Adverbs are vital in any language—they help the audience picture how something is done. Fancy learning some Cantonese adverbs but don’t know where to go? Let CantoneseClass101.com give you a helping hand!
Below, we’ve listed 100 of the most common Cantonese adverbs. Note that both written and spoken example sentences or phrases will be provided throughout the article. We’ve used symbols to help you identify which one is written (w), spoken (s), or applicable to both (ws).

- What is an Adverb?
- Adverbs of Time
- Adverbs of Frequency
- Adverbs of Place
- Adverbs of Manner
- Adverbs of Degree
- Adverbs for Connecting Thoughts
- How to Use Adverbs in a Sentence
- How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
1. What is an Adverb?

An adverb is a part of speech that serves as a modifier for verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It can also modify determiners, clauses, prepositions, and even sentences. Adverbs typically describe how or to what extent something was done, and they answer questions such as: “How?” / “In what way?” / “When?” / “Where?” / “To what extent?”
Now that you understand what an adverb is, let’s take a look at some useful adverbs in Cantonese, categorized by what question they answer.
2. Adverbs of Time

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 已經 | ji5 ging1 | “already” | (w) 男士已經給侍應貼士。 naam4 si6 ji5 ging1 kap1 si6 jing3 tip1 si2 “The gentleman already tipped the waiter.” |
2 | 馬上 | maa5 seong6 | “immediately” | (w) 房間馬上變得暗淡無光。 fong4 gaan1 maa5 soeng6 bin3 dak1 ngam3 taam6 mou4 gwong1 “The room immediately got dim.” |
3 | 最近 | zeoi3 gan6 | “lately” | (w) 最近使用的檔案 zeoi3 gan6 si2 jung6 dik1 dong2 ngon3 “Files that are used lately” |
4 | 下星期 | haa6 sing1 kei4 | “next week” | (w) 下星期休息 haa6 sing1 kei4 jau1 sik1 “Will be taking a break next week” |
5 | 而家 | ji4 gaa1 | “now” | (s) 我而家太忙。 ngo5 ji4 gaa1 taai3 mong4 “I am too busy now.” |
6 | 好快 | hou2 faai3 | “soon” | (s) 我好快飛抵澳洲。 ngo5 hou2 faai3 fei1 dai2 ou3 zau1 “I will be arriving in Australia soon.” |
7 | 仍然 | jing4 jin4 | “still” | (ws) 我仍然相信你。 ngo5 jing4 jin4 soeng1 seon3 nei5 “I still trust you.” |
8 | 今朝早 | gam1 ziu1 zou2 | “this morning” | (s) 我今朝早去咗參觀大學。 ngo5 gam1 ziu1 zou2 heoi3 zo2 caam1 gun1 daai6 hok6 “I visited the university this morning.” |
9 | 今日 | gam1 jat6 | “today” | (s) 今日搭的士。 gam1 jat6 daap3 dik1 si2 “Take a taxi today.” |
10 | 聽日 | ting1 jat6 | “tomorrow” | (s) 你聽日會唔會出街? nei5 ting1 jat6 wui5 m4 wui5 ceot1 gaai1? “Will you go out tomorrow?” |
