Nouns are vital in our everyday conversations. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to talk about people, objects, places, or ideas—or communicate effectively.
The more Cantonese nouns you know, the easier it will be for you to master the Cantonese language. Can’t wait to learn the most common Cantonese nouns? Keep reading and let CantoneseClass101.com give you a hand!
Note that we’ll provide both written and spoken example sentences or phrases throughout the article. This way, you can learn Cantonese nouns in both formats. We’ve used symbols to help you identify which ones are written (w), spoken (s), or applicable to both (ws).
Okay. Now, let’s learn some nouns in Cantonese!

- Nouns for Appliances
- Nouns for Technology
- Nouns for Transportation
- Nouns for Dining
- Nouns for School Essentials
- Nouns for Occupation
- Nouns for Family Members
- Nouns for Body Parts
- Nouns for Time
- Nouns for Hobbies
- How CantoneseClass101 Can Help You Learn More Cantonese
1. Nouns for Appliances

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 微波爐 | mei4 bo1 lou4 | microwave oven | (s) 我買咗不鏽鋼微波爐。 ngo5 maai5 zo2 bat1 sau3 gong3 mei4 bo1 lou4 I bought a stainless steel microwave oven. |
2 | 吸塵機 | kap1 can4 gei1 | vacuum cleaner | (s) 呢部係直立式吸塵機。 ne1 bou6 hai6 zik6 laap6 sik1 kap1 can4 gei1 This is an upright vacuum cleaner. |
3 | 雪櫃 | syut3 gwai6 | refrigerator | (s) 雪櫃係嗰度。 syut3 gwai6 hai2 go2 dou6 The refrigerator is over there. |
4 | 風扇 | fung1 sin3 | fan | (ws) 我有風扇。 ngo5 jau5 fung1 sin3 I got a fan. |
5 | 爐 | lou4 | stove | (w) 茶壺在爐上。 caa4 wu2 zoi6 lou4 soeng6 The kettle is on the stove. |
6 | 電視 | din6 si6 | TV | (w) 電視機在客廳裡。 din6 si6 gei1 zoi6 haak3 teng1 leoi5 The television is in the living room. |
7 | DVD機 | DVD gei1 | DVD player | (w) 我們每個星期三晚用DVD機看電影。 ngo5 mun4 mui5 go3 sing1 kei4 saam1 maan5 jung6 DVD gei1 hon3 din6 jing2 We watch movies on the DVD player every Wednesday night. |
8 | 洗衣機 | sai2 ji1 gei1 | washing machine | (w) 我用洗衣機洗衣服保持衣服乾淨。 ngo5 jung6 sai2 ji1 gei1 sai2 ji1 fuk6 bou2 ci4 ji1 fuk6 gon1 zeng6 I use the washing machine to keep my clothes clean. |
9 | 冷氣機 | laang5 hei3 gei1 | air conditioner | (w) 在炎炎夏日,冷氣機為我們整天送涼風。 zoi6 jim4 jim4 haa6 jat6, laang5 hei3 gei1 wai6 ngo5 mun4 zing2 tin1 sung3 loeng4 fung1 On a hot summer day, the air conditioner works all day to keep us cool. |
10 | 筆記型電腦 | bat1 gei3 jing4 din6 nou5 | laptop | (w) 筆記型電腦讓我隨時隨地都可以工作。 bat1 gei3 jing4 din6 nou5 joeng6 ngo5 ceoi4 si4 ceoi4 dei6 dou1 ho2 ji5 gung1 zok3 The laptop computer allows me to work almost anywhere. |
2. Nouns for Technology

