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Archive for the 'Advanced Cantonese' Category

Cantonese Phrases for Advanced Learners

Are you an advanced Cantonese learner or aiming to become one? If you’ve decided to step up your game by consuming content made for native speakers, like Cantonese songs and movies, I bet you’re getting a little confused.  Advanced Cantonese content tends to be full of idioms, slang, and proverbs that make no sense when translated literally. A traditional approach won’t cut it; you’ll have to learn not only words but also entire phrases.  In this article, we have listed 40+ advanced Cantonese phrases and sentences for advanced learners that will help you level up. Some of them are straightforward and easy to understand, while others are heavily idiomatic and will just require memorization.  Learn all the advanced phrases you... Show more

Max Out with These Advanced Cantonese Words

We’ve already compiled guides on Cantonese words for beginners and intermediate learners for those who are dedicated to acquiring this fantastic language. And now, for those who have persevered and made it to the advanced level, we have also put together this advanced Cantonese words guide. If you’re looking to become a master in Cantonese and are wondering what vocabulary words you should learn next, this one's for you! Learn the advanced Cantonese words you need! In this article, we’ll list the most important Cantonese words for advanced learners so that you can communicate, understand, and express situations more accurately. Keep reading! Table of Contents Academic Words Business Words Medical Words Legal... Show more

An Introduction to Cantonese Language Proficiency Tests

Do you fancy studying or working abroad in Hong Kong, but don’t speak Cantonese as your first language? Or maybe you want to know how good your Cantonese is after months of hard work? No worries, we’ve got you covered!  Today on CantoneseClass101.com, we’ll be providing you with a summary of the most popular Cantonese language exams—so read on! Table of Contents Benefits of Taking a Cantonese Language Exam What Cantonese Language Exams are There? COPA (CUHK) ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Other Exams: GCSE Cantonese & HKDSE Chinese Bonus: Tips on Preparing for Your Cantonese Proficiency Exam How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Benefits of Taking a Cantonese Language Exam... Show more

Hong Kong Life Events: Happy New Year in Cantonese and More!

Important life events are a great opportunity to practice Cantonese. Not only do they give you an opportunity to express your friendliness and caring to your native friends, but they can also serve as very good conversation starters. Can’t wait to learn Happy New Year in Cantonese, and more? Keep reading for a comprehensive guide to Cantonese life events and messages! Table of Contents Birthday Chinese New Year New Year Other Holidays Graduation New Job/Promotion Retirement Wedding Injured/Sick Pregnancy and Birth Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese 1. Birthday Most Hong Kongers have two birthdays: one expressed in Gregorian format, and... Show more