11 | 今晚 | gam1 maam5 | “tonight” | (s) 今晚食乜餸? gam1 maan5 sik6 mat1 sung3 “What are we having tonight?” |
12 | 噚日 | cam4 jat6 | “yesterday” | (s) 噚日去咗邊度玩呀? cam4 jat6 heoi3 zo2 bin1 dou6 waan2 aa3 “Where did you go yesterday?” |
13 | 仲未 | zung6 mei6 | “yet” | (s) 我仲未收到錢。 ngo5 zung6 mei6 sau1 dou2 cin2 “I haven’t received the money yet.” |
14 | 遲啲 | ci4 di1 | “later” | (s) 會遲啲返。 wui5 ci4 di1 faan1 “Will be back later.” |
15 | 近排 | gan6 paai2 | “recently” | (s) 我近排好忙。 ngo5 gan6 paai2 hou2 mong4 “I am quite busy recently.” |
16 | 本來 | bun2 loi4 | “originally” | (s) 我本來唔想去泰國嘅。 ngo5 bun2 loi4 m4 soeng2 heoi3 taai3 gwok3 ge3 “I originally didn’t want to go to Thailand.” |
17 | 曾經 | cang4 ging1 | “once upon a time” | (s) 佢曾經係醫生。 keoi5 cang4 ging1 hai6 ji1 sang1 ge3 “He was a doctor once upon a time.” |
18 | 初初 | co1 co1 | “in the beginning” | (s) 我初初好憎拉小提琴,但係越拉越有feel。 ngo5 co1 co1 hou2 zang1 laai1 siu2 tai4 kam4, daan6 hai6 jyut6 laai1 jyut6 jau5 feel “In the beginning, I hated playing the violin, but the more I played, the more it grew on me.” |
19 | 嗰陣時 | go2 zan6 si6 | “at that time” | (s) 佢哋嗰陣時唔識對方。 keoi5 dei6 go2 zan6 si6 m4 sik1 deoi3 fong1 “They didn’t know each other at that time.” |
20 | 前嗰排 | cin4 go2 paai2 | “a while ago” | (s) 我哋前嗰排先至去完泰國,唔想再去囉。 keoi5 dei6 cin4 go2 paai2 sin1 zi3 heoi3 jyun4 taai3 gwok3, m4 soeng2 zoi3 heoi3 lo1 “We just went to Thailand a while ago; I don’t want to go again.” |
21 | 暫時 | zaam6 si4 | “temporarily” | (s) 個project暫時擱置。 go3 project zaam6 si4 gok3 zi3 “The project is put on hold temporarily.” |
22 | 到時 | dou3 si4 | “then” | (s) 到時再電聯。 dou3 si4 zoi3 din6 lyun4 “I will give you a call then.” |
23 | 上星期 | soeng6 sing1 kei4 | “last week” | (w) 上星期的中文課 soeng6 sing1 kei4 dik1 zung1 man4 fo3 “the Chinese class last week” |
3. Adverbs of Frequency

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
24 | 成日 | seng4 jat6 | “always” / “all the time” | (s) 你哋成日都去飲茶,唔悶㗎咩? nei5 dei6 seng4 jat6 dou1 heoi3 jam2 caa4, m4 mun6 gaa3 me1? “Don’t you get tired of eating dim sum all the time?” |
25 | 永遠唔會 | wing5 jyun5 m4 wui5 | “never” | (s) 樓價永遠唔會跌 lau4 gaa3 wing5 jyun5 m4 wui5 dit3 “The housing price is never going to fall.” |
26 | 好少 | hou2 siu2 | “rarely” | (s) 我好少飲酒。 ngo5 hou2 siu2 jam2 zau2 “I rarely drink.” |
27 | 有時 | jau5 si4 | “sometimes” | (w) 夏天雨後,為什麼有時會出現彩虹? haa6 tin1 jyu5 hau6, wai6 sam6 mo1 jau5 si4 wui5 ceot1 jin6 coi2 hung4 “Why does a rainbow appear after rain in the summer sometimes?” |