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | Wi-Fi router | Wi-Fi router | Wi-Fi router | (s) Wi-Fi router 喺邊? Wi-Fi router hai2 bin1 Where is the Wi-Fi router? |
2 | blog | blog | blog | (s) 你睇我嘅blog啦。 nei2 tai2 ngo5 ge3 blog laa1 You can read my blog. |
3 | 互聯網 | wu6 lyun4 mong5 | Internet | This example includes all the words below as well: (w) 市民可在互聯網(#3)流覽網頁(#7)、網站(#8)、社交媒體(#9)及電子郵件(#10),亦有搜尋(#4)、上載(#5)及下載(#6)服務。 si5 man4 ho2 zoi6 wu6 lyun4 mong5 lau4 laam5 mong5 jip6, mong5 zaam6, se5 gaau1 mui4 tai2 kap6 din6 zi2 jau4 gin2, jik6 jau5 sau2 cam4, soeng6 zoi3 kap6 haa6 zoi3 fuk6 mou6 Citizens can browse the webpage, website, social media, and email on the Internet. There are also search, upload, and download functions. |
4 | 搜尋 | sau2 cam4 | search | |
5 | 下載 | haa6 zoi3 | download | |
6 | 上載 | soeng6 zoi3 | upload | |
7 | 網頁 | mong5 jip6 | webpage | |
8 | 網站 | mong5 zaam6 | website | |
9 | 社交媒體 | se5 gaau1 mui4 tai2 | social media | |
10 | 電子郵件 | din6 zi2 jau4 gin2 |
3. Nouns for Transportation
# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 飛機 | fei1 gei1 | airplane | (s) 我會搭___。 ngo5 wui5 daap3 ___ I will take ______. *Note: #1-#7 are similar and share the same grammatical features. The above example phrase applies to all #1-#7 – you can simply fill in the blanks. |
2 | 地鐵 | dei6 tit3 | subway | |
3 | 小巴 | siu2 baa1 | minibus | |
4 | 巴士 | baa1 si2 | bus | |
5 | 渡輪 | dou6 leon4 | ferry | |
6 | 電車 | din6 ce1 | tram | |
7 | 的士 | dik1 si2 | taxi | |
8 | 巴士站 | baa1 si2 zaam6 | bus stop | (s) 我要去____。 ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 ____ I need to get to the ______. *Note: #8-#9 are similar and share the same grammatical features. The above example phrase applies to all #8-#9 – you can simply fill in the blanks. |
9 | 機場 | gei1 ceong4 | airport | |
10 | 車費 | ce1 fai3 | (transportation with wheels) fare | (s) 幾多錢車費係? gei2 do1 cin2 ce1 fai3 How much is the fare? |
4. Nouns for Dining

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 貼士 | tip1 si2 | tip | (w) 男士正在给侍應貼士。 naam4 si6 zing3 zoi6 kap1 si6 jing3 tip1 si2 The gentleman is tipping the waiter. |
2 | 侍應 | si6 jing3 | waitress / waiter | (w) 穿著制服的侍應。 cyun1 zoek6 zai3 fuk6 dik1 si6 jing3 waitress/waiter in uniform |
3 | 晚餐 | maan5 caan1 | dinner | (w) 我和家人每晚都一起吃晚餐。 ngo5 wo4 gaa1 jan4 mui5 maan5 dou1 jat1 hei2 hek3 maan5 caan1 My family eats dinner together every night. |
4 | 中菜 | zung1 coi3 | Chinese food | (w) 中菜很美味! zung1 coi3 han2 mei5 mei4 Chinese food is delicious! |
5 | 筷子 | faai3 zi2 | chopsticks | (w) 筷子在碗上。 faai3 zi2 zoi6 wun2 soeng6 The chopsticks are on the bowl. |
6 | 餐單 | caan1 daan1 | menu | (w) 從餐單裡選擇 cung4 caan1 daan1 leoi5 syun2 zaak6 Select from the menu. |
7 | 帳單 | zoeng3 daan1 | bill | (w) 不貴的帳單 bat1 gwai3 dik1 zoeng3 daan1 inexpensive bill |
8 | 水 | seoi2 | water | (w) 可以給我一些水嗎? ho2 ji5 kap1 ngo5 jat1 se1 seoi2 maa1 Can I have some water, please? |
9 | 廚師 | cyu4 si1 | chef | (s) 廚師喺度煮嘢食。 cyu4 si1 hai2 dou6 zyu2 je5 sik6 The chef is making a meal. |
10 | 信用卡 | seon3 jung6 kaat1 | credit card | (s) 你嘅信用卡號碼係咩? nei2 ge3 seon3 jung6 kaat1 hou6 maa5 hai6 me1 What is your credit card number? |
5. Nouns for School Essentials

