Just imagine: You’re going out with a group of native Cantonese-speakers. This is the perfect opportunity to make friends and practice your Cantonese in a real-life situation! But how do you break the ice? What should you say if you run out of topics or if your Cantonese isn’t solid enough to fuel the conversation?
The universal answer is: ask questions!
Among countless benefits, being able to ask questions in Cantonese will help you avoid awkward silences by keeping the conversation going. It will also make the other person feel like you want to know more about them and value their opinion, thus making you more likeable. Asking questions opens a world of new information and cultural insight!
And one more perk: you don’t have to talk too much, just sit back and listen. Don’t think about your next question or how to steer the conversation back toward yourself. Just enjoy the ride and dive into whatever the other person has to say.
Convinced yet?
In this guide, you’ll not only learn how to ask questions in Cantonese, but also how to answer them. Let’s get started!

- What’s your name?
- Where are you from?
- Do you speak Cantonese?
- How long have you been studying ?
- Have you been to [country/city]?
- How are you?
- What time is it?
- What are you doing?
- What’s wrong?
- How much is it?
- How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
1. What’s your name?

Q: 你叫咩名?
“What’s your name?” has to be the most common conversation starter of all. Make sure you keep it in your pocket list!
Romanization: nei5 giu3 me1 meng2
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
叫 | giu3 | Call |
咩 | me1 | What |
名 | meng2 | Name |
A: 我叫。
The answer to this question is pretty straightforward. You either state your name directly, or add the words 我叫before your name and make it “我叫.”
Romanization: ngo5 giu3 .
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
我 | ngo5 | I |
叫 | giu3 | Call |
See some examples of how to answer this question in Cantonese below!
Example 1
Chinese Characters: 我叫欣怡。
Meaning: My name is Yan-yee.
Romanization: ngo5 giu3 jan1 ji4
Example 2
Chinese Characters: 我叫俊傑。
Meaning: My name is Chun-kit.
Romanization: ngo5 giu3 zeon3 git6
Example 3
Chinese Characters: 我叫詠珊。
Meaning: My name is Wing-shan.
Romanization: ngo5 giu3 wing6 saan1
Example 4
Chinese Characters: 我叫偉文。
Meaning: My name is Wai-man.
Romanization: ngo5 giu3 wai5 man4
2. Where are you from?
Q: 你邊度嚟㗎?
This Cantonese question opens up a lot of possible conversation topics, such as cultural differences and must-see places, for you and your new Cantonese friends!
Romanization: nei5 bin1 dou6 lei4 gaa3
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
邊度 | bin1 dou6 | Where |
嚟 | lei4 | Come |
㗎 | gaa3 | a Cantonese question particle that indicates question or doubt |
A: 我嚟嘅。
There are two ways you can answer this question. The first is by answering directly with your city or country:
- 香港 (hoeng1 gong2) – “Hong Kong”
You may also add the word 我 before “Hong Kong,” and 嚟嘅 after it: 我香港嚟嘅.
Romanization: ngo5 lei4 ge3
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
我 | ngo5 | I |
嚟 | lei4 | To come |
嘅 | ge3 | a final particle that implies assertion with emphasis |
Here are some examples:
Example 1
Chinese Characters: 我美國嚟嘅。
Meaning: I’m from the U.S.
Romanization: ngo5 mei5 gwok3 lei4 ge3
Example 2
Chinese Characters: 我英國嚟嘅。
Meaning: I’m from England.
Romanization: ngo5 jing1 gwok3 lei4 ge3
Example 3
Chinese Characters: 我中國嚟嘅。
Meaning: I’m from China.
Romanization: ngo5 zung1 gwok3 lei4 ge3
Example 4
Chinese Characters: 我德國嚟嘅。
Meaning: I’m from Germany.
Romanization: ngo5 dak1 gwok3 lei4 ge3
- → For a list of more countries, check out CantoneseClass101’s relevant vocabulary list!
3. Do you speak Cantonese?

Q: 你識唔識講?
This is one of those basic Cantonese questions that you may be asked when you meet new friends in Hong Kong!
Romanization: nei5 sik1 m4 sik1 gong2
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
識唔識 | sik1 m4 sik1 | To know or not |
講 | gong2 | Speak |
Here’s an example:
Chinese Characters: 你識唔識講廣東話?
Meaning: Do you speak Cantonese?
Romanization: nei5 sik1 m4 sik1 gong2 gwong2 dung1 waa2
A: Varies
Depending on how well you know the language, you can answer with one of the below phrases!
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
識少少。 | sik1 siu2 siu2 | Yes, I speak a little. |
識一啲。 | sik1 jat1 di1 | Yes, I speak some. |
識啲啲。 | sik1 di1 di1 | Yes, I speak a little bit. |
識大部分。 | sik1 daai6 bou6 fan6 | Yes, I speak quite a lot. |
4. How long have you been studying ?