28 | 頻密 | pan4 mat6 | “frequently” | (w) 僱主認為轉工太頻密是代表不定性。 gu3 zyu2 jing6 wai4 zyun3 gung1 taai3 pan4 mat6 si6 doi6 biu2 bat1 ding6 sing3 “Employers think that changing jobs too frequently symbolizes instability.” |
29 | 平時 | ping4 si4 | “usually” | (s) 佢平時做事好謹慎。 keoi5 ping4 si4 zou6 si6 hou2 gan2 san6 “He is usually meticulous in his work.” |
30 | 間中 | gaan3 zung1 | “occasionally” | (ws) 間中有陽光。 gaan3 zung1 jau5 joeng4 gwong1 “There will be sunshine occasionally.” |
31 | 不常 | bat1 soeng4 | “seldom” | (w) 不常使用 bat1 soeng4 si2 jung6 “seldom in use” |
32 | 再 | zoi3 | “again” | (ws) 再嘗試 zoi3 soeng4 si3 “try again” |
33 | 每 | mui5 | “every” | (s) 佢每三個月都會出國去旅行一次。 keoi5 mui5 saam1 go3 jyut6 dou1 wui5 ceot1 gwok3 heoi3 leoi5 hang4 jat1 ci3 “He travels abroad once every three months.” |
4. Adverbs of Place

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
34 | 呢度 | ni1 dou6 | “here” | (s) 呢度有人跌親呀。 ni1 dou6 jau5 jan4 dit3 can1 aa3 “Someone fell over here.” |
35 | 嗰度 | go2 dou6 | “there” | (s) 嗰度好靚㗎,有機會你一定要去睇吓。 go2 dou6 hou2 leng3 gaa3, jau5 gei1 wui6 nei5 jat1 ding6 jiu3 heoi3 tai2 haa5 “It’s beautiful there. You should go and take a look if you have the chance.” |
36 | 在那裏 | zoi6 naa5 leoi5 | “over there” | (w) 我確實是在那裏。 ngo5 kok3 sat6 si6 zoi6 naa5 leoi5 “I was really over there.” |
37 | 四周圍 | sei3 zau1 wai4 | “everywhere” | (s) 四周圍都冇哂位。 sei3 zau1 wai4 dou1 mou5 saai3 wai2 “It’s full everywhere.” |
38 | 任何地方 | jam6 ho4 dei6 fong1 | “anywhere” | (w) 你可以去任何地方。 nei5 ho2 ji5 heoi3 jam6 ho4 dei6 fong1 “You can go anywhere.” |
39 | 無地方 | mou4 dei6 fong1 | “nowhere” | (s) 無地方住 mou4 dei6 fong1 zyu6 “nowhere to live” |
40 | 離開 | lei4 hoi1 | “away” | (w) 帶我離開。 daai3 ngo5 lei4 hoi1 “Take me away.” |
41 | 外面 | ngoi6 min6 | “out” | (w) 在外面吃東西。 zoi6 ngoi6 min6 hek3 dung1 sai1 “Dine out.” |
5. Adverbs of Manner

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
42 | 好大聲 | hou2 daai6 seng1 | “loudly” | (s) 我講得好大聲。 ngo5 gong2 dak1 hou2 daai6 seng1 “I speak really loudly.” |
43 | 真係 | zan1 hai6 | “really” | (s) 我真係好抱歉。 ngo5 zan1 hai6 hou2 pou5 hip3 “I am really sorry.” |
44 | 好快 | hou2 faai3 | “fast” | (s) 心跳得好快。 sam1 tiu3 dak1 hou2 faai3 “My heart beats fast.” |
45 | 好 | hou2 | “well” | (s) 我過得好好。 ngo5 gwo3 dak1 hou2 hou2 “I am doing very well.” |
46 | 好腍 | hou2 nam6 | “soundly” (while asleep) | (s) 隻貓瞓覺瞓得好腍。 zek3 maau1 fan3 gaau3 fan3 dak1 hou2 nam6 “The cat slept soundly.” |
47 | 嗱嗱聲 | naa4 naa2 seng1 | “quickly” | (s) 嗱嗱聲出門口喇,唔係又遲到喇。 naa4 naa2 seng1 ceot1 mun4 hau2 laa3, m4 hai6 jau6 ci4 dou3 laa3 “Quickly head out or else you’re going to be late again.” |