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 作業 | zok3 jip6 | homework | (w) 作業是學習中重要的一環。 zok3 jip6 si6 hok6 zaap6 zung1 zung6 jiu3 dik1 jat1 waan4 Your homework is one important part of the learning experience. |
2 | 筆記簿 | bat1 gei3 bou2 | notebook | (w) 白色單行筆記簿 baak6 sik1 daan1 hong4 bat1 gei3 bou2 white lined notebook |
3 | 同學 | tung4 hok6 | classmate | (w) 同學們是朋友。 tung4 hok6 mun4 si6 pang4 jau5 The classmates are friends. |
4 | 大學 | daai6 hok6 | university | (w) 他從有名的大學得到了獎學金。 taa1 cung4 jau5 meng2 dik1 daai6 hok6 dak1 dou3 liu5 zoeng2 hok6 gam1 He received a full scholarship from a famous university. |
5 | 背囊 | bui3 nong4 | backpack | (s) 黑紅色背囊 hak1 hung4 sik1 bui3 nong4 red-and-black backpack |
6 | 鉛筆 | jyun4 bat1 | pencil | (s) 我可唔可以借支鉛筆嗎? ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 ze3 zi1 jyun4 bat1 Can I borrow a pencil? |
7 | 原子筆 | jyun4 zi2 bat1 | pen | (s) 我可唔可以借支原子筆? ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 ze3 zi1 jyun4 zi2 bat1 Can I borrow a pen? |
8 | 數學 | sou3 hok6 | math | (s) 我最鍾意嘅學校科目係數學。 ngo5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 ge3 hok6 haau6 fo1 muk6 hai6 sou3 hok6 My favorite subject in school is Math. |
9 | 考試 | haau2 si3 | exam | (s) 我唔鍾意考試。 ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 haau2 si3 I don’t like exams. |
10 | 學生 | hok6 sang1 | student | (s) 我係學生。 ngo5 hai6 hok6 sang1 I am a student. |
6. Nouns for Occupation

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 醫生 | ji1 sang1 | doctor | (s) 佢係_____。 keoi5 hai6 _____ He/she is ______. *Note: #1-#10 are similar and share the same grammatical features. The above example phrase applies to all #1-#10 – you can simply fill in the blanks. |
2 | 律師 | leot6 si1 | lawyer | |
3 | 護士 | wu6 si6 | nurse | |
4 | 經理 | ging1 lei5 | manager | |
5 | 商人 | soeng1 jan4 | businessman | |
6 | 警察 | ging2 caat3 | police | |
7 | 消防員 | siu1 fong4 jyun4 | firefighter | |
8 | 工程師 | gung1 cing4 si1 | engineer | |
9 | 公務員 | gung1 mou6 jyun4 | civil servant | |
10 | 作家 | zok3 gaa1 | writer |
7. Nouns for Family Members

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 媽媽 | maa4 maa1 | mother | (s) 佢係_____。 keoi5 hai6 _____ He/she is ______. *Note: #1-#10 are similar and share the same grammatical features. The above example phrase applies to all #1-#10 – you can simply fill in the blanks. |
2 | 爸爸 | baa4 baa1 | father | |
3 | 老婆 | lou5 po4 | wife | |
4 | 老公 | lou5 gung1 | husband | |
5 | 家長 | gaa1 zoeng2 | parent | |
6 | 細路 | sai3 lou6 | child | |
7 | 女 | neoi5 | daughter | |
8 | 仔 | zai2 | son | |
9 | 叔叔 | suk1 suk1 | uncle | |
10 | 孫 | syun1 | grandchild |
8. Nouns for Body Parts

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 腳 | goek3 | foot | (ws) 左腳 zo2 goek3 left foot |
2 | 腿 | teoi2 | leg | (ws) 長腿 coeng4 teoi2 long legs |
3 | 頭 | tau4 | head | (w) 頭及頸 tau4 kap6 geng2 head and neck |
4 | 手臂 | sau2 bei3 | arm | (ws) 兩條手臂 loeng5 tiu4 sau2 bei3 two arms |
5 | 手 | sau2 | hand | (ws) 右手 jau6 sau2 right hand |
6 | 手指 | sau2 zi2 | finger | (ws) 五隻手指 ng5 zek3 sau2 zi2 five fingers |
7 | 身體 | san1 tai2 | body | (ws) 人類身體 jan4 leoi6 san1 tai2 human body |
8 | 肚 | tou5 | stomach | (ws) 我肚痛。 ngo5 tou5 tung3 I have a stomachache. |
9 | 背脊 | bui3 zek3 | back | (w) 我整天搬重物,傷了背脊。 ngo5 zing2 tin1 bun1 cung5 mat6, soeng1 liu5 bui3 zek3 I hurt my back by lifting heavy things all day. |
10 | 胸 | hung1 | chest | (ws) 我胸口痛。 ngo5 hung1 hau2 tung3 I have chest pain. |
9. Nouns for Time

