Cantonese Word of the Day – dog (noun)

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狗 (gau2) dog (noun)

naam4 haai4 jyau5 jat1 tau4 cung2 mat6 gau2
The boy has a pet dog.

siu2 baak6 gau2 zoi6 jyun4 zi2 noi6 wun6 wong4 pei4 kau4
The little white dog is playing with a yellow ball in the yard.

mou4 sung1 sung1 dik1 gau2 zing3 zoi6 zeoi1 pei4 kau4
The shaggy dog is running after the ball.

lou5 gau2
old dog

daai6 gau2
big dog

jat1 tau4 zung1 sik1 gau2 kap6 jat1 tau4 hak1 gau2
a brown dog and a black dog

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