48 | 好慢 | hou2 maan6 | “slowly” | (ws) 我做功課好慢。 ngo5 zou6 gung1 fo3 hou2 maan6 “I do homework slowly.” |
49 | 小心 | siu2 sam1 | “carefully” | (w) 小心保護敏感個人資料 siu2 sam1 bou2 wu6 man5 gam2 go3 jan4 zi1 liu2 “Carefully protect your personal information.” |
50 | 一齊 | jat1 cai4 | “together” | (s) 一齊買鞋 jat1 cai4 maai5 haai4 “buy shoes together” |
51 | 自己一個 | zi6 gei2 jat1 go3 | “alone” | (ws) 自己一個更開心。 zi6 gei2 jat1 go3 gang3 hoi1 sam1 “I am happier alone.” |
52 | 唔小心 | m4 siu2 sam1 | “accidentally” | (s) 唔小心跌咗 m4 siu2 sam1 dit3 zo2 “fell accidentally” |
53 | 基本上 | gei1 bun2 soeng6 | “basically” | (w) 他基本上完成了自己的工作。 taa1 gei1 bun2 soeng6 jyun4 sing4 liu5 zi6 gei2 dik1 gung1 zok3 “He basically finishes his job.” |
54 | 橫掂 | waang4 dim6 | “seeing that you’re” | (s) 我哋橫掂都要去沙田,不如去探埋嫲嫲啦。 ngo5 dei6 waang4 dim6 dou1 jiu3 heoi3 saa1 tin4, bat1 jyu4 heoi3 taam3 maai4 maa4 maa4 laa1 “Seeing that we’re going to ShaTin anyway, let’s go and pay meemaw a visit.” |
55 | 特登 | dak6 dang1 | “deliberately” | (s) 佢唔係特登撞你嘅。 keoi5 m4 hai6 dak6 dang1 zong6 nei5 ge3 “He didn’t deliberately run into you.” |
56 | 一步一步 | jat1 bou6 jat1 bou6 | “one step at a time” | (s) 學習要一步一步嚟,唔可以急。 hok6 zaap6 jiu3 jat1 bou6 jat1 bou6 lei4, m4 ho2 ji5 gap1 “We should learn one step at a time, we can’t hurry it.” |
57 | 一大啖 | jat1 daai6 daam6 | “in a big mouthful” | (s) 我一大啖食咗三份之一碗飯。 ngo5 jat1 daai6 daam6 sik6 zo2 saam1 fan6 zi1 jat1 wun2 faan6 “I gulped down a third of the bowl of rice in a big mouthful.” |
58 | 靜靜雞 | zing6 zing2 gai1 | “quietly” | (s) 靜靜雞用手機前鏡頭影你相 zing6 zing2 gai1 jung6 sau2 gei1 cin4 geng3 tau4 jing2 nei5 soeng2 “Took a picture of you using his front phone camera quietly” |
59 | 好易 | hou2 ji6 | “easily” | (s) 好易登記 hou2 ji6 dang1 gei3 “easily registered” |
60 | 確確實實地 | kok3 kok3 sat6 sat6 dei6 | “literally” | (w) 他們確確實實地整晚都在跳舞。 taa1 mun4 kok3 kok3 sat6 sat6 dei6 zing2 maan5 dou1 zoi6 tiu3 mou5 “They literally danced all night.” |
61 | 簡直 | gaan2 zik6 | “simply” | (s) 簡直不可理喻。 gaan2 zik6 bat1 ho2 lei5 jyu6 “It’s simply unreasonable.” |
62 | 好努力 | hou2 nou5 lik6 | “diligently” | (s) 我每日都好努力讀書。 ngo5 mui5 jat6 dou1 hou2 nou5 lik6 duk6 syu1 “I study hard every day.” |
63 | 好認真 | hou2 jing6 zan1 | “seriously” | (s) 佢好認真做運動。 keoi5 hou2 jing6 zan1 zou6 wan6 dung6 “He exercises seriously.” |
64 | 乖乖咁 | gwaai1 gwaai1 gam2 | “obediently” | (s) 你要乖乖咁起身返工。 nei5 jiu3 gwaai1 gwaai1 gam2 hei2 san1 faan1 gung1 “You have to wake up and go to work obediently.” |