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 星期 | sing1 kei4 | week | (s) 一個星期有七日。 jat1 go3 sing1 kei4 jau5 cat1 jat6 There are seven days in a week. |
2 | 年 | nin4 | year | (ws) 一個年度 jat1 go3 nin4 dou6 one calendar year |
3 | 今天 | gam1 tin1 | today | (w) 今天是九月十日星期六。 gam1 tin1 si6 gau2 jyut6 sap6 jat6 sing1 kei4 luk6 Today is Saturday, September 10th. |
4 | 明天 | ming4 tin1 | tomorrow | (w) 明天見! ming4 tin1 gin3 See you tomorrow! |
5 | 昨天 | zok3 tin1 | yesterday | (w) 我昨天請假。 ngo5 zok3 tin1 ceng2 gaa3 I took a day off yesterday. |
6 | 日曆 | jat6 lik6 | calendar | (s) 我搵唔到日曆。 ngo5 wan2 m4 dou2 jat6 lik6 I can’t find the calendar. |
7 | 秒 | miu5 | second | (w) 秒錶到數只剩下五十八秒。 miu5 biu1 dou3 sou2 zi2 sing6 haa6 ng5 sap6 baat3 miu5 There are fifty-eight seconds left on the stopwatch. |
8 | 小時 | siu2 si4 | hour | (w) 一小時有六十分鐘。 jat1 siu2 si4 jau5 luk6 sap6 fan1 zung1 There are sixty minutes in an hour. |
9 | 分鐘 | fan1 zung1 | minute | (ws) 三分鐘 saam1 fan1 zung1 three minutes |
10 | 點 | dim2 | o’clock | (s) 依家幾點? yi1 gaa1 gei2 dim2 What time is it now? |
10. Nouns for Hobbies

# | Chinese Characters | Romanization | Meaning | Example |
1 | 書法 | syu1 faat3 | calligraphy | (s) 我鍾意寫書法。 ngo5 zung1 ji3 se2 syu1 faat3 I like writing calligraphy. |
2 | 結他 | git3 taa1 | guitar | (w) 你的____彈得很好。 nei5 dik1 _____ taan4 dak1 han2 hou2 You play the _____ very well. *Note: #2-#3 are similar and share the same grammatical features. The above example phrase applies to all #2-#3 – you can simply fill in the blanks. |
3 | 鋼琴 | gong3 kam4 | piano | |
4 | 喇叭 | laa3 baa1 | trumpet | (s) 我鍾意_____。 ngo5 zung1 ji3 _____ I like ______. *Note: #4-#7 are similar and share the same grammatical features. The above example phrase applies to all #4-#7 – you can simply fill in the blanks. |
5 | 小提琴 | siu2 tai4 kam4 | violin | |
6 | 音樂 | jam1 ngok6 | music | |
7 | 搖滾音樂 | jiu4 gwan2 jam1 ngok6 | rock music | |
8 | 相片 | soeng3 pin2 | photo | (w) 這是我家人的相片。 ze5 si6 ngo5 gaa1 jan4 dik1 soeng3 pin2 This is a photo of my family. |
9 | 棋 | kei2 | chess | (s) 我鍾意捉棋。 ngo5 zung1 ji3 zuk1 kei2 I like playing chess. |
10 | 書 | syu1 | book | (s) 我鍾意睇書。 ngo5 zung1 ji3 tai2 syu1 I like reading (books). |
11. How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese

We hope you’ve learned some useful nouns in Cantonese by now, and can describe your hobbies or home appliances with friends at ease!
Let us know in the comments any new words you learned, or Cantonese nouns you still want to know! We look forward to hearing from you!
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