Gabriella: Hi everyone, I’m Gabriella. |
Olivia: And I’m Olivia! |
Gabriella: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Cantonese Vocabulary, Lesson 4! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to Food and Drink. These are five popular Cantonese home cooked meals. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at |
Gabriella: Olivia, what’s our first word? |
Olivia: 蕃茄炒蛋 |
Gabriella: scrambled egg with tomato |
Olivia: (slow) 蕃茄炒蛋 (regular) 蕃茄炒蛋 |
Gabriella: Listeners, please repeat: |
Olivia: 蕃茄炒蛋 |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Gabriella: Scrambled eggs with tomato are very easy and fast to prepare, so the dish is popular among students. |
Gabriella: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Olivia: (normal) 我唔識煮飯,淨係識整蕃茄炒蛋。 |
Gabriella: I don't know how to cook; the only thing I can make is scrambled egg with tomato. |
Olivia: (slow) 我唔識煮飯,淨係識整蕃茄炒蛋。 |
Gabriella: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Olivia: 蒸水蛋 |
Gabriella: Chinese steamed eggs |
Olivia: (slow) 蒸水蛋 (regular) 蒸水蛋 |
Gabriella: Listeners, please repeat: |
Olivia: 蒸水蛋 |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Gabriella: In this common Chinese home-style dish, eggs are beaten to a consistency similar to that used for an omelette, and then steamed with water or broth. |
Gabriella: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Olivia: (normal) 蒸水蛋嘅材料好簡單,而且好易整。 |
Gabriella: The ingredients for Chinese steamed eggs are very simple, and it's very easy to make. |
Olivia: (slow) 蒸水蛋嘅材料好簡單,而且好易整。 |
Gabriella: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Olivia: 梅菜蒸肉餅 |
Gabriella: steamed patty with preserved vegetables |
Olivia: (slow) 梅菜蒸肉餅 (regular) 梅菜蒸肉餅 |
Gabriella: Listeners, please repeat: |
Olivia: 梅菜蒸肉餅 |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Gabriella: A common dish in China, this is a mixture of ground pork and preserved vegetables that is steamed before serving. |
Gabriella: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Olivia: (normal) 我公公最鍾意食梅菜蒸肉餅。 |
Gabriella: My grandfather loves eating a steamed patty with preserved vegetables. |
Olivia: (slow) 我公公最鍾意食梅菜蒸肉餅。 |
Gabriella: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Olivia: 薑蔥蒸魚 |
Gabriella: steamed fish with ginger and scallion |
Olivia: (slow) 薑蔥蒸魚 (regular) 薑蔥蒸魚 |
Gabriella: Listeners, please repeat: |
Olivia: 薑蔥蒸魚 |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Gabriella: A perfectly steamed fish has flesh that is just cooked at the bone. Typically, a whole fish is not served with the liquid in which it was steamed, which is too fishy-tasting, but soy sauce is added at the end. |
Gabriella: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Olivia: (normal) 我唔食薑,但係就食薑蔥蒸魚。 |
Gabriella: I don't eat ginger, but I do eat steamed fish with ginger and scallion. |
Olivia: (slow) 我唔食薑,但係就食薑蔥蒸魚。 |
Gabriella: Okay, what’s the last word? |
Olivia: 蒜蓉芥蘭 |
Gabriella: stir-fried Chinese broccoli with minced garlic |
Olivia: (slow) 蒜蓉芥蘭 (regular) 蒜蓉芥蘭 |
Gabriella: Listeners, please repeat: |
Olivia: 蒜蓉芥蘭 |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Gabriella: Common preparations of Chinese broccoli include stir frying it with ginger and garlic or boiling or steaming it and then serving it with oyster sauce. |
Gabriella: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Olivia: (normal) 今日啲芥蘭幾新鮮,不如加個蒜蓉芥蘭? |
Gabriella: The Chinese broccoli is quite fresh today; how about adding an order of stir-fried Chinese broccoli with minced garlic? |
Olivia: (slow) 今日啲芥蘭幾新鮮,不如加個蒜蓉芥蘭? |
Gabriella: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Olivia will give you the Cantonese – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready? |
Olivia: 蕃茄炒蛋 |
[pause]Gabriella: scrambled egg with tomato |
Olivia: 蒸水蛋 |
[pause]Gabriella: Chinese steamed eggs |
Olivia: 梅菜蒸肉餅 |
[pause]Gabriella: steamed patty with preserved vegetables |
Olivia: 薑蔥蒸魚 |
[pause]Gabriella: steamed fish with ginger and scallion |
Olivia: 蒜蓉芥蘭 |
[pause]Gabriella: stir-fried Chinese broccoli with minced garlic |
Gabriella: There you have it – five Popular home cooked meals in Hong Kong! We have more vocab lists available at, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time! |
Olivia: 拜拜! |