65 | 好開心 | hou2 hoi1 sam1 | “happily” | (s) 觀眾笑得好開心。 gun1 zung3 siu3 dak1 hou2 hoi1 sam1 “The audience laughed happily.” |
66 | 唔開心 | m4 hoi1 sam1 | “sadly” | (s) 過得唔開心。 gwo3 dak1 m4 hoi1 sam1 “I am living sadly.” |
67 | 好嬲 | hou2 nau1 | “angrily” | (s) 佢哋根本唔尊重啲客人,食到好嬲。 keoi5 dei6 gan1 bun2 m4 zyun1 zung6 di1 haak3 jan4, sik6 dou3 hou2 nau1 “They didn’t respect their clients at all. I ate angrily.” |
6. Adverbs of Degree

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
68 | 好 | hou2 | “very” | (s) 我過得好好。 ngo5 gwo3 dak1 hou2 hou2 “I am doing very well.” |
69 | 相當 | soeng1 dong1 | “quite” | (ws) 相當多 soeng1 dong1 do1 “quite a lot” |
70 | 好少 | hou2 siu2 | “hardly” | (ws) 好少聯絡 hou2 siu2 lyun4 lok3 “hardly get in touch” |
71 | 幾乎不 | gei2 fu4 bat1 | “barely” | (ws) 幾乎不知道 gei2 fu4 bat1 zi1 dou3 “barely know” |
72 | 大部分 | daai6 bou6 fan6 | “mostly” | (ws) 大部分支持 daai6 bou6 fan1 zi1 ci4 “mostly support” |
73 | 幾乎 | gei1 fu4 | “almost” | (w) 幾乎撞到 gei1 fu4 zong6 dou2 “almost got hit” |
74 | 一定 | jat1 ding6 | “absolutely” | (ws) 一定要贏 jat1 ding6 jiu3 jeng4 “absolutely need to win” |
75 | 一啲 | jat1 di1 | “a bit” | (s) 我有一啲緊張。 ngo5 jau5 jat1 di1 gan2 zoeng1 “I am a bit nervous.” |
76 | 好多 | hou2 do1 | “a lot” | (s) 做人會開心好多。 zou6 jan4 wui5 hoi1 sam1 hou2 do1 “You will be a lot happier.” |
77 | 夠 | gau3 | “enough” | (s) 我夠勇敢。 ngo5 gau3 jung5 gam2 “I am brave enough.” |
78 | 太 | tai3 | “too,” “excessively” | (s) 我太緊張。 ngo5 taai3 gan2 zoeng1 “I am too nervous.” |
79 | 唔係太 | m4 hai6 tai3 | “not really” | 我唔係太中意佢。 ngo5 m4 hai6 taai3 zung1 ji3 keoi5 “I don’t really like him.” |
80 | 凈係 | zing6 hai6 | “only” | (s) 而家凈係得返豬扒喇。 ji4 gaa1 zing6 hai6 dak1 faan1 zyu1 paa2 laa3 “There are only pork chops left.” |
81 | 得 | dak1 | “only … left” | (s) 得一個 dak1 jat1 go3 “There is only one left.” |
82 | 特別 | dak6 bit6 | “exceptionally” | (s) 呢個女人特別囉嗦。 ni1 go3 neoi5 jan2 dak6 bit6 lo1 so1 “This woman is exceptionally annoying.” |
83 | 零舍 | ling4 se3 | “particularly” | (s) 嗰個阿叔零舍長氣。 go2 go3 aa3 suk1 ling4 se3 coeng4 hei3 “That middle-aged man is particularly long-winded.” |
84 | 超 | ciu1 | “super” | (s) 我女朋友超性感。 ngo5 neoi5 pang4 jau5 ciu1 sing3 gam2 “My girlfriend is super sexy.” |
7. Adverbs for Connecting Thoughts

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
85 | 不過 | bat1 gwo3 | “however” | (s) ____,佢好認真做運動。 _____, keoi5 hou2 jing6 zan1 zou6 wan6 dung6 “______, he exercises seriously.” |
86 | 所以 | so2 ji3 | “therefore” | |
87 | 另一方面 | ling6 jat1 fong1 min6 | “on the other hand” | |
