100 Cantonese Adjectives Just for You!


Adjectives are a very important part of our everyday language. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to describe how pretty the girl sitting next to you is or how spectacular the scenery is.

Cheung Chau, Hong Kong

The more Cantonese adjectives you know, the easier for you to master the Cantonese language. Can’t wait to learn more about Cantonese adjectives? Keep reading and let CantoneseClass101 give you a hand!

Note that we will provide both written and spoken example sentences throughout the article for you. This will help you learn Cantonese adjectives in both forms. We’ve used symbols to help you identify which ones are written (w), spoken (s), or applicable to both (ws).

Now, let’s have some fun with Cantonese adjectives!

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Table of Contents

  1. How to Use an Adjective
  2. Adjectives for Dimensions, Sizes, Distance, Number, Frequency, etc.
  3. Adjectives Describing Value, Conditions, etc.
  4. Adjectives Describing Personalities and Feelings
  5. Adjectives Describing Colors, Weather, Taste, Appearance, etc.
  6. Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese

1. How to Use an Adjective


There are three typical ways to use an Cantonese language adjectives in a sentence or phrase.

1- Adjective + 嘅 + Noun

We usually add 嘅 (ge3) between an adjective and a noun. For example, a “huge portion” in Cantonese is 大嘅份量 (daai6 ge3 fan6 loeng6), where 大 means “huge” and 份量 means “portion.”

Other examples include:

  • (s) 開心嘅爸爸 (hoi1 sam1 ge3 baa4 baa1)
    Meaning: “a happy dad”
  • (s) 高嘅小朋友 (gou1 ge3 siu2 pang4 jau5)
    Meaning: “a tall kid”

2- Adjective + Noun

In some instances, we can use an adjective and noun together without adding 嘅 (ge3). This implies we should treat the adjective and the noun as a unit.


  • (ws) 大國 (daai6 gwok3)
    Meaning: “a great country”
  • (ws) 窮人 (kung4 jan4)
    Meaning: “poor people” / “the poor”
  • (ws) 高山 (gou1 saan1)
    Meaning: “tall mountain”

3- Noun + Be Verb + Adjective + 嘅

We can also put the noun at the front when we use an adjective in Cantonese. Look at the examples below:

  • Chinese Character: (s) 屋係白色嘅
    Romanization: uk1zi2 hai6 baak6 sik1 ge3
    Meaning: The house is white.
    Breakdown: 屋 is “house”; 係 is “is”; 白色 is “white”
  • Chinese Character: (s) 新書係貴嘅
    Romanization: san1 syu1 hai6 gwai3 ge3
    Meaning: The new book is expensive.
    Breakdown: 新 is “new”; 書 is “book”; 係 is “is”; 貴 is “expensive”

2. Adjectives for Dimensions, Sizes, Distance, Number, Frequency, etc.

Most Common Adjectives

# Chinese Characters Romanization Meaning Example
1 gou1 Tall (ws) 高山 (gou1 saan1)
Meaning: tall mountain
2 dyun2 Short (ws) 短褲 (dyun2 fu3)
Meaning: short pants
3 daai6 Big / Huge (ws) 大事 (daai6 si6)
Meaning: a huge incident
4 fut3 Wide (ws) 闊腳褲 (fut3 goek3 fu3)
Meaning: wide leg pants
5 coeng4 Long (ws) 長褲 (coeng4 fu3)
Meaning: trousers
6 hau5 Thick (ws) 厚多士 (hau5 do1 si2)
Meaning: thick toast
7 sai3 Small / Little (s) 細佬 (sai3 lou2)
Meaning: little brother
8 sau3 Thin (s) 佢好瘦 (keoi5 hou2 sau3)
Meaning: He/she is thin.
9 sam1 Deep (ws) 深山 (sam1 saan1)
Meaning: deep in the mountains
10 zaak3 Narrow (ws) 窄腳褲 (zaak3 goek3 fu3)
Meaning: narrow pants
11 jyun4 Circular / Round (s) 月亮係圓嘅 (jyut6 loeng6 hai6 jyun4 ge3)
Meaning: The moon is round.
12 zik6 Straight (ws) 直線 (zik6 sin3)
Meaning: straight line
13 siu2 Little / Few (w) 數量很少 (sou3 loeng6 han2 siu2)
Meaning: The amount is few.
14 do1 Many / Large (ws) 多數 (do1 sou3)
Meaning: large amount
15 全部 cyun4 bou6 All (ws) 全部人 (cyun4 bou6 jan4)
Meaning: all people
16 一些 jat1 se1 Some (w) 一些人 (jat1 se1 jan4)
Meaning: some people

