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Cantonese Word of the Day – bake (verb)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!焗 (guk6) bake (verb)男人正在為妻子焗蛋糕。naam4 jan2 zing3 zoi6 wai4 cai1 zi2 guk6 daan6 gou1The man is baking a cake for his wife.女人在焗蛋糕。neoi5 jan2 zoi6 guk6 daan6 gou1The woman is baking a cake.女人焗蛋糕。neoi5 jan2 guk6 daan6 gou1The woman bakes a cake.女人焗了蛋糕。neoi5 jan2 guk6 liu5 daan6 gou1The woman baked a cake.焗蛋糕guk6 daan6 gou1bake a cake焗鬆餅guk6 sung1 beng2bake muffinsOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – Friday (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!星期五 (sing1 kei4 ng5) Friday (noun)星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四及星期五都是閒日。sing1 kei4 jat1 sing1 kei4 ji6 sing1 kei4 saam1 sing1 kei4 sei3 kap6 sing1 kei4 ng5 dou1 si6 haan4 jat6Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are weekdays.在日曆寫上星期五的約定。zoi6 jat6 lik6 se2 soeng5 sing1 kei4 ng5 dik1 joek3 ding6Write the plans for Friday on the calendar.十二月八日星期五sap6 ji6 jyut6 baat3 jat6 sing1 kei4 ng5Friday, December 8thOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – tea (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!茶 (caa4) tea (noun)茶在世界各地都很受歡迎。caa4 zoi6 sai3 gaai3 gok3 dei6 dou1 han2 sau6 fun1 jing4Tea is a popular drink throughout the world.女人正在喝茶。neoi5 jan2 zing3 zoi6 hot3 caa4The woman is drinking tea.你想要一杯茶嗎?nei5 soeng5 jiu3 jat1 bui1 caa4 maa3Would you like a cup of tea?茶包caa4 baau1tea bag喝茶hot3 caa4drink teaOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – vacation (noun)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!假期 (gaa3 kei4) vacation (noun)我們全都在聖誕假期回家。ngo5 mun4 cyun4 dou1 zoi6 sing3 daan3 gaa3 kei4 wui4 gaa1We all go home for Christmas vacation.我必須在暑假中找到工作。ngo5 bit1 seoi1 zoi6 syu2 gaa3 zung1 zaau2 dou3 gung1 zok3It is necessary to find a job during my summer vacation.聖誕假期sing3 daan3 gaa3 kei4Christmas vacationOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – finish work (verb)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!完工 (jyun4 gung1) finish work (verb)男人剛加班完成工作。naam4 jan4 gong1 gaa1 baan1 jyun4 seng sing4 gung1 zok3The man has just finished working overtime.我晚上八時完成工作,我們九時在餐廳會合吧。ngo5 maan5 soeng6 baat3 si4 jyun4 sing4 gung1 zok3 ngo5 mun4 gau2 si4 zoi6 caan1 teng1 wui6 hap6 baa6I finish work at eight PM, so I'll meet you at nine at the restaurant.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Cantonese Word of the Day – proud (adjective)

Learn a little Cantonese everyday with the free Cantonese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!自豪 (zi6 hou4) proud (adjective)我考試合格,感到很高興和自豪。ngo5 haau2 si3 hap6 gaak3 gam2 dou3 han2 gou1 hing3 wo4 zi6 hou4I'm happy and proud that I passed the exam.自豪的父母很高興。zi6 hou4 dik1 fu3 mou5 han2 gou1 hing3The proud parents were happy.為你而自豪wai6 nei5 ji4 zi6 hou4proud of youOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Cantonese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!