88 | 終於 | zung1 yu1 | “finally” | |
89 | 最終 | zeoi3 zung2 | “eventually” | |
90 | 但係 | daan6 hai6 | “nevertheless” | |
91 | 於是 | jyu1 si6 | “consequently” | |
92 | 確實 | kok3 sat6 | “indeed” | |
93 | 反而 | faan2 yi4 | “instead” | |
94 | 同樣地 | tung4 joeng6 dei6 | “likewise” | |
95 | 而且 | ji4 ce2 | “moreover” | |
96 | 與此同時 | jyu5 ci2 tung4 si4 | “meanwhile” | |
97 | 況且 | fong3 ce2 | “besides” | |
98 | 毫無疑問地 | hou4 mou4 ji4 man6 dei6 | “certainly” | |
99 | 再者 | zoi3 ze2 | “in addition” | |
100 | 然後 | jin4 hau6 | “and then” | |
101 | 其實 | kei4 sat6 | “in fact” | |
102 | 忽然間 | fat1 jin4 gaan1 | “suddenly” |
8. How to Use Adverbs in a Sentence
There are many ways to use an adverb in Cantonese, and today, we’ll be introducing the three most common structures:
1. Cantonese adverbs with 得 (dak1):
Sentence Structure: Verb + 得 + Adjective
Example 1 –
Character: 佢行得好快。
Romanization: keoi5 haang4 dak1 hou2 faai3
Meaning: “He walks very quickly.”
Example 2 –
Character: 我講得好大聲。
Romanization: ngo5 gong2 dak1 hou2 daai6 seng1
Meaning: “I speak really loudly.”
Example 3 –
Character: 隻貓瞓覺瞓得好腍。
Romanization: zek3 maau1 fan3 gaau3 fan3 dak1 hou2 nam6
Meaning: “The cat slept soundly.”
2. Cantonese adverbs with 咁 (gam2):
Sentence Structure: Adjective + 咁 + Verb
Example 1 –
Character: 佢好快咁食曬啲嘢。
Romanization: keoi5 hou2 faai3 gam2 sik6 saai3 di1 je5
Meaning: “She quickly gobbled up everything.”
Example 2 –
Character: 佢好快咁做曬功課。
Romanization: keoi5 hou2 faai3 gam2 zou6 saai3 gung1 fo3
Meaning: “He quickly finished their homework.”
Example 3 –
Character: 佢好勤力咁溫書。
Romanization: keoi5 hou2 kan4 lik6 gam2 wan1 syu1
Meaning: “He studies diligently.”
3. Cantonese adverbs with 哋 (dei2):
Sentence Structure: Adjective + 哋 + Verb
Example 1 –
Character: 隻狗偷偷哋食咗檯面條香腸。
Romanization: zek3 gau2 tau1 tau1 dei2 sik6 zo2 toi2 min2 tiu4 hoeng1 coeng2
Meaning: “The dog sneakily ate the sausage on the table.”
Example 2 –
Character: 你靜靜哋做功課。
Romanization: nei5 zing6 zing2 dei2 zou6 gung1 fo3.
Meaning: “Do your homework quietly.”
Example 3 –
Character: 我偷偷哋去佢個Party。
Romanization: ngo5 tau1 tau1 dei2 heoi3 keoi5 go3 party
Meaning: “I am sneakily going to his party.”
9. How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
We hope by now you can use Cantonese adverbs to enrich your conversations! Let us know in the comments any new words you learned, or if there are still more common Cantonese adverbs you want to know. We look forward to hearing from you!
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