3. Adjectives Describing Value, Conditions, etc.

Mexican Money

# Chinese Characters Romanization Meaning Example
1 co3 Wrong (s) 錯嘅時間 (co3 ge3 si4 gaan3)
Meaning: wrong time
2 正確 zing3 kok3 Right / Correct (ws) 正確地址 (zing3 kok3 dei6 zi2)
Meaning: correct address
3 hou2 Good (ws) 好人 (hou2 jan4)
Meaning: a good person
4 caa1 Bad / Poor (ws) 成績差 (sing4 zik1 caa1)
Meaning: poor grade
5 naan4 Difficult (s) 法文好難 (faat3 man2 hou2 naan4)
Meaning: French is difficult.
6 ji6 Easy (s) 跟我學廣東話好易 (gan1 ngo5 hok6 gwong2 dung1 waa2 hou2 ji6)
Meaning: Learning Cantonese with me is very easy.
7 san1 New (ws) 新年快樂 (san1 nin4 faai3 lok6)
Meaning: Happy new year.
8 gau6 Old (s) 我間屋好舊 (ngo5 gaan1 uk1 hou2 gau6)
Meaning: My house is really old.
9 peng4 Cheap (s) 好平呀 (hou2 peng4 aa3)
Meaning: really cheap
10 gwai3 Expensive (s) 香港啲樓好貴 (hoeng1 gong2 di1 lau2 hou2 gwai3)
Meaning: Apartments in Hong Kong are very expensive.
11 年青 nin4 cing1 Young (ws) 年青人 (nin4 cing1 jan4)
Meaning: the youth
12 lou5 Old (ws) 老人 (lou5 jan4)
Meaning: the elderly
13 faai3 Fast (s) 我跑得好快 (ngo5 paau2 dak1 hou2 faai3)
Meaning: I run really fast.
14 maan6 Slow (s) 我鍾意慢活嘅概念 (ngo5 zung1 ji3 maan6 wut6 ge3 koi3 nim6)
Meaning: I like the concept of slow-living.
15 有用 jau5 jung6 Useful (s) 學外語好有用 (hok6 ngoi6 jyu5 hou2 jau5 jung6)
Meaning: Learning a new language is very useful.
16 冇用 mou5 jung6 Useless (s) 一定唔可以做個冇用嘅人 (jat1 ding6 m4 ho2 ji3 zou6 go3 mou5 jung6 ge3 jan4)
Meaning: We must not become a useless person.
17 waai6 Bad (ws) 壞習慣 (waai6 zaap6 gwaan3)
Meaning: bad habits
18 乾淨 gon1 zeng6 Clean (s) 乾淨嘅環境 (gon1 zeng6 ge3 waan4 ging2)
Meaning: clean environment
19 污糟 wu1 zou1 Dirty (s) 污糟嘅環境 (wu1 zou1 ge3 waan4 ging2)
Meaning: dirty environment
20 cou4 Noisy (s) 佢好嘈 (keoi5 hou2 cou4)
Meaning: He/she is very noisy.
21 zing6 Quiet (s) 佢好靜 (keoi5 hou2 zing6)
Meaning: He/she is very quiet.
22 joek6 Weak (s) 佢好弱 (keoi5 hou2 joek6)
Meaning: He/She is very weak.
23 強壯 koeng4 zong3 Strong (physically) (s) 強壯嘅BB (koeng4 zong3 ge3 BB)
Meaning: strong baby
24 hung1 Empty (s) 個樽係空嘅 (go3 zeon1 hai6 hung1 ge3)
Meaning: The bottle is empty.

