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Archive for the 'Cantonese Online' Category

An Introduction to Cantonese Language Proficiency Tests

Do you fancy studying or working abroad in Hong Kong, but don’t speak Cantonese as your first language? Or maybe you want to know how good your Cantonese is after months of hard work? No worries, we’ve got you covered!  Today on CantoneseClass101.com, we’ll be providing you with a summary of the most popular Cantonese language exams—so read on! Table of Contents Benefits of Taking a Cantonese Language Exam What Cantonese Language Exams are There? COPA (CUHK) ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Other Exams: GCSE Cantonese & HKDSE Chinese Bonus: Tips on Preparing for Your Cantonese Proficiency Exam How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Benefits of Taking a Cantonese Language Exam... Show more

The 10 Most Useful Cantonese Sentence Patterns

Struggle to express yourself in Cantonese? No worries—we’ve got you covered! Today at CantoneseClass101.com, we’re covering the ten most basic and useful sentence patterns. Memorize these patterns, and you’ll be able to generate hundreds of natural sentences and converse with ease and confidence. Without further ado, let’s go through the ten most useful Cantonese sentence patterns together! Table of Contents Linking Two Nouns: A is B Using Adjectives to Describe: A is Expressing "Want" Expressing "Need" Expressing "Like" or "Love" Politely Asking Someone to Do Something Asking for Permission Asking for Information About Something Asking About Time Asking About Location or Position 1. Linking Two Nouns: A is B You can... Show more

Cantonese Adverb List: 100+ Useful Cantonese Adverbs

Adverbs are vital in any language—they help the audience picture how something is done. Fancy learning some Cantonese adverbs but don’t know where to go? Let CantoneseClass101.com give you a helping hand! Below, we’ve listed 100 of the most common Cantonese adverbs. Note that both written and spoken example sentences or phrases will be provided throughout the article. We’ve used symbols to help you identify which one is written (w), spoken (s), or applicable to both (ws). Table of Contents What is an Adverb? Adverbs of Time Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of Place Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Degree Adverbs for Connecting Thoughts How to Use Adverbs in a Sentence How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1.... Show more

100 Cantonese Verbs Just for You!

Verbs are essential in a language—they describe actions or talk about something that happens. The more Cantonese verbs you know, the easier it will be for you to master the Cantonese language as a whole. Can’t wait to learn the most common Cantonese verbs? Check out our short guide to verbs in Cantonese below, study our Cantonese verbs list, and let CantoneseClass101.com give you a helping hand! Table of Contents Cantonese Verbs Overview Action Verbs Helping Verbs Linking Verbs Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Cantonese Verbs Overview Unlike many other languages around the globe, Cantonese verbs by themselves indicate no tense. Generally, the timing of a particular... Show more

Your Ultimate Guide to Cantonese Pronouns

Pronouns can help you better articulate and express your ideas by allowing you to avoid repeating the same nouns over and over again. There are various pronouns in English, such as personal pronouns like "he," "she," "it," "our," and "theirs"; demonstrative pronouns like "this" and "that"; and indefinite pronouns like "somebody" and "nowhere."  These pronouns are very useful when it comes to facilitating communication—think how clumsy it would sound to say "Peter really likes Peter’s own voice and Peter’s own appearance," and "Sharon and Sharon’s sister are looking for Sharon’s mother!"  Have you ever wondered what Cantonese pronouns there are? Are you curious to learn how you can use them to communicate your thoughts more... Show more

Premium PLUS: The Golden Ticket for Language-Learning

Do you remember the moment you fell in love with languages? Do you desire to learn or advance in Cantonese quickly and effectively? Then you need a Cantonese tutor. A common question that first-time language-learners ask is "Where do I begin?" The answer? Guidance. For native English-speakers who want to learn Asian languages, for example, timelines provided by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute can appear discouraging. However, defeating these odds is not unheard of. If you want to beat the odds yourself, one of the best learning options is a subscription to Premium PLUS from Innovative Language. As an active Premium PLUS member of JapanesePod101.com and KoreanClass101.com myself, I have an enjoyable experience learning at an... Show more

Your Guide to Cantonese Word Order

Word order refers to the order in which words are structured to form a sentence. One example is the "Subject + Verb + Object" pattern in English. One can not speak, read, or write properly without knowing how to put sentences together.  That’s why we’ve decided to introduce you to Cantonese word order and grammar. Let CantoneseClass101.com be your guide to mastering Cantonese! Table of Contents Cantonese Word Order Overview Basic Word Order with Subject, Verb, and Object Word Order with Prepositional Phrases Word Order with Modifiers How to Form a Negative Sentence Bonus: Translation Exercises Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Cantonese Word Order Overview ... Show more

The Ultimate Guide to Telling Time in Cantonese

Telling time is part of everyday life, and it’s one of the essential conversation skills you need to learn when studying a new language. Want to learn how to tell time in Cantonese? No worries—we’ve got you covered! But before we start learning about telling time in Cantonese, let’s go over how to ask for the time and other time-related questions. Table of Contents How to Ask for the Time How to Tell Time in Cantonese Words that Refer to the Time of the Day Time Adverbs Bonus: Time Proverbs and Sayings Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. How to Ask for the Time 1- 而家幾點呀? Meaning: What time is it? Romanization: ji4 gaa1 gei2 dim2 aa3 Format: Spoken Cantonese ... Show more

Your Ultimate Guide to Cantonese Directions

Being able to ask for and give directions is one of the practical skills you need to learn when studying a new language. And if you’re traveling to Hong Kong, learning Cantonese directions will surely help you better navigate the city! What are you waiting for? Read on and learn Cantonese directions with us here at CantoneseClass101.com. Table of Contents Directions on the Map Directions on the Road Landmarks Must-know Phrases for Asking for Directions Must-know Phrases for Giving Directions in Cantonese Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Directions on the Map Need to give someone a specific direction in Cantonese? Here are the compass directions for you: North: 北... Show more

The 20+ Most Useful Compliments in Cantonese

Being a HongKonger myself, I would say that Hong Kong has nurtured many very beautiful citizens—both in mind and body. To praise us (don’t be shy!), here are twenty of the most useful Cantonese compliments that you can use. And the next time you want to compliment a Cantonese girl, you’ll know very well what to say! Table of Contents Compliments on Looks Compliments on Work Compliments on Skills Compliments on Character / Disposition How to Make Your Compliments Sound More Sincere What to Expect After Giving Compliments How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Compliments on Looks 1 - 你好靚 Meaning: "You’re very beautiful." Romanization: nei5 hou2 leng3 Format: Spoken Cantonese Example... Show more