The world of work can be wildly different from one country to another, and when traveling somewhere—either permanently or as a visitor—you’ll have to quickly leave a good impression to make the best of your new business environment. Mastering the local language certainly helps.
This is just as true for visitors to Hong Kong as it is for visitors to any other country. Even though English is one of the official languages, many local businesses and companies prefer candidates who can speak Cantonese. Knowing even basic Cantonese for business will definitely help you maintain good relationships with your colleagues and business partners!
Can’t wait to put some Cantonese business phrases in your pocket? Keep reading and let CantoneseClass101.com give you a hand! Here, you’ll find the phrases you need with examples to help you navigate Hong Kong’s business world.

- Nailing a Job Interview
- Interacting with Coworkers
- Sounding Smart in a Meeting
- Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails
- Going on a Business Trip
- How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
1. Nailing a Job Interview

Fancy getting a job in Hong Kong? Learn the Cantonese business phrases below to nail your job interview, and don’t miss our article on How to Find a Job in Hong Kong!
Talking about your university
Chinese Character: 我喺_____畢業。
Romanization: ngo5 hai2 __________ bat1 jip6
Meaning: “I graduated from __________.”
- Chinese Character: 我喺中⽂⼤學畢業。
- Romanization: ngo5 hai2 zung1 man4 daai6 hok6 bat1 jip6
- Meaning: “I graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.”
Talking about your major
Chinese Character: 我主修_____。
Romanization: ngo5 zyu2 sau1 __________
Meaning: “I majored in __________.”
- Chinese Character: 我主修數學。
- Romanization: ngo5 zyu2 sau1 sou3 hok6
- Meaning: “I majored in mathematics.”
Talking about your current job
Chinese Character: 直⾄現時為⽌,我係_____嘅_____。
Romanization: zik6 zi3 jin6 si4 wai4 zi2, ngo5 hai6 ______ ge3 ______
Meaning: “Until now, I have been working as ______ at ______.”
- Chinese Character: 直⾄現時為⽌,我係ABC公司嘅會計。
- Romanization: zik6 zi3 jin6 si4 wai4 zi2, ngo5 hai6 ABC gung1 si1 ge3 wui6 gai3
- Meaning: “Until now, I have been working as an accountant at ABC Company.”
Talking about your work experience
Chinese Character: 我仲做過_____。
Romanization: ngo5 zung6 zou6 gwo3 _________
Meaning: “I also have experience as a(n)__________.”
- Chinese Character: 我仲做過項目經理。
- Romanization: ngo5 zung6 zou6 gwo3 hong6 muk6 ging1 lei5
- Meaning: “I also have experience as a project manager.”
Talking about your desire to make the move
Chinese Character: 因為我想_____。
Romanization: jan1 wai6 ngo5 soeng2_____
Meaning: “Because I want to_____.”
- Chinese Character: 因為我想增值⾃己。
- Romanization: jan1 wai6 ngo5 soeng2 zang1 zik6 zi6 gei2
- Meaning: “Because I want to progress (myself).”
Talking about why you want to work for the company
Chinese Character: 我鍾意_____,同埋想嘗試其他嘢。
Romanization: ngo5 zung1 ji3_____, tung4 maai4 soeng2 soeng4 si3 kei4 taa1 je5.
Meaning: “I like_____, and I wanted to try something else.”
- Chinese Character: 我鍾意接受挑戰,同埋想嘗試其他嘢。
- Romanization: ngo5 zung1 ji3 zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3, tung4 maai4 soeng2 soeng4 si3 kei4 taa1 je5
- Meaning: “I like challenges, and I wanted to try something else.”
2. Interacting with Coworkers

Want to connect with your coworkers or business partners in Hong Kong? In this section, we’ll cover some Cantonese business language for communicating with your coworkers, both in the workplace and out!
Starting a conversation when you haven’t talked in a while
Chinese Character: 近排點呀?
Romanization: gan6 paai4 dim2 aa3
Meaning: “How’s it going recently?”
- Chinese Character: 早晨呀,Tim, 近排點呀?
- Romanization: zou2 san4 aa3, Tim, gan6 paai4 dim2 aa3
- Meaning: “Good morning Tim, how’s it going recently?”
Inquiring about that person’s team at work
Chinese Character: 你條Team最近忙咩呀?
Romanization: nei5 tiu4 Team zeoi3 gan6 mong4 me1 aa3
Meaning: “What is your team busy with recently?”
- Chinese Character: 好耐冇見,你條Team最近忙咩呀?
- Romanization: hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3, nei5 tiu4 Team zeoi3 gan6 mong4 me1 aa3
- Meaning: “It’s been a while since we last met. What is your team busy with recently?”
Telling them where you’re headed
Chinese Character: 我要去_____。
Romanization: ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 ______
Meaning: “I am going to ______.”
- Chinese Character: 我要去會議室。
- Romanization: ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 wui6 ji5 sat1
- Meaning: “I am going to the meeting room.”
Telling them what you like
Chinese Character: 我鍾意_____。
Romanization: ngo5 zung1 ji3 _________
Meaning: “I like__________.”
- Chinese Character: 我鍾意藍色。
- Romanization: ngo5 zung1 ji3 laam4 sik1
- Meaning: “I like the color blue.”
Telling them what you don’t like
Chinese Character: 我唔鍾意_____。
Romanization: ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3_____
Meaning: “I don’t like_____.”
- Chinese Character: 我唔鍾意呢個project。
- Romanization: ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 ni1 go3 project
- Meaning: “I don’t like this project.”
Letting your coworker know that you’re leaving
Chinese Character: 我走先喇。
Romanization: ngo5 zau2 sin1 laa3
Meaning: “I have to go now.”
- Chinese Character: 我走先喇,聽日見!
- Romanization: ngo5 zau2 sin1 laa3, ting1 jat6 gin3
- Meaning: “I have to go now, see you tomorrow!”