Q: 你學咗幾耐?
Once your new Cantonese friends find out that you speak at least a little bit of their language, you may very likely be asked this question!
Romanization: nei5 hok6 zo2 gei2 noi6
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
學咗 | hok6 zo2 | To have learned |
幾耐 | gei2 noi6 | How long |
Here’s an example:
Chinese Characters: 你學咗廣東話幾耐?
Meaning: How long have you been studying Cantonese?
Romanization: nei5 hok6 zo2 gwong2 dung1 waa2 gei2 noi6
A: Varies
Here are a few examples of how you can answer this question.
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
一個月。 | jat1 go3 jyut6 | For one month. |
一年。 | jat1 nin4 | For one year. |
三個月。 | saam1 go3 jyut6 | For three months. |
兩年。 | loeng5 nin4 | For two years. |
5. Have you been to [country/city]?

Q: 你有冇去過?
Another great conversation starter. You can share your travel stories and learn more about your Cantonese friends’ adventures!
Romanization: nei5 jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
有冇 | jau5 mou5 | To have or to not have |
去過 | heoi3 gwo3 | Have been |
Here’s an example:
Chinese Characters: 你有冇去過香港?
Meaning: Have you been to Hong Kong?
Romanization: nei5 jau5 mou5 heoi3 gwo3 hoeng1 gong2
A: Varies
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
有呀,去過兩次。 | jau5 aa3, heoi3 gwo3 loeng5 ci3 | Yes, I’ve been twice. |
有呀,去過四次。 | jau5 aa3, heoi3 gwo3 sei3 ci3 | Yes, I’ve been four times. |
有呀,去過一次。 | jau5 aa3, heoi3 gwo3 jat1 ci3 | Yes, I’ve been once. |
冇呀。 | mou5 aa3 | No. (I have never been.) |
6. How are you?
Q: 你好嗎?
This is one of the most useful Cantonese questions to know, especially once you’ve made some good friends and want to inquire about their well-being.
Romanization: nei5 hou2 maa3
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
好 | hou2 | Good |
嗎 | maa3 | a Cantonese question particle |
A: Varies
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
我幾好。 | ngo5 gei2 hou2 | I’m fine. |
我好好。 | ngo5 hou2 hou2 | I’m great. |
我非常好。 | ngo5 fei1 soeng4 hou2 | I’m very good. |
我唔係幾好。 | ngo5 m4 hai6 gei2 hou2 | I’m not so well. |
- → Do you need more vocabulary to answer this question? Have a look at our vocabulary list of words and phrases for describing your feelings!
7. What time is it?

Q: 而家幾點?
A great question to ask when you don’t have your watch with you!
Romanization: ji4 gaa1 gei2 dim2
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
而家 | ji4 gaa1 | Now |
幾 | gei2 | How long / How many / How much |
點 | dim2 | Time |
A: Varies
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
十二點。 | sap6 ji6 dim2 | It’s twelve o’clock. |
九點。 | gau2 dim2 | It’s nine o’clock. |
六點。 | luk6 dim2 | It’s six o’clock. |
兩點。 | loeng5 dim2 | It’s two o’clock. |
8. What are you doing?
Q: 你做緊咩?
Are you curious what your new bestie is up to? Ask them in Cantonese!
Romanization: nei5 zou6 gan2 me1
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
你 | nei5 | You |
做緊 | zou6 gan2 | Doing |
咩 | me1 | What |
A: Varies
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
我諗緊嘢。 | ngo5 lam2 gan2 je5 | I’m thinking. |
我食緊嘢。 | ngo5 sik6 gan2 je5 | I’m eating. |
我做緊嘢。 | ngo5 zou6 gan2 je5 | I’m working. |
我畫緊嘢。 | ngo5 waak6 gan2 je5 | I’m drawing. |
9. What’s wrong?

Q: 咩事呀?
Does your friend seem down today? Ask them what’s wrong, and lend a listening ear!
Romanization: me1 si6 aa3
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
咩 | me1 | What |
事 | si6 | Matter |
呀 | aa3 | a Cantonese question particle |
A: Varies
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
我好攰。 | ngo5 hou2 gui6 | I’m tired. |
我唔舒服。 | ngo5 m4 syu1 fuk6 | I’m unwell. |
我好眼瞓。 | ngo5 hou2 ngaan5 fan3 | I’m sleepy. |
我擔⼼。 | ngo5 daam1 sam1 | I’m worried. |
10. How much is it?
Q: 呢個幾錢?
You have to know this question if you plan on shopping in Hong Kong!
Romanization: ni1 go3 gei2 cin2
Character | Romanization | Meaning |
呢個 | ni1 go3 | This |
幾 | gei2 | How long / How many / How much |
錢 | cin2 | Money |
A: Varies
Answer | Romanization | Meaning |
五十蚊。 | ng5 sap6 man1 | $50 |
一百蚊。 | jat1 baak3 man1 | $100 |
二千蚊 | ji6 cin1 man1 | $2000 |
兩百蚊。 | loeng5 baak3 man1 | $200 |
- → Do check out our number article for more examples!
11. How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
By now, you should have a better idea of how to ask and answer the most common Cantonese questions. Are there any important questions or answers we didn’t include? Let us know in the comments and we’ll do our best to help.
Fancy learning more Cantonese after familiarizing yourself with the questions and answers above?
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