4. Adjectives Describing Personalities and Feelings

From Joy to Sorrow

# Chinese Characters

Romanization Meaning Example
1 不安 bat1 on1 Anxious (w) 明天考試結果就出來了,我真的很不安 (ming4 tin1 haau2 si3 gik3 gwo2 zau6 ceot1 loi4 liu5 , ngo5 zan1 dik1 han2 bat1 on1)
Meaning: The exam results are coming out tomorrow, and I’m really anxious about it.
2 勤奮 kan4 fan5 Diligent (w) 勤奮的小孩 (kan4 fan5 dik1 siu2 haai4)
Meaning: a diligent kid
3 幽默 jau1 mak6 Humorous (w) 幽默的故事 (jau1 mak6 dik1 gu3 si6)
Meaning: humorous story
4 禮貌 lai5 maau6 Polite (w) 第一次見面時,與對方握手是禮貌的動作 (dai6 jat1 ci3 gin3 min6 si4, jyu5 deoi3 fong1 ak1 sau2 si6 lai5 maau6 dik1 dung6 zok3)
Meaning: It is polite to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.
5 活躍 wut6 joek3 Active (w) 活躍的孩子 (wut6 joek3 dik1 haai4 zi2)
Meaning: active child
6 誠實 sing4 sat6 Honest (w) 他是個誠實的人 (taa1 si6 go3 sing4 sat6 dik1 jan4)
Meaning: He is an honest person.
7 有趣 jau5 ceoi3 Funny (w) 他不穿褲子跳舞,真有趣 (taa1 bat1 cyun1 fu3 zi2 tiu3 mou5, zan1 jau5 ceoi3)
Meaning: The funny man is dancing without pants.
8 冷靜 laang5 zing6 Calm (w) 那個女人很冷靜 (naa5 go3 neoi5 jan2 han2 laang5 zing6)
Meaning: The woman is calm.
9 mun6 Boring (w) 他很悶 (taa1 han2 mun6)
Meaning: He is boring.
10 正經 zing3 ging1 Serious (ws) 正經的人 (zing3 ging1 dik1 jan4)
Meaning: a serious person
11 害羞 hoi6 sau1 Shy (w) 害羞的小孩 (hoi6 sau1 dik1 siu2 haai4)
Meaning: a shy child
12 善良 sin6 loeng4 Kind (w) 善良的人 (sin6 loeng4 dik1 jan4)
Meaning: a kind person
13 有活力 jau5 wut6 lik6 Energetic (w) 有活力的講者 (jau5 wut6 lik6 dik1 gong2 ze2)
Meaning: an energetic speaker
14 jing4 Cool (s) 我收藏型嘅T恤 (ngo5 sau1 cong4 jing4 ge3 T seot1)
Meaning: I collect cool T-shirts.
15 親切 can1 cit3 Friendly (w) 親切的叔叔 (can1 cit3 dik1 suk1 suk1)
Meaning: a friendly uncle
16 聰明 cung1 ming4 Smart (w) 聰明的孩子 (cung1 ming4 dik1 haai4 zi2)
Meaning: a smart child
17 浪漫 long6 maan6 Romantic (w) 他很浪漫 (taa1 han2 long6 maan6)
Meaning: He is romantic.
18 勇敢 jung5 gam2 Brave (w) 我是一個勇敢的人 (ngo5 si6 jat1 go3 jung5 gam2 dik1 jan4)
Meaning: I am brave.
19 內向 noi6 hoeng3 Introverted (w) 她很內向,不擅與人交際 (taa1 han2 noi6 hoeng3, bat1 sin6 jyu5 jan4 gaau1 zai3)
Meaning: She is introverted and does not know how to socialize.
20 可靠 ho2 kaau3 Reliable (w) 爸爸很可靠 (baa4 baa1 han2 ho2 kaau3)
Meaning: Dad is very reliable.
21 外向 ngoi6 hoeng3 Extroverted (w) 媽媽很外向 (maa4 maa1 han2 ngoi6 hoeng3)
Meaning: Mom is very extroverted.
22 有想像力 jau5 soeng2 zoeng6 lik6 Imaginative (w) 弟弟有想像力 (dai4 dai2 jau5 soeng2 zoeng6 lik6)
Meaning: (My) little brother is imaginative.
23 有耐性 jau5 noi6 sing3 Patient (w) 姐姐有耐性 (ze4 ze1 jau5 noi6 sing3)
Meaning: (My) elder sister is patient.
24 有同情心 jau5 tung4 cing4 sam1 Compassionate (w) 妹妹有同情心 (mui4 mui2 jau5 tung4 cing4 sam1)
Meaning: (My) little sister is compassionate.
25 驕傲 giu1 ou6 Proud (w) 哥哥很驕傲 (go4 go1 han2 giu1 ou6)
Meaning: (My) elder brother is very proud.
26 gui6 Tired (s) 我錄咗成段片,好攰呀 (ngo5 luk6 zo2 seng4 dyun6 pin2, hou2 gui6 aa3)
Meaning: I’m tired after recording this video.
27 肚餓 tou5 ngo6 Hungry (s) 好肚餓呀 (hou2 tou5 ngo6 aa3)
Meaning: I’m so hungry.
28 baau2 Full (s) 好飽呀 (hou2 baau2 aa3)
Meaning: I’m so full.
29 開心 hoi1 sam1 Happy (s) 我好開心呀 (ngo5 hou2 hoi1 sam1 aa3)
Meaning: I’m so happy.
30 傷心 soeng1 sam1 Sad (s) 我好傷心呀 (ngo5 hou2 soeng1 sam1 aa3)
Meaning: I’m so sad.

