Contents Quotes About Life Quotes About Love Quotes About Wisdom Quotes About Success Bonus: Quotes About Language Learning How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Quotes About Life What is life all about, and how should a person live? These are questions people... Show more

Your Guide to Basic Cantonese for Business

The world of work can be wildly different from one country to another, and when traveling somewhere—either permanently or as a visitor—you’ll have to quickly leave a good impression to make the best of your new business environment. Mastering the local language certainly helps.  This is just as true for visitors to Hong Kong as it is for visitors to any other country. Even though English is one of the official languages, many local businesses and companies prefer candidates who can speak Cantonese. Knowing even basic Cantonese for business will definitely help you maintain good relationships with your colleagues and business partners! Can’t wait to put some Cantonese business phrases in your pocket? Keep reading and let... Show more

How to Say Goodbye in Cantonese

Do you want to leave a dashing and lasting impression after meeting someone new? It’s time to work on your grand exit! Earlier on this blog, you learned the various ways to say hello. Now it's time to study how to say goodbye in Cantonese when it’s time to part ways.  A proper goodbye shows courtesy and respect, and helps you hone your relationships. This is especially true in Asian societies like Hong Kong, where we value politeness, good manners, and filial piety. There are many ways to say goodbye depending on the situation. In this article, we’ll cover the most common ways to say goodbye in Cantonese so you can be ready for any situation. What are you waiting for? Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary... Show more

Is Cantonese Hard to Learn?

You might have heard stories about how difficult it is to learn Cantonese. After all, Cantonese is a tonal language with its own writing system based on 3000 to 4000 Chinese characters! Even though Cantonese sounds complicated, and is certainly different from European languages such as English and Italian, it’s not that hard to master when you’re using the right tools and approach. So is Cantonese hard to learn? As with learning any other language, you just need to put in time, effort, and of course, your passion! In this article, we’ll cover the easiest and hardest parts of Cantonese, talk about why you should learn the language, and tell you how to learn it effectively! Table of Contents Cantonese in a Nutshell Learning... Show more