3. Sounding Smart in a Meeting
Share your ideas and opinions with team members by using some practical Cantonese for business meetings!
Giving suggestions
Chinese Character: 你應該_____。
Romanization: nei5 jing1 goi1_____
Meaning: “You should_____.”
- Chinese Character: 你應該接受挑戰。
- Romanization: nei5 jing1 goi1 zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3
- Meaning: “You should accept the challenge.”
Commenting on a suggestion
Chinese Character: 你嘅建議_____。
Romanization: nei5 ge3 gin3 ji5_____
Meaning: “Your suggestion_____.”
- Chinese Character: 你嘅建議不獲採納。
- Romanization: nei5 ge3 gin3 ji5 bat1 wok6 coi2 naap6
- Meaning: “Your suggestion was not accepted.”
Expressing your opinion
Chinese Character: 我認為_____。
Romanization: ngo5 jing6 wai4 ______
Meaning: “I think ______.”
- Chinese Character: 我認為我哋要擴展服務供應。
- Romanization: ngo5 jing6 wai4 ngo5 dei6 jiu3 kong3 zin2 fuk6 mou6 gung1 jing3
- Meaning: “I think that we should broaden our offer.”
Showing your agreement
Chinese Character: 我同意_____。
Romanization: ngo5 tung4 ji3 _________
Meaning: “I agree (with) __________.”
- Chinese Character: 我同意你嘅⽅案,我哋應該喺尖沙咀開分店。
- Romanization: ngo5 tung4 ji3 nei5 ge3 fong1 on3, ngo5 dei6 jing1 goi1 hai2 zim1 saa1 zeoi2 hoi1 fan1 dim3
- Meaning: “I agree with your proposal that we should open a branch in Tsim Sha Tsui.”
Showing your disagreement
Chinese Character: 我嘅諗法唔同。
Romanization: ngo5 ge3 lam2 faat3 m4 tung4
Meaning: “I have a different opinion.”
- Chinese Character: 我嘅諗法唔同,我哋要有新嘢畀個市場。
- Romanization: ngo5 ge3 lam2 faat3 m4 tung4, ngo5 dei6 jiu3 jau5 san1 je5 bei2 go3 si5 coeng4
- Meaning: “I would not agree with you. We have to bring something new to the market.”
Providing feedback on a suggestion
Chinese Character: 聽起嚟_____。
Romanization: teng1 hei2 lei4 _________
Meaning: “Sounds like _________.”
- Chinese Character: 聽起嚟有啲複雜。
- Romanization: teng1 hei2 lei4 jau5 di1 fuk1 zaap6
- Meaning: “This sounds a little bit complicated.”
4. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails

Now, let’s go over some useful phrases to help you do business in Cantonese over the phone or through email.
Picking up the phone
Chinese Character: 聽電話
Romanization: teng1 din6 waa2
Meaning: “to pick up the phone”
- Chinese Character: ⼀聽到電話響,⽴即聽電話。
- Romanization: jat1 teng1 dou2 din6 waa2 hoeng2, laap6 zik1 teng1 din6 waa2
- Meaning: “Once you hear the telephone ring, please pick up the phone immediately.”
Introducing yourself over the phone
Chinese Character: 喂,我係_____。
Romanization: wai2, ngo5 hai6 _________
Meaning: “Hello, this is__________.”
- Chinese Character: 喂,我係日新公司嘅李家明。
- Romanization: wai2, ngo5 hai6 jat6 san1 gung1 si1 ge3 lei5 gaa1 ming4
- Meaning: “Hello, this is Sun New company’s Li Ka Ming.”
Letting the other person know what you’d like to discuss
Chinese Character: 我想傾下_____。
Romanization: ngo5 soeng2 king1 haa5_____
Meaning: “I want to discuss_____.”
- Chinese Character: 我想傾吓啲細節。
- Romanization: ngo5 soeng2 king1 haa5 dik1 sai3 zit3
- Meaning: “I want to discuss the details.”
Asking if there’s anything else
Chinese Character: 仲有冇其他嘢?
Romanization: zung6 jau5 mou5 kei4 taa1 je5
Meaning: “Anything else?”
- Chinese Character: 仲有冇其他嘢我可以幫到你?
- Romanization: zung6 jau5 mou5 kei4 taa1 je5 ngo5 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5
- Meaning: “Is there anything else I can do to help?”
Replying to an email
Chinese Character: 覆電郵
Romanization: fuk1 din6 jau4
Meaning: “to reply to an email”
- Chinese Character: 我嘅主要工作係覆電郵。
- Romanization: ngo5 ge3 zyu2 jiu3 gung1 zok3 hai6 fuk1 din6 jau4
- Meaning: “My main task is to reply to emails.”
Greeting someone in an email
Chinese Character: _____你好:
Romanization: _____nei5 hou2
Meaning: “Hello _____,”
- Chinese Character: 陳先生你好:
- Romanization: can4 sin1 saang1 nei5 hou2
- Meaning: “Hello Mr. Chan,”
Thanking someone for his/her support
Chinese Character: 感謝你的支持。
Romanization: gam2 ze6 nei5 dik1 zi1 ci4
Meaning: “Thank you for your support.”
- Chinese Character: 我們非常感謝你的支持。
- Romanization: ngo5 mun4 fei1 soeng4 gam2 ze6 nei5 dik1 zi1 ci4
- Meaning: “We appreciate your support a lot.”
Asking for a meeting
Chinese Character: 我想約_____開會。
Romanization: ngo5 soeng2 joek3 _________ hoi1 wui2
Meaning: “I would like to set up a meeting for _________.”
- Chinese Character: 我想約星期⼀開會。
- Romanization: ngo5 soeng2 joek3 sing1 kei4 jat1 hoi1 wui2
- Meaning: “I would like to set up a meeting for Monday.”
5. Going on a Business Trip

If you’re traveling to Hong Kong for work, memorize these phrases to successfully navigate your business trip in Cantonese!
Checking in with a reservation
Chinese Character: 訂咗房。
Romanization: deng6 zo2 fong2
Meaning: “(I’ve) made a reservation.”
- Chinese Character: 我姓張,已經訂咗房。
- Romanization: ngo5 sing3 zoeng1, ji5 ging1 deng6 zo2 fong2
- Meaning: “I have a reservation under Cheung.”
Asking about room vacancy
Chinese Character: 今晚有冇房?
Romanization: gam1 maan1 jau5 mou5 fong2
Meaning: “Do you have a vacant room for tonight?”
- Chinese Character: 你好,今晚有冇房?
- Romanization: nei5 hou2, gam1 maan1 jau5 mou5 fong2
- Meaning: “Hello, do you have a vacant room for tonight?”
Asking for guidelines/permission
Chinese Character: 我可唔可以_____?
Romanization: ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5_____
Meaning: “Can I_____?”
- Chinese Character: 我可唔可以用商務中心?
- Romanization: ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 jung6 soeng1 mou6 zung1 sam1
- Meaning: “Can I use the business center?”
Checking out
Chinese Character: 退房
Romanization: teoi3 fong2
Meaning: “check out”
- Chinese Character: 唔該,我想退房。
- Romanization: m4 goi1, ngo5 soeng2 teoi3 fong2
- Meaning: “Excuse me, I would like to check out.”
Expressing your needs
Chinese Character: 我要_____。
Romanization: ngo5 jiu3_____
Meaning: “I need_____.”
- Chinese Character: 我要間非吸煙單⼈房。
- Romanization: ngo5 jiu3 gaan1 fei1 kap1 jin1 daan1 jan4 fong2
- Meaning: “I would like to have a non-smoking single room.”
Asking for directions
Chinese Character: _____ 喺邊度?
Romanization: _________ hai2 bin1 dou6
Meaning: “Where is _________?”
- Chinese Character: 會議室喺邊度?
- Romanization: wui6 ji5 sat1 hai2 bin1 dou6
- Meaning: “Where is the meeting room?”
6. How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
Now that you’ve learned the basic business phrases, are you interested in picking up even more Cantonese?
With CantoneseClass101.com, you can have your daily dose of Cantonese whenever and wherever you want, through mobile apps, desktop software, and our website. We offer entertaining, engaging, and effective lessons on various aspects of the Cantonese language and culture.
Until now, we’ve delivered more than 750,000,000 lessons to thousands of happy students from all around the globe. You can learn Cantonese with over 1060 audio and video lessons delivered by our knowledgeable and energetic hosts, detailed PDF lesson notes, an abundance of vocabulary learning tools, spaced repetition flashcards, and a lively community to discuss the lessons with fellow learners. What are you waiting for? Download our lessons, enjoy our audio and video files, and start learning now!
And keep in mind that if you prefer a one-on-one learning approach and want to further accelerate your Cantonese learning, you can take advantage of our MyTeacher program!
Know that your hard work will pay off, and before you know it, you’ll be speaking Cantonese like a native!
Before you go, let us know in the comments if there are any business phrases or situations we didn’t cover. We’ll do our best to help you out.
Happy learning, and good luck with your business endeavors!