5. Adjectives Describing Colors, Weather, Taste, Appearance, etc.

Colourful Rings

# Chinese Characters Romanization Meaning Example
1 黑色 hak1 sik1 Black (w) 黑色的手機 (hak1 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: black cellphone
2 藍色 laam4 sik1 Blue (w) 藍色的手機 (laam4 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: blue cellphone
3 灰色 fui1 sik1 Gray (w) 灰色的手機 (fui1 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: gray cellphone
4 綠色 luk6 sik1 Green (w) 綠色的手機 (luk6 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: green cellphone
5 橙色 caang2 sik1 Orange (w) 橙色的手機 (caang2 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: orange cellphone
6 紫色 zi2 sik1 Purple (w) 紫色的手機 (zi2 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: purple cellphone
7 紅色 hung4 sik1 Red (w) 紅色的手機 (hung4 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: red cellphone
8 青色 ceng1 sik1 Cyan-blue (w) 青色的手機 (ceng1 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: cyan-blue cellphone
9 米色 mai5 sik1 Beige (w) 米色的手機 (mai5 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: beige cellphone
10 粉紅色 fan2 hung4 sik1 Pink (w) 粉紅色的手機 (fan2 hung4 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: pink cellphone
11 白色 baak6 sik1 White (w) 白色的手機 (baak6 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: white cellphone
12 黃色 wong4 sik1 Yellow (w) 黃色的手機 (wong4 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: yellow cellphone
13 啡色 fei1 sik1 Brown (w) 啡色的手機 (fei1 sik1 dik1 sau2 gei1)
Meaning: brown cellphone
14 laang5 Cold (w) 今天很 (gam1 tin1 han2 laang5)
Meaning: It’s cold today.
15 jit6 Hot (w) 今天很 (gam1 tin1 han2 jit6)
Meaning: It’s hot today.
16 溫暖 wan1 nyun5 Warm (w) 今天很溫暖 (gam1 tin1 han2 wan1 nyun5)
Meaning: It’s warm today.
17 潮濕 ciu4 sap1 Humid (w) 今天很潮濕 (gam1 tin1 han2 ciu4 sap1)
Meaning: It’s humid today.
18 saai3 Sunny (w) 今天很 (gam1 tin1 han2 saai3)
Meaning: It’s sunny today.
19 有風 jau5 fung1 Windy (w) 今天有風 (gam1 tin1 jau5 fung1)
Meaning: It’s windy today.
20 天晴 tin1 ceng4 Sunny (w) 今天天晴 (gam1 tin1 tin1 ceng4)
Meaning: It’s sunny today.
21 密雲 mat6 wan4 Cloudy (w) 今天密雲 (gam1 tin1 mat6 wan4)
Meaning: It’s cloudy today.
22 fu2 Bitter (w) 這道菜很 (ze2 dou6 coi3 han2 fu2)
Meaning: This dish is bitter.
23 新鮮 san1 sin1 Fresh (w) 這道菜很新鮮 (ze2 dou6 coi3 han2 san1 sin1)
Meaning: This dish is fresh.
24 haam4 Salty (w) 這道菜很 (ze2 dou6 coi3 han2 haam4)
Meaning: This dish is salty.
25 syun1 Sour (w) 這道菜很 (ze2 dou6 coi3 han2 syun1)
Meaning: This dish is sour.
26 laat6 Spicy (w) 這道菜很 (ze2 dou6 coi3 han2 laat6)
Meaning: This dish is spicy.
27 tim4 Sweet (w) 這道菜很 (ze2 dou6 coi3 han2 tim4)
Meaning: This dish is sweet.
28 得意 dak1 ji3 Cute (s) 好得意呀 (hou2 dak1 ji3 aa3)
Meaning: It’s so cute.
29 核突 wat6 dat6 Ugly (s) 佢好核突 (keoi5 hou2 wat6 dat6)
Meaning: He is so ugly.
30 leng3 Beautiful (s) 林嘉欣好 (lam4 gaa1 jan1 hou2 leng3)
Meaning: Karena Lam is very beautiful.

6. Conclusion: How CantoneseClass101.com Can Help You Learn More Cantonese

Improve Pronunciation

Did you learn any new Cantonese adjectives? Is there anything you’re still fuzzy on? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll do our best to help! To practice, why not write us a paragraph about yourself in the comments using some of these adjectives? We look forward to hearing what you have to say. 🙂

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