Cantonese Word of the Day – cake (noun)

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蛋糕 (daan6 gou1) cake (noun)

ngo5 mun4 mui5 go3 sing1 kei4 jat6 maan5 zoi6 ngo5 gaa1 hek3 daan6 gou1 zok3 tim4 ban2
We eat cake at my house every Sunday night for dessert.

caap3 soeng5 laap6 zuk1 dik1 saang1 jat6 daan6 gou1
birthday cake with candles

saang1 jat6 daan6 gou1
birthday cake

jat1 gin6 zyu1 gu1 lik1 daan6 gou1
piece of chocolate cake

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