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Archive for the 'Cantonese Lessons' Category

Back To School: 30+ Cantonese Classroom Phrases

Are you planning on studying or teaching in Hong Kong? Do you know the most common classroom phrases in Cantonese for students or teachers alike? Whether you’re about to join a university as a foreign student or to teach your native language as a teacher, you will have to learn how to communicate in the classroom. If you’re a student, not only will you need to learn how to address your teachers, but also to understand their instructions. And vice versa if you’re in the teacher’s shoes! You will also need to learn some basic vocabulary, such as school subjects, supplies, and infrastructure. In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know as a teacher or a student, from common phrases to vocabulary, instructions, and a list of... Show more

Cantonese Restaurant Phrases

Hong Kong is a food paradise! Not only does it have the highest density of restaurants in the world, but there is also a great variety of local dishes and mouth-watering delicacies worth trying. On top of the famous dim sum, there are other Cantonese foods, such as egg tarts and fish balls, that are too good to be missed. There's a saying in Cantonese that reveals how much we care about food: 民以食為天 (man4 ji5 sik6 wai4 tin1) - "Food is god to people."  Indeed, food is one of the most important aspects of life: it brings you energy and joy, and you need it every single day. To ensure that you won’t miss out on the great food in Hong Kong, we have compiled a list of Cantonese phrases for you to navigate through the local... Show more

Basic Cantonese Conversation Starters

Starting a conversation comes naturally to some people: they follow their instincts and just say whatever pops up in their heads. But some do find it intimidating - especially when you’re using a foreign language! Once you are talking to someone, and you’re both engaged in an interesting topic, it’s easier to keep it going. But just like a slow and cold engine, the difficult part is to pick the right topics for conversation.   Conversation starters in Cantonese depend on the situation: are you socializing with friends? Are you at work or at the university? Are you reconnecting with a friend? Wondering how to start a conversation in Cantonese? In any case, we got you covered! Make new friends with a nice Cantonese conversation... Show more

Cantonese Phrases for Advanced Learners

Are you an advanced Cantonese learner or aiming to become one? If you’ve decided to step up your game by consuming content made for native speakers, like Cantonese songs and movies, I bet you’re getting a little confused.  Advanced Cantonese content tends to be full of idioms, slang, and proverbs that make no sense when translated literally. A traditional approach won’t cut it; you’ll have to learn not only words but also entire phrases.  In this article, we have listed 40+ advanced Cantonese phrases and sentences for advanced learners that will help you level up. Some of them are straightforward and easy to understand, while others are heavily idiomatic and will just require memorization.  Learn all the advanced phrases you... Show more

Cantonese Phrases for Intermediate Learners

Are you having trouble jumping the gap from beginner Cantonese to an intermediate level? It can feel daunting to leave the comfort of simple sentence structures and common words, and even more so to start treading the uncharted grounds of complex ideas and subtle feelings. But once you’ve made the initial move toward learning intermediate Cantonese, you’ll find a lot of satisfaction in honing your skills on the more challenging aspects of the language.  ➜ In case you’re struggling to reach the intermediate level, see our lesson 5 Tips to Reach Intermediate Level! In this article, you’ll find 30+ intermediate Cantonese phrases covering different aspects of life, from making recommendations to putting your best foot forward in... Show more

Level Up Your Cantonese with Cantonese Podcasts

Do you know the average amount of time people in Hong Kong spend commuting on public transport each weekday? 73 minutes! Not to mention how crowded public transport is here during peak hours—you can barely use your phone. Imagine all those hours wasted on the commute if you didn’t engage in anything productive or fun! What if I told you that you could actually use those hours to efficiently practice your Cantonese with hardly any effort?  By listening to Cantonese podcasts, you can expand your knowledge of the language without going through the tedious grind of flashcards and grammar exercises. This is not a life hack. In fact, it’s the same thing that happens whenever you watch movies or series in your target language! If you... Show more

Cantonese Phrases for Beginners

Do you find Cantonese intimidating? Sure, the nine Cantonese tones can be challenging at first, and the Chinese characters are a bit complicated. But there are various ways you can conquer these hurdles. One is to practice using and recognizing the most common Cantonese phrases for beginners right from the start.  In this article, you’ll find 40+ phrases every Cantonese beginner must know. This includes everything from simple greetings to useful phrases for other common situations, such as shopping, eating out, asking for help, and getting directions. Learn Cantonese with these beginner phrases! Table of Contents Greetings and Self-introductions Courtesy Phrases & Social Expressions Dining & Shopping Phrases ... Show more

Max Out with These Advanced Cantonese Words

We’ve already compiled guides on Cantonese words for beginners and intermediate learners for those who are dedicated to acquiring this fantastic language. And now, for those who have persevered and made it to the advanced level, we have also put together this advanced Cantonese words guide. If you’re looking to become a master in Cantonese and are wondering what vocabulary words you should learn next, this one's for you! Learn the advanced Cantonese words you need! In this article, we’ll list the most important Cantonese words for advanced learners so that you can communicate, understand, and express situations more accurately. Keep reading! Table of Contents Academic Words Business Words Medical Words Legal... Show more

Stay Strong with These Intermediate Cantonese Words

In a previous article, we introduced you to the most important beginner Cantonese words for those who are new to this fantastic language. But what if you’re not a newbie anymore? No worries—we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together this guide to intermediate Cantonese words, so you can continue adding to your Cantonese vocabulary well past the beginner stage.  Learn the intermediate words you need! In this article, we’ll list the essential Cantonese words for the intermediate level that will allow you to handle many everyday situations, whether you want to talk, listen, or both. Keep reading! Table of Contents Numbers Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions Final Particles ... Show more

Learn Cantonese Phone Call Phrases

Do you get nervous when the phone rings?  Telephone phobia is the fear of talking on the phone, though it can even make you afraid of the ringing itself!  Perhaps you fear criticism or judgement from the person who’s calling, or maybe you’re afraid of hearing an unfamiliar voice.  While phone calls can be stressful enough in your mother tongue, making one in a foreign language can be especially tense. Because the language is less familiar to you, it might be more difficult to find the right words and accurately communicate your points.  However, you can alleviate at least some of your worries by learning the most essential Cantonese phone phrases. Knowing them by heart will enable you to better understand the other speaker,... Show more