Hi Steve Bright,
Thank you for pointing out the issues!
Q1. 2nd para : “但喺我高估左自己嘅忍耐力 …” - should the 2nd and 6th characters be “係” and “咗” instead?
A1. You're right!! It should be 但係我高估咗..., we've edited it now. :sweat_smile:
Q2. 2nd para: “都唔駛一千蚊一個月” - should it be 使 instead of 駛?
A2. There are variants used in HK (唔使, 唔駛, 唔洗), but some say that the correct one should be 唔使, so let's stick to it:wink:
Q3. 3rd para: “我將屋租標準定喺兩千五以下,位置定喺公司附近地鐵兩站之內.” - The character 喺 appears twice in this sentence. But the audio seems to pronounce it as 係. Please clarify.
A3. Both 喺 in this sentence are correct, we listened to the audio it was pronounced 喺 as well. It's also grammatically correct o use 喺 in these contexts.
Q4. Last para: “就係以呢種接近瘋狂 …” - the audio did not seem to utter the word 以. Please clarify.
A4. Good catch! In this case, it'd be grammatically correct to use 喺 instead of 係. We've updated it to 就喺呢種接近瘋狂…
Keep up the good work!!:thumbsup:
Team CantoneseClass101.com
Hide租屋2 一開始,我搵屋 嘅標準就係一個字 - 平!只要平,點都得,慳落嚟嘅錢可以食九大簋,又可以買靚衫!但喺我高估左自己嘅忍耐力,當我親眼見到八百蚊一個月嘅平房,唔到十坪, 冇洗手間,冇沖涼房,冇廚房,最慘就係,十幾個人共用一個廁所之後,我就默默離開了。我同自己講,你一定可以搵到好樓嘅。終於有一間喺我公司附近嘅大房, 二十坪,有裝修,包傢私,都唔駛一千蚊一個月,我興奮都想即刻簽約,但係有個好心人嗌我唔好租,我返去上網一查,原來呢間屋鬧鬼。 後來我發現,平到幾百蚊嘅樓只有三類,一係就冇雷公咁遠,每日搭地鐵出市區就要個半鐘;一係就溶溶爛爛,爛過爛尾樓;仲有一類就係鬼屋。於是從嗰時開始,我嘅搵屋標準就改咗個字 - 近。我將屋租標準定喺兩千五以下,位置定喺公司附近地鐵兩站之內。於是我前前後後又睇咗幾間,都唔鍾意。難得睇中咗一間,結果俾人快我一個鐘頭訂走咗。我恨到咬晒牙。 吸取教訓之後我通宵上網搵屋,半夜發短信同人哋約時間,第二日一早去睇樓。就係以呢種接近瘋狂嘅精神我終於搵到咗一間三十坪嘅大房,喺正地鐵口,前有食街,後有酒吧街,兩千四蚊一個月,超豪華裝修,雙人大床液晶大電視,而且唔單止有陽臺,仲有吧臺添!今次我一秒鐘都冇猶豫,即刻落訂,過兩個禮拜就可以搬屋啦!
Hello robert groulx,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
Team CantoneseClass101.com
thanks for the lesson
my favorite phrase is 你一定可以搵到好樓嘅。終於有一間喺我公司附近嘅大房, 二十坪
Hi Bahadir Akcan,
Thanks for your question. 😉
Yes, your understanding is correct. 親眼見到(can1 ngaan5 gin3 dou2) = 親眼看到 (can1 ngaan5 hon3 dou3) = see with one's own eyes
But 親眼看到 (can1 ngaan5 hon3 dou3) is only used in written language, while 親眼見到(can1 ngaan5 gin3 dou2) is used in spoken Cantonese. 😉
Team CantoneseClass101.com
Hello Cantoneseclass 101,
It was great lesson. That was exactly what I need to learn😄
I have a question; 親眼見到(can1 ngaan5 gin3 dou2), does that mean "see with my own eyes" and does that have same meaning with 親眼看到. If yes, which one is more casual?
Thank you
Hi Steve Bright,
Thank you for pointing out the issues!
Q1. 2nd para : “但喺我高估左自己嘅忍耐力 …” - should the 2nd and 6th characters be “係” and “咗” instead?
A1. You're right!! It should be 但係我高估咗..., we've edited it now. :sweat_smile:
Q2. 2nd para: “都唔駛一千蚊一個月” - should it be 使 instead of 駛?
A2. There are variants used in HK (唔使, 唔駛, 唔洗), but some say that the correct one should be 唔使, so let's stick to it:wink:
Q3. 3rd para: “我將屋租標準定喺兩千五以下,位置定喺公司附近地鐵兩站之內.” - The character 喺 appears twice in this sentence. But the audio seems to pronounce it as 係. Please clarify.
A3. Both 喺 in this sentence are correct, we listened to the audio it was pronounced 喺 as well. It's also grammatically correct o use 喺 in these contexts.
Q4. Last para: “就係以呢種接近瘋狂 …” - the audio did not seem to utter the word 以. Please clarify.
A4. Good catch! In this case, it'd be grammatically correct to use 喺 instead of 係. We've updated it to 就喺呢種接近瘋狂…
Keep up the good work!!:thumbsup:
Team CantoneseClass101.com
Hi cantoneseclass101,
Need some further clarification as follows:
1. 2nd para : "但喺我高估左自己嘅忍耐力 ..." - should the 2nd and 6th characters be "係" and "咗" instead?
2. 2nd para: "都唔駛一千蚊一個月" - should it be 使 instead of 駛?
3. 3rd para: "我將屋租標準定喺兩千五以下,位置定喺公司附近地鐵兩站之內." - The character 喺 appears twice in this sentence. But the audio seems to pronounce it as 係. Please clarify.
4. Last para: "就係以呢種接近瘋狂 ..." - the audio did not seem to utter the word 以. Please clarify.
Steve Bright
Hi Steve Bright,
Thank you so much for your comments! Both typos you pointed out have been fixed now :sweat_smile:
Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
Team CantoneseClass101.com
Referring to the fourth sentence in the third paragraph therein, shouldn't it read as "... 睇咗…” (instead of "... 睇左…”?
Hi Cantoneseclass101,
Great lesson; I thorougly enjoyed it.
I also want to ask - is there a typo error in the second sentence of the third paragraph? Should it read as "... 就改咗個字…” (instead of "... 就改做個字 ....?”
Hi Michael,
You're welcome!! We are here to assist in your Cantonese learning! :smile:
Feel free to ask if you have any other questions!
Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:加油!
Team CantoneseClass101.com
Thanks Olivia for the fast reply!
It makes learning so much easier in case I forget how to pronounce of the characters, easy for quick referral :smile:
Hi Michael,
Thank you very much for pointing out the issue! We have updated the jyutping and English parts in Line-by-line audio. It should work now.
We will continue working on the other lessons.
Team CantoneseClass101.com
it would be nice if the jyutping was separated for each audio clip under lesson materials, instead of being clumped together as a paragraph. so when I play each audio, I can refer to jyutping instantly.
Hi William,
I'm really glad to hear it. If you have any other problems with the site, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Thanks again,
Hi Peyton, Thank you for the prompt response, everything is working fine now, regards William
Hi William,
We're working on fixing the problem as I write. Thanks for pointing it out.
The line by line audio is not working as at 14 July. Can you have a look at it and put it right?. The text is interesting and relevant to life in HK, and the voice actors are excellent. But I need the line by line transcript to study the text in detail .